'offences, nor the offences of our forefathers; neither take thou vengeance of our sins. Spare us, good Lord, spare thy people, 'whom thou hast redeemed with thy most precious blood, and be 'not angry with us for ever'! and much more to the same effect, as though Christ could possibly be angry for ever with those ho has redeemed with his precious blood! Indeed, He has not the least anger towards those He he has brought nigh. Grieved, by their wilfulness, He may be; but his one feeling towards them is Love! always Love, unchanging, unfailing, inexhaustible Love! Let us exhort you, then, no longer to follow the poor and Christ-dishonouring thoughts of men, but cleave to the words of the Lord. Think, and act, as a child of God,'' accepted in the Beloved.' 5. LOOKING FOR THE LORD. Another truth we would earnestly commend to your faith. Just before our Lord began to speak of the Comforter whom he would send, he said-' I go to prepare a place for you; and if I go and prepare a place for you, I WILL COME AGAIN, and receive you to myself, that where I am there ye may be also.' (John xiv. 2, 3.) Many Christians consider this promise is fulfilled whenever death removes them from the world; but a little consideration of Scripture will show that this is not so. If we die we sleep in Jesus.' The spirit goes to Him-He does not come for it. Having a desire to depart (says Paul), and to be with Christ.' Consider the death of Stephen (Acts vii. 55-60.) He said- Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God.' 'Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. And when he had said this he fell asleep.' Is anything said here about Jesus coming at death? Turn to 1 Thess. iv. 13, 14. But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not even as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.' [The development of this subject, viz., deliverance from the 'City of Confusion,' we purpose continuing from month to month.] CORRESPONDENCE. EVERY CHRISTIAN A PRIEST. Dear Sir,-The priesthood of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, though a truth most distinctly taught in Scripture and one of vast practical importance, has become, through the general corruption of Christianity, an almost lost truth in the Church. The following quotations are conclusive-Ye also as lively (or living) stones are built up a spiritual house, an Holy Priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ..... Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood.' (1 Pet. ii. 5, 9.) 'Unto Him that hath loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and hath made us Kings and Priests unto God and his Father; to Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.' (Rev. i. 5, 6.) Yours faithfully in Christ, Upper Norwood. J. G. NOTE. Our Correspondent adds extracts from the writings of Augustine, Luther, Leighton, Ambrose, and Bradford in support of the above. But when we assure him it is our stedfast purpose to maintain the All-sufficiency of Scripture, which is given by Inspiration of God, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished,' &c. he will understand the omission.-ED. A REQUEST. (To the Editor of PRECIOUS TRUTH.) Dear Sir,-Would you please to elucidate by an article in your paper the following problem? In John i. I read-As many as received Him, to them gave he power [or privilege, margin] to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.' Rom. viii. As many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the In ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. "JAS. J. J., Crewe," writes "I very much rejoice in the appearance of your little paper, and hope it may be circulated widelyI am seeking to introduce Scripture Reading Meetings here, but it is difficult to get attendance at people's houses." We believe that prayerful meetings for studying the Word of God to be the means above all others the Holy Ghost is using Satan's opposition may, therefore, be specially looked for to prevent for drawing Christians to personal communion with their Saviour. such meetings. Persevere. "In due time we shall reap if we faint not." If you can get "two or three" of the same mind, meet wherever there is a door opened, making it generally known that any believer is welcome to attend without reference to sectarian opinions. Never mind how humble the place-a room in a cottage will suffice. You will need much patience and real dependence upon the Lord. Impress upon those who come together that they must look to the Holy Spirit to guide them into all truth. Let all have liberty to speak, as in the presence of the Master, and for each other's good to edification, not for the display of self. We find by experience that the happiest plan is to commence one of the books of the New Testament, and continue right through from night to night. John's Gospel is specially recommended, as not requiring for its study much previous knowledge of Dispensational Truth. Avoid lecturing as much as possible. Let all feel that they really have liberty to utter their thoughts with a view to elicit truth. By holding to the Scripture in hand, and counting upon the Lord's presence, you will avoid controversy. Never suffer the unconverted to speak; such must sit and listen. Though he should be the most learned man on earth, his thoughts about Scripture must be utterly worthless, unless he be a believer. We entirely sympathise with our correspondent in his sorrow at finding a professed minister of Christ lecturing on "the late Richard Cobden" on Lord's day evening, instead of preaching Jesus Christ and him crucified. We cannot, however, attempt to deal with such palpable unfaithfulness; alas! the professing church abounds with such. TO CORRESPONDENTS.