Rev. H. H. HIGGINS, M.A. -- "Is Nature Cruel?" Mr. ALFRED MORGAN. -" A Description of a Dakotan Calendar, with a few Ethnographical and other Notes on the Dakotas, or Sioux Indians, and their Territory." Mr. J. LINTON PALMER, R.N., F.S.A., F.R.G.S.-" On Rev. T. P. KIRKMAN, M.A., F.R.S.- "The Solution of the Problem of the Autopolar P-edra, with full Con- Mr. F. P. MARRAT.---" On the Arrangement of the Shells Mr. A. E. NEVINS. -" On Modern Meteorology, considered Mr. J. BIRKBECK NEVINS, M.D.-" On the Translation of Διδάσκαλος, πειράω, πειράζω, and το πτερύγιον, in the Authorised Version of the New Testament."......... Mr. RICHMOND LEIGH, M.R.C.S.-On "Change of and Present.". ..... 255 101 169 SESSION LXVIII., 1878-79. President. JOHN J. DRYSDALE, M.D., M.R.C.S. Ex-Presidents. Rev. J. MARTINEAU, D.D., LL.D. JOHN BIRBECK NEVINS, M.D. ORDINARY MEMBERS, ON THE SOCIETY'S ROLL AT THE CLOSE OF THE 68TH SESSION, CORRECTED TO JUNE, 1879. Life Members are marked with an Asterisk. Oct. 21, 1872 Abbott, Joseph, B.A., 2, Picton-street, Wavertree road. Oct. 21, 1878 Adair, William, 81, Clarence-street. South. Νοv. 4, 1867 Allen, John Fenwick, Peaseley Vale, St. Helens. Νον. 12, 1877 Allman, G. W., The Breck, Anfield. March 7, 1864 Archer, F., B.A., Trin. Col., Cantab., Boundary Cottage, Little Crosby. *Νον. 28, 1853 Archer, T. C., F.R.S.E., F.R.S.S.A., Director of the Industrial Museum, Edinburgh. Dec. 14, 1863 Ashe, Theop. Fielding, 9-15, Atherton-street. Νον. 12, 1877 Atkinson, John, Manchester-street. Jan. 11, 1864 Bagshaw, John, 87, Church-street, and 64, Cress ington Park. Νον. 18, 1876 Ball, Geo. Hy., The Priory, St. George's Mount, New Brighton. April 20, 1874 Barton, Rev. John, M.A., Vicarage, Rainhill. Mar. 18, 1878 Beall, Geo., F.R.G.S., 4, Beech Mount, Kensing ton, or 4, Custom House Arcade. b Oct. 21, 1878 Beasley, Hy. Charles, Acrefield, Woolton. Νον. 15, 1869 Beer, Joseph B. de, Northern Assurance Chambers, Tithebarn-street. Jan. 11, 1875 Bell, Wilson, 1, Laburnum Villas, Egerton-street, New Brighton. Feb. 22, 1875 Bellew, Thomas A., Cunard Mail Office, 8, Water street. Νοv. 15, 1875 Bellis, William, Sunny Bank, Victoria Park, Wavertree. Jan. 27, 1879 Beloe, Chas. H., 16, Falkner-street, and Unity Buildings, 22a, Lord-street. Dec. 10, 1866 Benas, Baron Louis, 5, South Castle-street. East, and 11, Percy-street. Feb. 6, 1872 Biggs, John H. W., 6, Windsor-buildings, George-street. Oct. 31, 1859 Birch, Jas. (Messrs. Reiss Bros.), 12, The Temple. Νον. 26, 1866 Boult, Joseph, 15D, Exchange-buildings, W. Oct. 19, 1868 Bower, Anthony, Vauxhall Foundry, and Bowers dale, Seaforth. Oct. 21, 1872 Bowring, C. T., Elmsleigh, Prince's-Park, and 20, Lancaster-buildings, Tithebarn-street. Dec. 15, 1878 Brass, Joseph, M.D., 6, Upper Parliament street. Νον. 4, 1867 Bramwell, Ed., Cowley Hill, St. Helens. Jan. 27, 1878 Bremner, H. H., 15, Lord-street. Nov. 12, 1866 Browne, Edgar A., 86, Bedford-street South. Oct. 18, 1869 Brown, Dr. J. Campbell, D.Sc., F.C.S., School of Medicine, Dover-street. |