Curriculum Development in the Postmodern EraRoutledge, 2006 - 330 من الصفحات This landmark text was one of the first to introduce and analyze contemporary concepts of curriculum that emerged from the Reconceptualization of curriculum studies in the 1970s and 1980s. This new edition brings readers up to date on the major research themes (postmodernism,ecological, hermeneutics, aesthetics and arts-based research, race, class, gender, sexuality, and classroom practices) within the historical development of the field from the 1950s to the present. Like the previous editions, it is unique in providing a comprehensive overview in a relatively short and highly accessible text. Provocative and powerful narratives (both biography and autoethnography) throughout invite readers to engage the complex theories in a personal conversation. School-based examples allow readers to make connections to schools and society, teacher education, and professional development of teachers. Changes in the Third Edition
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النتائج 1-3 من 51
... violence based on gender and identity difference . John Aston has studied gay bashings and murders and reports that the typical high school student hears anti - gay slurs 22.5 times a day , 69 % of youths perceived to be either gay or ...
... violence , as documented in the film Touch Guise : Violence , Media , and the Crisis of Masculinity ( Jhally , 2002 ) . Commentator Jack- son Katz describes the " tough guise " as a " pose of defiance " that is meant both to frighten ...
... violence , racism , and lynchings . A chorus of ecofeminists make the sordid connection between the rape and subjugation of women and the environmental rape of the planet Mother Earth . Like a twisted Freudian nightmare , we all ...
Introduction | 1 |
Part One Curriculum Development as a Field of Study | 15 |
to 2006 | 57 |
حقوق النشر | |
8 من الأقسام الأخرى غير ظاهرة