-We invite enquiries tending to the elucidation of scriptural truth. Controversial questions should be avoided entirely, if possible. Our earnest desire is to help simple-hearted christians with words of encouragement, patience and love-and to advocate the practical operation of "precious truth" in christian walk and practice. We hope, also, to be useful in spreading the glad tidings of salvation. Any enquiries calculated to help forward these objects shall have our best attention. Letters for the Editor to be addressed to 335, Strand, W.C. ΤΗ To A Faithful O OUR READERS.-We find considerable reluctance on the part of the Newspaper Trade to push the sale of this Journal, because of its low price. As it is our earnest desire to cater for the poor of the Flock, we hope we shall not be obliged to raise the price to ld. We therefore urge our readers to order, either individually, or in twos and threes, sixpennyworth or one shillings's-worth through a newsvendor, leaving them in his hand to expose for sale through the month, and then buying for distribution what he has not sold. For the truth's sake make an effort with us, who desire to contend for the honour of the Word and against error. 13 copies post free, for 6d. in advance. sons of God." In 2 Cor. vi. Come out from among them, and be REQUIRED ROOMS for SCRIPTURE MEETINGS in the Metropolis, ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean, and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord God Almighty. In these passages sonship is made to hinge upon obedience and faithful walk, whereas we know from other Scriptures that all believers as such are 'born again,' and can never perish.' Sonship is not separable from simple life, surely. Hoping that the Lord's people will uphold you, by each purchas gratuitously or upon easy terms. Please to communicate with Editor. Communications are also invited from brethren requiring rooms, with a' view to a mutual arrangement. CHRISTIANS in the Neighbourhood of the Strand are invited to the Scripture Reading Meeting at 335a, side-door, Monday, past Seven. Printed by the Proprietor, JOHN EVANE, 335a, Strand, W.C.; and published by JoB CAUDWELL, 335, Strand, London, W.C. and Hall & Co, 25, Paternoster Row, E.C. "WHAT SAITH THE SCRIPTURE?''-(Rom. iv. 3.) A LETTER TO THE CHRISTIAN READER. BELOVED OF THE LORD, I desire to address you personally, and therefore drop the editorial we. A wonderful work is going on in the world, and I am persuaded it will not last long. So many thousands of souls are accepting the word of life, that Christians of experience are filled with astonishment. Be assured the Lord is completing the work of this Dispensation. Eighteen hundred years ago it was written A short work will the Lord make upon the earth,' (Rom. ix. 28;) 'Yet a little while, and he that shall come will come and will not tarry,' (Heb. x. 37;) Be ye also patient, stablish your hearts; for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.' (James v. 8;) Behold I come quickly, and my reward is with me to give every man [believers only are addressed] according as his work shall be.' (Rev. xxii. 12 ;) "Surely I come quickly;' to which the Spirit repliesAmen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.' (Rev. xxii. 20. Beloved, this is no speculative doctrine; Scripture abounds with these calls to expectancy of the Lord's Coming, not his return to earth;-that will take place afterwards. You will find a full explanation of the true Christian hope in 1 Cor. xv. and in 1 Thess. iv. 11-18. Do let me commend these passages to your most prayerful consideration. [Hall & Co, 25, Paternoster Row, E.C. [One Halfpenny of the Lord's return; for there is power in that ex- Yours ever in the Lord, THE EDITOR. In this letter, however, I desire to be intensely per- Let me ask for a place in your prayers. Pray for sonal. I pray you let the Word of God produce its all the household of faith." I pray for you that the proper and full effect upon your life and conversation.crown of righteousness' may be yours, which the The Christian calling is one of individual earnestness. Lord shall give TO ALL THEM THAT LOVE HIS APPEARWhen you and I stand before the judgment seat of ING.' Christ (the judgment seat of reward, for the judg ment of death due to us, was accepted by Him in our stead)—each of us will have to answer for his or her own work, whatever it may be. I believe it will include every thought, word, and