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Every soul that has not got salvation is in need of it. People will not believe their necessity; they say, Do not bother us with your religion: we have got something else to attend to. It takes all our time to get a living; and besides, we are not a bit worse than anybody else. In fact, the reader may be ready to tell me he (or she) knows plenty of religious people who do many things he (or she) would be ashamed of. Let me say at once, my present object is NOT to speak to you about religion. Salvation is one thing-Religion, quite another. What I desire to press upon you, my friend, is-that, sooner or later, you will want to know the way of salvation. There are but few who are able-still fewer who are faithful and simple-hearted enoughto tell you. You had better look at it now.

The plain declaration of Scripture is this, "If thou shalt confoss with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." (Rom. x. 9.) Well, say you, what if I don't? Hear the words of the Son of God: "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; He that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him." (John iii. 36, 37.) This is not said to frighten people into religiousness; it is a solemn declaration of fact, and is stated here to arouse your carnest attention. I repeat, making what I first said personal, If you have not got salvation, you are in need of it. I beg of you to get the question settled. To allow it to pass by, is to continue in unbelief; and the sentence, as above, is already pronounced by Him who alone could save you!

Do you ask me, Who is this Lord Jesus in whom you wish me to believe? That is a sensible question. It is the most desirable thing you can ask. Do not rest till you get a full and satisfactory answer. It is because they do not know Jesus, that people perish. Do listen whenever you hear Christians tell about the Lord Jesus Christ. If people perplex you about keeping the Sabbath, or breaking it if they bother you about tectotalism and reformation, and religious associations, you may very well turn a deaf ear to them all. But if you can find any willing to tell you about Jesus, listen to them with your whole soul's attention. Ask them to explain all they know about Him. It is a living person you want to enquire about. Who is this Lord Jesus? What was He? What did He do? Where is He? Who saw Him? What is He doing? Shall I ever sce Him? Can He save me? How can He save me? Oh, never give over asking till you are fully satisfied.

I can reply briefly to these questions; but it is a never ending theme. Do not be content with the little I can say about it.

Jesus, the Son of God, (in eternal union with the Father,) the Creator of all things, came into this world more than Eighteen-hundred-and-sixty years ago, in the likeness of sinful men. While He was here, He was occupied in teaching men the will of God. HE ONLY could make the mind of God fully known. One thing He stated expressly-namely, that the thing needful to a right understanding of God is trust, belief, faith in the Son-Himself, Jesus. We never can understand God or His ways till we trust in Jesus. According to mere reason, faith in the Son may not seem necessary to an understanding of the Father, but IT is absolutely so. When the Saviour was upon earth, He was not only occupied in preaching and teaching, but He went about doing good; and He commanded all His followers to do the same! How unlike the socalled great men of this world, who are ever seeking to get something for themselves! Jesus the Saviour was all benevolence-always giving, taking nothing! He fed the hungry, healed the sick, poured blessings upon the poor. He was, as indeed HE IS, the DIVINE MAN-full of excellence, altogether lovely. Will you not believe in Him? Will you not trust Him? But, above all, He gave Himself over to death and judgment for the sake of all believers. Yes, He became our Substitute and Sin-bearer, enduring all the judgment of God on account of sin, instead of those upon whom the wrath of God must otherwise have rested. Hence the force of his own words, which I have quoted. If you believe in Jesus, God will never have a word to say to you about wrath; the Saviour endured it in your stead. If you believe not, the wrath of God abideth

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me remind you that God's provision for salvation is, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ." He never says wait till you understand the work of salvation. In truth, it is a mystery beyond our comprehension. But I declare it to you, as one who believes, and who, through faith, knows every word of the declaration to be true.

Let me entreat you not to consider this question as an abstraction, as a doctrine. The Lord Jesus is not only the risen Man; He is the living God: He knows the secrets of all hearts. While this life endures men may harden themselves in unbelief, and treat Him with scorn, as they do. But, in a day soon to come, "every eye shall see him." He will shortly bo seen coming to this world, which has so long rejected Him, " in power and great glory," "and then shall all the kindreds of the earth wail because of Him." "We shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ." He will judge ALL. Death will be no refuge, as some men vainly hopo. He will judge both the living and the dead. Then will the unbelieving hear that word of fearful import, DEPART!

