صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

16.-April 29, 1872 Captain Alfred Horsfall, S.S. "Canopus."

17.-Oct. 18, 1875 Captain John Slack.

18. Feb. 19, 1877 Nevins, Arthur B.

19.-Dec. 2, 1878 Captain C. A. Sibthorpe, S.S. "European." 20.-Dec. 2, 1878 Captain A. T. Cooper, P. S. N. Co.'s




Academy, Royal Irish, Dublin. Transactions (4to.), vol. xxi., and parts 1-7, 1876-78. Proceedings, 1877-78.

Æneidea: or Critical, Exegetical, and Esthetical Remarks on the Æneis, by James Henry, M.D., vol. i. and part 1 of vol. ii. Dublin, 1877. Presented by the Author's Executors.

Agriculture, The Massachusetts Board of, Boston. Annual Report, 1877-78.

Anthropological Institute, London. Journal, vol. vii., part 1-4, 1878.

Antiquaries, Society of, London. Proceedings, vol. vii., part 4, 1878. Archæology and Ethnology, Peabody Museum of American, Cambridge, Mass. Report, no. 2, 1878.

Architects, Royal Institution of British, London. Sessional Papers, 10-18, 1878; 1-8, 1878–79.

Arts and Sciences, Academy of, Connecticut, New Haven. Transactions, vol. iv., part 2, 1878.

Arts, Royal Scottish Society of, Edinburgh. Transactions, vol. ix., part 5, 1877, vol. x., part 1, 1878.

Arts, Society of, London. Journal, vol. xxvi., 1878.

Asiatic Society, Royal, of London. Journal, vol. ix., part 3, 1878. Asiatic Society, Royal, of Bombay. Journal, no. 35, 1878.

Astronomical Results, Cape, 1875, Royal Observatory, Greenwich. Astronomical Society, The Royal, London. Monthly Notices, vol. xxxviii., parts 5-9, 1878, vol. xxxix., 1879.


Barometer, The Daily Inequality of the, by W. Rundell, F.M.S.,

Liverpool, 1879.

Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh. Report, 1878.
Botanical Society, Edinburgh. Proceedings, vol. xiii., part 2, 1878.
Botany, Journal Linnæan Society, nos. 99, 100, 1879.

British Association for the Advancement of Science, London.

Report, Plymouth Meeting, 1877. Presented by Dr. Drysdale.


Canadian Institute, Toronto. Journal, vol. viii., 1879.
Chemical Society, London. Journal, May-October, 1878.
Chemists' Association, Liverpool. Report, 1877-78.
Chiroptera, Catalogue of, in British Museum, 1878.

Colorado, Atlas of, presented by Dr. F. V. Hayden, U.S. Geological

and Geographical Survey, Washington.

Copenhagen. Det Kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab. Tillæg

til Aarboger for Nordisk, Oldkyndighed og Historie. Aargang, 1876.

Cornwall, Royal Institution of, Truro. Journal and Report, 1878. Cornwall, Royal Polytechnic Society, Falmouth. Report 1877. Cartas de Indias (4to.), Madrid, 1877. Presented by the Count of Torenos.


Dredging Operations of the U.S.S. Blake, 1878, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge (Mass).


Education, Council of, Sydney, New South Wales. Report, 1876. Engineers, Institute of Civil, London. Proceedings, vols. liv., lv.,


Engineers, Institution of Civil, London. Proceedings, vols. liii., liv.,


Engineers, Report of the Chief of, Department of War, Washing. ton, 2 vols., 1877.

Essex Institute, Salem, Mass. Bulletin, vol. ix., parts 1-9, 1877.


Flora, On the Tertiary (4to.), Leo Lesquereux, United States Geological and Geographical Survey, Washington, 1877.

Forestry, Report on, by Franklin B. Hough, Department of War,

Washington, 1877.

Fossil Plants of the Auriferous Gravel Deposit of the Sierra Nevada, Report on the, by Leo Lesquereux, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass., 1878.

Franklin Institute, Philadelphia. Journal, vol. lxxv., parts 5, 6, and vol. lxxvi., 1878.


Geographical Society, American, New York. Bulletin, 1878 and 1878-79.

Geographical Society, The Royal, London. Proceedings, vol. xxi.,
parts 3-6, 1878. Journal, vol. xlvii., 1877.
Geographischen Gesellschaft, Der, Vienna. Mittherlungen, 1875–76.
Geological Society, Royal, of Ireland, Dublin. Journal, vol. v.,

part 1, 1879.

Geological Society, London. Journal, vol. xxxiv., parts 2, 3, 4, 1878.

Geological Society, Liverpool. Proceedings, vol. iii., part 3, 1878. Geological and Polytechnic Society of the West Riding of York

shire, Leeds. Proceedings, vol. ii., N.S., part 1, 1878. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, United

States, Washington.

Geologists' Association, London. Report, 1878. Proceedings, vol. v., parts 5-8, 1878.


Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Catalogues and Reports, 1878.

Health, Massachusetts Board of, Boston. Annual Report, 1878. Heat over the Earth's Surface, A New Theory of the Distribution of, by A. J. Cooper, Liverpool, 1878. Presented by the Author.

Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, Liverpool. Transactions, 3rd series, vol. vi., 1877-78.

Hydroida, Report on the, by G. J. Allman, F.R.S., etc., Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass., 1877.


Indian, East, Association, London. Journal, vol. xi., parts 2, 3,



Jamaica, as a Home and as a Field for the Settler, by Robert and Logan Russell, London, 1879.


Kaieteur Falls (British Guiana), A Visit to the, by Lieut.-Col. Webber. London, 1873. Presented by S. Booker, Esq.


Lettere e Scienze Morali e Politiche, Classe di Reale Instituto Lombardo, Milan. Memoires (4to.), vol. xiii., fasc. 8, 1877. Library and Museum, Free Public, Liverpool. Report, 1877-78. Linnæan Society. Journal. Botany, nos. 96-100, 1879. Zoology, nos. 74-78, 1878.

Literary and Scientific Society, Birkenhead. Report, 1877-78. Literary and Philosophical Society, Leicester. Transactions, 1877-78.

Literary and Philosophical Society, Hull. Proceedings, 1877-78. Literary Club, Manchester. Papers, vol. iv., 1878.

Lombardo, Reale Instituto, Milan.

Rendiconti, vols. ix., x.,



Map of Gettysburgh, 8 sheets, 1878. Engineers' Department,
War Office, Washington.

Maps, illustrating the Operations of the late War, 6 sheets, 1878.
Engineers' Department, War Office, Washington.
Medico-Chirurgical Society, The Royal, London. Transactions,
vol. lxi., 1878.

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