act since first we reTO SINNERS, WALKING IN DARKNESS, ceived the Word of life. Every man's work shall be made manifest for the day shall declare it, because JESUS says, 'I am the Light of the World; he that it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall man's work of what sort it is. If any man's work have the light of life.' Christ speaks of but one abide which he hath built thereupon [see context] he Light, of one Light for all the world, and of himself shall receive a reward. If any man's work shall be as this one Light-this Sun in spiritual things. In burned, HE SHALL SUFFER LOSS: but he himself shall bodily presence the man Christ Jesus is withdrawn. be saved: yet so as by fire'! (1 Cor. iii. 13—15.) Oh, to the glory which he had with the Father before the how earnest, careful, diligent, and prayerful we world was; nevertheless, he is present in power, by ought to be! Care not what men say. What saith his Spirit, and in his written word, and in his people. the Scripture?' Look at the exhortations attached He is still, therefore, the Light of the World. But to the quotations I have presented to you; and you just as men shut their eyes to the Light when He was will always find exhortations attached to the promise on earth, and tried to extinguish the light, so they now avoid and shrink from the Light. And why? 'because their deeds are evil.' The sinner fears being reproved for his love of the world and the pleasures of sin, and therefore he cometh not to the Light, but prefers to remain in darkness. But, oh sinner, who art keeping away from the Light, do you think you can really hide yourself? Ah, no; the eyes of the Lord are in every place beholding the evil and the good.' The ostrich, which hides its head in the sand, but leaves its bulky body exposed to the hunter's shafts, is as wise as thou. Oh, sinner, walk no longer in darkness, but come to the Light of the World. Think of the darkness you are in-you cannot see yourself aright, nor the filthiness of your soul's garments-nor where you are going! Do you ask why you should come to the Light while you are so unfit to be seen? we reply, that in coming to the Light, (that is, accepting Jesus as your Saviour by faith,) you will be made clean, and eternally saved. Come, then, at once. Should you, alas! reject this invitation, within this fleeting hour you may stumble in your darkness into the pit of death, and fall-and fall-and your loss be irremediable. 'He that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.' This night thy soul may be required of thee.' Is not this world the valley of the shadow of death? the deep, deep shadow falls everywhere. How blessed to believe in Jesus, and fear no evil! Death, which is terror-striking to the sinner in the darkness, is to the believer but falling asleep, as Stephen did, in the Light of heaven and the Light of the World. 'EARNESTLY CONTEND.'-Jude 3. 'Reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all long-suffering and doctrine.' -2 Tim. iv. 2. Two of our correspondents deprecate our comments upon printed sermons as fault-finding.' Nevertheless, there is a positive need for faithfulness in this matter. The readiness shown by Christians generally to accept without question whatever comes from the pulpit is very sad. If the Apostle Paul could write-Judge ye what I say,' surely no other servant of the Lord is to expect immunity. We desire to show our readers that they cannot safely follow even the most gifted men. The more man-honoured the preacher the greater the danger of his misleading his audiences, if his preaching be left unjudged. It was not in vain that the Ephesian elders were warned-'Of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.' Who cannot see the fearful prevalence of this in our day? Believers willingly become disciples of men, instead of remaining disciples of the Lord, in whom they have obtained eternal life. Preachers having special gifts often fall into a snare by being thus personally followed, even many who commenced their ministry without seeking such a 'following.' The result is necessarily most dishonouring to the Lord Jesus Christ. Preachers tax themselves to produce noveltiesthey have a reputation to keep up, and are driven, for the sake of being startling and effective, to sacrifice Scripture and substitute thoughts of their own. We could use stronger language than this. How many pulpit-preachers are there who can take up the declaration of St. Paul-'I KEPT BACK nothing that was profitable unto you'? Let us take our Master's judgment about substituting men's thoughts for His thoughts. Jesus, when ho had turned about and looked on his disciples, rebuked Peter, saying, Get thee behind me, Satan; for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but the things that be of MEN.' In this lies the whole weight of the censure-Peter was offering his poor thoughts and desires in defiance of the declarations of God. It was the same Peter who had just before testified so preciously that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God. So it is now. The