There will be another judgment for those who trust the Saviour during these days of his rejection. On these He will bestow blessings and rewards, to endure for ever and ever. This will be salvation indeed.

Such is the unspeakably important issue of the question-Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ? Are you doubtful whether you believe in Him or not? If so, I will ask you another question. Do you love Him? Give over thinking of an abstraction. Do you love Him personally, the risen Jesus? You perceive that, for faith to be effectual, the heart must be stirred. What Scripture demands is, confession with the lips, and belief in the heart; belief in the Lord Jesus, once dead, now in resurrection life and glory. If such is your belief, you must love your Saviour: you cannot help it. If you do not love Him, it is because you do not believe; you are yet in your sins. Oh, think of His lavished love on ruined sinners. Believe in Him, and live for ever.

In faithfulness, I must tell you, if you believe, you ought to be baptised. The command of Jesus to His disciples is, "Preach and baptize." The Lord said again, "He that believeth, and is baptized, shall be saved; he that believeth not shall be damned."

W. S.

A Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ.

19, Sherborne-street, Downham-road, N.

THE CITY OF CONFUSION, (Isaiah xxiv. 10.)



8. MINISTRY.- (Continued from our last.)

Yet we have no desire to press or censure unduly either the Clergy or Christians who 'sit under them.' The majority have been trained up in the belief that the various denominational systems as they exist, are more or less in accordance with the word of God, and that the only question for a believer to decide is, 'Which is the best? Doubtless it must seem a heinous picce of presumption on our part to declare them all wrong. But this is the only possible result of a spiritual scarch into scripture, provided the searcher be free from bias. We can only say, dear christian reader, we have no personal object to serve. Search for yourself. It is to our Lord each one of us will have to give account.

For the Clergy we desire to express the deepest sympathy. The majority have doubtless accepted their appointments in perfect integrity of heart, and it requires a mighty effort of faith to withdraw from such a position. We believe our gracious Master regards them most tenderly, and yearns over them most lovingly even where faith is weak, and the natural mind leads them to cling to the 'things which are seen,' rather than give up all in faithfulness to Him who is unscen. But, oh, what rejoicing there is where faith triumphs! where pure love for the Lord responds to his touching appeal, 'If ye love me

keep MY commandments!" Dear Christians, there have beensuch there are-who, preferring to honour the counsels of Him who died for them, have quietly abandoned clerical dignity and emoluments-have chosen to deny themselves, and take up the cross daily, and follow Jesus.' And what amazing power for good there is in such an act! Thus to walk in the footsteps of Him who 'stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem,' there to suffer many things, and to be rejected and crucified-is to be a 'a living epistle' indeed, 'known and read of all men.' No power of language can preach such a sermon as that. We are speaking the truth in love, yet know that it will generally be unwelcome; but must testify the truth.

If Christians believed in the presence of the Lord in the midst of any two or three believers, they must own practically that the first place, the Headship of the assembly is His. Heb. x. 24-25 is pretty conclusive as to Christians gathering together without any mere human leader: 'Let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works; not for saking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another, and so much the more as ye see the day approaching.' Gathered round the Lord himself, His presence being as real to faith as when he presented himself in the midst of his disciples after his resurrection. He will lead his people by the Holy Spirit indwelling them, in worship, in prayer, and in opening up the Scriptures. He is faithful, and ever honours faith. 'Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever!' If we own his presence, and place ourselves in absolute dependence upon his guidance, and have no confidence in the flesh,' he will raise up Teachers and Pastors. These, however, are secondary blessings. If we hold to the Lord himself and His Word, we may well be content. Read Paul's address to the Ephesian elders, in Acts xx. 32--34; after warning them of dangers from without and within, he says: 'And now brethren, I commend you to God and the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified. I have coveted no man's silver, or gold, or apparel. Yea, ye yourselves know, that these hands (his own hands) have ministered unto my necessities, and them that were with


9. MEETINGS.-A careful study of the Epistles to the Corinthians will clearly show the mind of God as to the way in which Christian assemblies should be conducted. All who assemble together are there taught to be in subjection to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church, ever present with them, and guiding all subject ones by the Holy Ghost. He will use whom he will, even as he gives gifts, 'dividing to every man severally as he will.'

