صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Metaphysics; or, The Science of Perception, by John Miller, New York, 1877. Presented by a Citizen of New York.

Meteorological Predictions, Royal Observatory, Greenwich, 1847-73. Meteorological Society of Scotland, Edinburgh. Journal, 1878. Meteorological Society, The British, London. Journal, nos.

26-29, 1879.

Meteorology of the Bombay Presidency, with Atlas, by Charles Chambers, F.R.S., 1 vol., 4to., 1877, from the India Office, London.

Microscopical Society, The Royal, London. Journal, N.S., vol. i., 1878; vol. ii., parts 1, 2, 1879.

Mollusks, On the Terrestrial Air-breathing, of the United States and Adjacent Territories, by W. G. Binney, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass., 2 vols., 1878.

Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge (Mass.) Annual Report, 1877-78. Bulletin "On the Ophiuridæ and Astrophytide of the Challenger Expedition," by Theo. Lyman, 1878. Ditto "On the Terrestrial Air-breathing Mollusks of the United States and Adjacent Territories," by W. G. Binney, 2 vols., 1878. Ditto "On the Dredging Operations."


Natural History and Philosophical Society, Belfast. Proceedings, 1877-78.

Natural History Society, Chester. Proceedings, 1878. Annual Report, 1877-78.

Natural History Society, Watford. Transactions, vol. ii., parts 1-8, 1878.

Natural History, Society of, Boston, U.S. Proceedings, vol. xix., parts 1, 2, 1878.

Natural Science, Academy of, Philadelphia. Proceedings, 1877. Natural Sciences, Academy of, Davenport, Iowa. Proceedings,

vol. ii., part 1, 1877.

Natural History Society of Northumberland and Durham, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Transactions, vol. vii., part 1, 1878. Naturalists' Society, Bristol. Proceedings, vol. ii., part 2, 1878.

Naturalists' Field Club, Liverpool. Report, 1877–78.
Naturalists' Club, The Berwickshire, Alnwick.

vol. viii., part 2, 1877.

"Nature." London. Vol. xviii., 1878.


New Zealand Institute, Wellington. Proceedings, vol. x., part 1,


Numismatic Society, Liverpool. Journal, 1878.

Observatory, Royal, of Greenwich. Observations (4to.), 1876.
Observatory, Naval, Washington. Observations, 1875.

Ophiuride and Astrophytide, On the, of the Challenger Expedition, by Theo. Lyman, 1878. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass.

Ordnance Department, Washington. Report for 1878.


Paleontologia Indica (4to.). Geological Survey of India, Calcutta, series ii., part 3, 1877; series iv., part 2, 1877. Records, nos. 3, 4, 1877. Presented by the Governor-General in Council.

Palæontology, Bibliography of America, by Dr. White and Prof. Aleyne Nicholson. United States Geological and Geographical Survey, Washington, 1878.

Philomathic Society, Liverpool. Report, 1877-78.
Philosophical Society, Glasgow. Proceedings, vol. xi., part 1, 1879.
Philosophical and Literary Society, Leeds. Transactions, 1877-78.
Philosophical Society, The American, Philadelphia. Proceedings,

nos. 100, 101, 1878.

Philosophical Society, York. Report, 1877.

Physical Society, Royal, Edinburgh. Proceedings, 1876–78. Physikalisch-Okonomischen Gesellschaft, Der Königlichen, Königsberg. Schriften, 1876–77.

Plants, Cretaceous and Tertiary, Illustrations of (4to.). United States Geological and Geographical Survey, Washington, 1878.

Plymouth Institute. Transactions, vol. vi., part 2, 1878.
Poems Translated from the Spanish and German Languages, by

W. Phillips, Jun., U.S. Commissioner, Philadelphia, 1878.
Presented by the Translator.

Polytechnique, L'Ecole, Paris. Journal, vol. xxviii., 1878.
Powys-Land Club, Liverpool.


Collections, vol. xii., part 1,

Protoplasmic Theory of Life, The, by J. J. Drysdale, M.D., etc., London, 1878. Presented by the Author.


Railways of New South Wales. Report of the Commissioners for

Sydney, 1878.

Royal Society, Edinburgh. Proceedings, 1877-78.

Royal Society, London. Proceedings, nos. 186–194, 1879.

Royal Society of New South Wales, Sydney. Journal, vol. xi., 1877.


Saggio Analytico sugli Effeti Tossici e Fisiologia e sulle epplicazione Terapeutichie delle Solanee Virose, Rome, 1877. Presented by Dr. Drysdale.

Science, Monthly Journal of, London, Jan.-April, 1879.
Science Gossip, London, May-October, 1878; Jan.-April, 1879.
Science, Quarterly Journal of, London, July and Oct., 1878.
Sciences Physiques et Naturelles, La Société des, Bordeaux.

Memoirs, 2nd série, tome ii., cahier 8, 1878; tome iii.,
cahier 1, 1879.

Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux Arts de Belgique, L'Academie Royale des, Brussels. Bulletin, nos. 41-45, 1876-78. Annuaire, 1877-78.

Scienze, Mathematiche e Naturali, Classe di, Reale Instituto Lombardo, Milan. Memoires (4to.), vol. xiii., fasc 1-8, 1877. Sedimentary Formations of New South Wales, Remarks on, by Rev. W. B. Clarke, M.A., F.R.S., Sydney, 1876.

Star Catalogue, The Nine Year, Royal Observatory, Greenwich (4to.), 1872.

Statistical Society, London. Journal, xli., parts 1-4, 1878; xlii., parts 1-2, 1879.

Surgeon-General, Report of the, nos. 1-4, 1870–75. Department of War, Washington.


Venezuela, Primer Anuario Estadistico de, by A. Ernst, Caracas, 1878. Presented by the Author.


Zoological Society, London. Proceedings, parts 1-4, 1878.

Zoological Society, Philadelphia. Report, 1877.

Zoology, Museum of Comparative, Cambridge (Mass.). Annual

Report, 1877-78.

Zoology. Journal, Linnæan Society, nos. 76-78, 1878.



(The Asterisk denotes those from which Donations have been received this Session.)

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

The Dun-Echt Observatory.

*The Berwickshire Naturalists' Field Club.

Der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen afdeeling Naturkunde.

*The Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club.

The Naturalists' Field Club.

*The Natural History and Philosophical Society.

The Free Public Library.

*The Literary and Scientific Society.

*The Royal Asiatic Society.

*La Société des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles.

*The American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

*The Natural History Society.

*The Massachusetts Board of Agriculture.

The Massachusetts Board of Education.

The Massachusetts Board of State Charities.

*The Massachusetts Board of Health.

The Free Public Library.

*The Naturalists' Society.

*L'Académie Royale des Sciences, des Letters,

et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique.


Buffalo (N.Y.)

The Society of Natural Sciences.

Burlington (Vt.)

The Orleans County Society of Natural Sciences.

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