same men who boldly and clearly declare the way of salvation, and are blessed of the Lord, are continually obscuring the counsels of God concerning christian walk and calling,' by substituting their poor thoughts for his sure words. Our Lord, when he condemned Peter, looked upon all the disciples. That which he said was to be remarked and remembered by all of them. Jesus knew that the warning would be needed by all. May He, by his Holy Spirit, engrave his most precious lessons more deeply on our hearts, and may we all seek to be more faithful to him, even if we lose, in consequence, for a time, the love of our brethren. REVIEWS OF RECENTLY PRINTED SERMONS BY EMINENT PREACHERS. [Under this head we propose to examine, in the light of Scripture, some of the sermons which come under our notice, or to which correspondents draw our attention. Let us state distinctly that we shall in no case be influenced by personal feeling for or against the preacher; we take account only of his doctrines and teachings. We shall prefer to deal with the discourses of those who are deservedly esteemed, remembering that in Scripture the faults of the most approved are the most unsparingly dealt with. We entreat our readers to give us credit for entire freedom from personal bias.] 5. Sermon by Mr. C. H. SPURGEON, "Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit," Jan. 29, 1865. TEXT- Then cometh he to Simon Peter; and Peter saith to him, Lord, dost thou wash my feet?'-John xiii. 6. WE have had to read this sermon nearly through before we could find aught stated which, judged in the light of Scripture, will bear a word of approval. After propounding all sorts of things, which are neither written nor implied in the text, the preacher, in his two concluding paragraphs, brings out our Lord's lesson, that we are to follow his example by washing one another's feet. Mr. Spurgeon has some curious ideas even on this subject. A collection was to be made for the relief of poor ministers, and he thus concludes his discourse: You have an opportunity of doing it'-[washing one another's feet-'in the collection; for I believe that these servants of God, these aged ministers, these minis'ters who are in great poverty, need to-day that you by your contributions wash their feet'! We ask, Where is the connection between relieving poverty, (which may be laid upon us by God, for the trial of faith in us and love in others towards us,) and washing away defilements. (?) Our Lord washed feet, feet which needed washing. He also fed the hungry when occasion required-but the two acts are very different: But we have some things of much greater seriousness to comment upon in this discourse. Giving rein to his imagination, the preacher teaches that our feet are washed by the Lord Jesus Christ every day! that this is done by caring for our temporal affairs! and also by putting away from us day by day our daily infirmities and sins! (?) Then, again, by washing our works! by being content to suffer in his people's sufferings! and by washing our poor prayers!! These ideas exceed in folly his assertion on the previous Lord's-day, 'that our prayers 'need to be wrapped up in the prayers of Jesus.' Hear the Word of God. If any of you [believers] lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.' (James i. 5.) 'Behold, what manner of love THE FATHER hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. Beloved, Now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear [i.e. it is not yet evident to sight] what we shall be, but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; and every man that hath this hope in him PURIFIETH HIMSELF even as He is pure.' (1 John iii. 1-3.) 'Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God; and whatsoever we ask we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things which are pleasing in his sight.' (1 John iii. 21, 22.) It would be easy to multiply Scriptures, but surely these will suffice to show our actual standing and privileges as children of God, against whom (as such) there is nothing to be said, for it is God that justifieth; we have therefore freedom of access and boldIndeed, the fulness of the word for us is Truly our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.' (1 John i. 3.) ness. To say, therefore, that our prayers need 'wrapping up' and washing' is quite untrue. In his unspeakable love, God has forgiven us who believe, cleansed us, justified us, accepted us, made us children; He invites us to pray to him, and assures us of his unceasing love and favour. What dreadful ingratitude and folly, therefore, to deny this, and to teach the children of God to contravene the express declarations of his Word! We know it is our duty and privilege to present all our prayers in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and reckon upon having the blessings we desire for his sake; and also to take the lowest place and to own that we have no claims at all in our own right; all we are, as well as all we get, is through the merits of our Lo:d; but then we must not forget that it is he who