This is so contrary to the systems of religion men have been constructing for centuries, that the reader may have difficulty in receiving it. Yet the one question is What saith the Scripture? Read Acts ii.; you will there find the true church at its very commencement, in all its freshness and simplicity of construction. Look at verses 41, 42: 'Then they that gladly received his words were baptized, and the same day there were added about three thousand souls. And they continued stedfastly in the Apostle's doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread and in prayers.' The chapter concludes with these words, 'The Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.'

In these few sentences we have a perfect presentation of God's order of things for Christians, viz.: 1. The reception of the word of truth; 2. Baptism; 3. Continuance in the Apostles' doctrine; 4. Christian fellowship; 5. Breaking of Bread (the Lord's Supper); 6. Prayers. All that is here stated any two or three Christians are competent to carry on. Anything added to it of man's invention (or changes made to suit his thoughts about what is best,) must entail positive loss.

We do not expect these truths to be generally received. But the question for each believer to ask himself or herself is. 'Am I going on with that which is wholly of God? Have I decided for God and the word of his grace, to the rejection of all else?' Be assured, dear reader, there is deep significance in the spread of the knowledge of the Lord's promised return. The sound has gone forth, Behold the Bridegroom cometh.' He would have us, in all simplicity, waiting and watching; not seeking

to build up systems of religion, nor going on with worldly thoughts of improvement, but looking for that full and perfect deliverance which He himself will bring. 'We know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself even as he is pure.' (1 John iii. 2.) In the meantime, the word for us is, 'Let us go forth, therefore, unto Him without the camp, bearing his reproach. For here we have no continuing city, but we seek one to come.' (Heb. xiii. 13, 14.) The camp of Israel consisted of all who were called to be God's people; but when evil came into their midst, Moses pitched the Tabernacle, the holy place, outside the camp, and all who desired to be true worshippers separated to him, and went outside the camp. This is the figure used in the above scripture, and is specially adapted to the present times. The camp-that is the entire mass of those who take the ground of being God's people-has become a City of Confusion, the Babylon of Rev. xviii. Dear Christian reader, we have shown you the Way Out of It.' Can you not find two or three content to gather around the Lord in a room of your own, or in any convenient place? God will own you, and add to the Church.' Once more we repeat the Lord's gracious assurance, 'Where two or three are gathered together in my name, THERE AM I in the midst of them.'

In conclusion, let us own the hand of our Saviour God, in bringing many together for mutual edification over the scripture, and for prayer. We believe that bible meetings and prayer meetings are producing wondertul and blessed effects. The way in which believers assemble themselves in these last days, simply as Christians, for prayer and study of 'the word,' is proof of the unsatisfying character of denominationalism, with all its aids, appliances, and organizations. No doubt, many who attempt to teach, and many more who undertake to lead in prayer, are sadly ignorant of God's ways. But most of those who read and pray are men of faith, and the Lord owns them. Blessed be his name, he will own whatever is of faithand whatever is not of faith is sin.' We, therefore, earnestly exhort our brethren and sisters in the Lord, (whether or not you have faith enough to give up your sectarian standing,) to seek frequent opportunity of meeting earnest followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, however few in number. Be teachable, be prayerful, depend upon the Holy Ghost to 'guide you into all truth.' If you do not know of such meetings, invite Christians to your own houses. Anywhere, anyhow, MEET.

Once again we quote the words 'provoke one another to love and to good works; not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another, and SO MUCH THE MORE AS YE SEE THE DAY APPROACHING.' Surely those who are watching can see the day approaching!