worketh IN Us to will and to do of | his good pleasure.' So that though, while in these bodies, we must each say, 'I know that in my flesh dwelleth no good thing,' yet, being partakers of the Divine nature,' and indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God, our prayers and doings (in faith) being wrought of God, must be in themselves acceptable in his sight. As for Christian works, the preacher says they are. fit only to rot or to be burned; whereas the Word of God says we are ' ordained to good works.' The preacher compares Christian works to old rags; but what says his Master? I am the true Vine, and my Father is the husbandman; every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away, and every branch that beareth fruit he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit! so shall ye be my disciples.' (John xv. 1, 2, 8.) There are, however, many works undertaken by Christians which are not of faith, which have their origin in zeal of the flesh, or are founded on baser motives. These works are worse than old rags,' for 'whatsoever is not of faith is sin.' Let us all look to it, and judge ourselves and our doings, and take care that we are abiding in Christ and HIS WORDS in us; then will our works be acceptable, and will want no washing,' any more than our prayers. Then in The washing of the disciples' feet signifies the washing of water by the Word. This is clearly shown in the same book from which the text is taken, (xvi. 3,) 'Now ye are clean through the Word which I have spoken unto you.' Again, (xvii. 17,) Sanctify them through thy truth, thy Word is truth.' Eph. v. 25, 26, 'Christ also loved the Church, and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word.' This cleansing we need constantly-the application of the Word of God to the conscience. To apply this to each other in all faithfulness and humility is to wash each other's feet. But it is the Word of God only, unmixed with man's thoughts, which has this cleansing efficacy. We now pass to page 69, in which is a wild diatribe against the Plymouth Brethren. The speaker states that at a certain prayer meeting, of which he heard, some person stood up and said that, his sins being all forgiven, and being accepted in Christ, he had no sins to confess. Now, had the preacher been simply desirous of presenting truth, all that was necessary in the case was to quote 1 John i. 8, 9; 'If we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.' But instead of rebutting error with simple truth, the preacher makes the incident the basis for an attack upon a sect the members of which he admits he loves and respects, and whom he owns to be men having grace. It is far from our desire to defend Plymouth Brethrenism. We are not of that body. We own no name save that of CHRISTIAN. But we must warn Mr. Spurgeon's hearers and readers against his indiscriminate denunciations. Of all the sects into which Ch istians have unhappily divided themselves, the body generally known as Plymouth Brethren we believe to be, as to doctrine, nearest to a practical apprehension of the revealed mind of God. If the reader meets a sincere member of that body, he will find a Christian who is taught to regard the Word of God as the rule and guide of life, and to conform to it, not only in theory but in practice. Nor is this all. Such an one will be found to apprehend in measure the power and safety arising from the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit and the value of the exceeding great and precious promises' which God has given to all them that believe. Hence Mr. Spurgeon is constrained to confess they are gracious men.' We would say, in passing, there are two divisions of this sect, viz. The Plymouth Brethren' (proper) and 'The Brethren;' the latter separated from the former on account of heretical doctrine being partially received by them. We hope in our next to be able to give an account of this matter. "The Brethren' are not free from error, for no sect as such can be. But let Mr. Spurgeon's hearers be re-assured. They may safely take the preacher's description of the men instead of his intemperate talk about the body. The young people of the Tabernacle may rely upon it, that if their minister loves and respects these Brethren there cannot be much danger in their company. Respecting the doctrine in question, that of nonconfession, we happen to know that a person who attempted to promulgate it some time ago among the Brethren was immediately put away, and it may have been the same person who spoke at the prayer meeting referred to. It is clearly wrong to charge the utterances of any one person upon the body with which he is supposed to be identified. Would the Surrey Tabernacle congregation like to be held responsible for all the opinions of its members? culties--hinder you from a repetition, a bold and faithful repetition of the glorious Gospel of the grace of God. See how the boldy declares the ruin of the race by the first man; so that apostle,without any ethnological or anthropological dissertation, this is not merely contained in ancient history that might be explained away, or, as some call it, a poem, semi-myth or semiprophecy, but as the very basis of the most logical arguments contained in the Epistle to the Romans, the foundation of the whole system of apostolical truth. Oh, believe him, imitate him, declare this truth; and do not be afraid of the captious critic. And do not let even difficulties which you are not at present able to solve stand in the way of the plain and faithful declaration of the Gospel. Rest assured that no discovery has been made, that no discovery will be made, which, when fully tested, will operate against the plain, grammatical, and practical understanding of the writings of Holy Scripture. *** Let us hope that the plain and faithful declaration of the Gospel, the one only glorious Gospel of the Grace of God, the only sacrifice of the death of Christ, will be more relied upon, without any minbe a bold proclamation of it in spite of all. Proclaim it as a cing arguments against opposers of the Atonement, but let there. thing not to be gainsaid, or doubted, or argued upon. But when all dangers are fairly looked at, and all the exhortations arising out of them are fairly pressed upon the Christian public, there remains still the glorious consolation for the encouragement of the Christian heart, that there is no danger to the Church of God. Whatever danger there may be to the Established Churches in this or other lands; however one church may fail, as other churches failed; however the Church of England, as it is called, may follow the Church at Antioch or the Church of Rome, the Church of Christ is safe. The gates of hell cannot prevail against her; and her missionaries are going from place to place, as we have just heard, preaching from the Gospel that fulness of the Gentiles which is to be prepared before the Lord, the King of the Jews, shall return. It is the fulness of the Gentiles and not of the world. Preeminence in everything is given to the Jews. They were missionaries, and Christian missions succeeded more while Jews were missionaries than they have ever done since. And when the King of the Jews shall re-appear, and all Israel shall be saved, the sentence will go forth, Life from the dead to the world. "The beam that rests on Zion's hill Shall lighten every land; The King that reigns on Zion's towers Shall the whole earth command." FAITHFUL TESTIMONY. The following is extracted from a speech delivered by Canon M'Neile (would we could omit the mysterious title) at a recent meeting of the Church Missionary Society: "Canon M'Neile, in referring to such literature as Essays and Reviews,' said, I believe that there is such a love of moderation in our English people, that there is such a repugnance to extreme opinions and extreme measures, that haltand-half statements are doing more injury than bold and direct scepticism itself. We have a school of compromisers more to be dreaded in the recesses of our missionary work than open sceptics. These compromisers ought, I think, to be brought to the test. Do they believe the Bible or not? Where serious differences in human matters occur there is no infallible perfection of knowledge on either side. Therefore, a mutual concession, which is a compromise, may be the nearest possible approach to true practical wisdom. But to extend this principle to religion is to declare, concerning religious differences, that there is no infallible perfection of wisdom on either side; that is, that Almighty God has not spoken. *** Oh, let me earnestly entreat you; let me urge upon you, as an old man who has almost finished his course, that you refrain from the indulgence of that curiosity which has given currency to that pernicious literature which has neither power nor life in it, because it compromises the truth of God's holy Word. Oh, let no hesitation arising from such arguments, or such assertions, or such diffi. REPORTS OF SCRIPTURE MEETINGS. (RAWSTORNE MEETING ROOM, No. 47, Rawstorne-street, Goswellroad, Wednesday, May 10, at Eight.) John viii. 37-44. It was remarked that the presentation of spiritual truth, 'Ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth.' which is generally disregarded by the world, always excites the violent opposition of the hypocritical and selfrighteous. Attention was drawn to the fact that though Christ admitted that the Jews were 'Abraham's seed' (ver. 33) He denies that they are his children,' because they have neither Abraham's faith nor works (ver. 39). They were not therefore the children of the father of the faithful, who saw Christ's day and was glad (ver. 56). The Jews also claimed God as their father (ver. 41). This claim Christ again and again denies, proving to them by their works that they were of their father the devil.' It was remarked that all men must be, by adoption, the children of one of these two Fathers-we are either the children of God Almighty or of Satan. Satan promises present rewards to those who accept him--God's promises have chief reference to the world which is to come. 'If God were your Father ye would love me.' If any |