BAPTISM and the LORD'S SUPPER we would fain offer a few remarks upon, but space will not permit; separate papers on these subjects may be had 'of the publisher of this journal. We would, however, press these two ordinances upon the solemn attention of believers. Though in no way essential to salvation, love to the Lord requires our faithful observance of them. As soon as a person has faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, he or she ought to be baptized. We believe a Christian has no claim to be received into fellowship until baptized (if scripture-teaching on the point be regarded). As a follower of Jesus he should not permit his conscience to rest until he has conformed to the plain command of his Saviour. Receiving into fellowship is another question. Assemblies must deal with it in the presence of the Lord, guided by the 'Written Word' and the Holy Spirit's interpretation thereof. If each Christian chooses faithfulness to his Lord in preference to every other consideration all will be plain enough. After baptism there should be complete fellowship with Christians, in Prayer, in Praise, and in the Breaking of Bread, i.e., the Lord's Supper. We gather from Scripture that the early Christians came together on the first day of the week for that purpose, but there is no rule. Love to our Saviour cannot be very strong, if once a week be found too froqueut to 'show the Lord's death till he come.'

If our hearts are true to our Master when he comes he will find us as to walk and fellowship outside the 'City of Confusion.'


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Those who call such as seek to gather Christians together (or rather that Christians should be gathered) in twos and threes "robbers of churches" do not know that the Greek and context Acts, xix. 37, imply "robbers of heathen temples;" they are therefore to be pitied and forgiven.

When you speak of "water baptism," do you mean "baptism in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost," or "baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus?" There is much "cause of stumbling" in not keeping these things in mind.

I quite agree with you, and have always urged, that "Brethren" make too much of "the Table." This arises from the Clerical Element having been so strongly developed in many of the dear early Brethren. It is simply Popish! Of all places, the Lord's table is surely not the place of judgment! [Self-judgment is quite another question.] We eat and drink judgment if we discern not the Lord's body 1 Cor. xi. 28, 29; and what is that body? 1 Cor. xii. 27 says 'Now ye are the Body of Christ and members in particular.' Jesus, then, as the Head, and his Members, as the body are to be discerned. Ephes. 1. 22, 23. 1 Cor. viii. 12. &c., &c. Let us not sin against Christ! 1 Cor. viii. 12.


With love, and in patient waiting, yours to serve, S. C. H.


R. S., KENNINGTON. - Consider Acts, chapter x. verses 43 -48. Cornelius and those with him, having heard the word of life from Peter, believed, were saved, and received the gift of the Holy Ghost. "Then answered Peter, can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we? And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then prayed they him to tarry certain days." Suppose Cornelius and the rest had made "We have received salvation and the gift of the Holy Ghost, and therefore consider water baptism quite useless; we consequently decline to accept it, either as a privilege or a command." Would Peter have had fellowship with them in their unfaithfulness? Would he have listened to their invitation to tarry certain days? Would he be setting up a new sect by declining intimate association with those who set at naught the plain command of their Saviour? We trust the reflections we have suggested will entirely dispose of your difficulties. It is not a party question at all, but one for each individual conscience taught of "the word" by the Holy Spirit. The matter to be determined is not "who may I break bread with?" but who shall I have true, loving, Christ-like fellowship with? You say, you see three water baptisms-viz. that of "John," "The Twelve," and of "Paul." This puzzles us greatly. We can see but two baptisms by water-First, that by John, which was introductory, or the sign of repentanceand which came to an end as soon as Jesus commenced his

ministry. Second, that ordained by our Lord, which is the sign of our baptism into His death.

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and in your letter you expressly identify yourself with them as a party. Speaking of what is done among you, (pardon us for paraphrasing your sentences,) you say, "the tracts WE publish prove we do not give ourselves a separato designation." Do you not see you are self-convicted? You take upon yourself to answer our strictures upon the Body or Bodies known under the several titles above enumerated; but you really establish what we have asserted. If you did not belong to a Party, you would not be offended by charges made against a party. Our words would make no impression upon you. Christians who do not say WE, when "The Brethren" are spoken of, are not at all annoyed by our remarks upon that denomination. Be sure, my dear brother, that if the shoe pinches it is because we wear it. You say, "Though you do not acknowledge yourself one of us, we at Crewe acknowledge you as a brother in Christ with all the saints in every place that call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours." The first part of this sentence is virtually contradicted by the last. You know very well that, as members of the body of Christ, we are as ready to own you as you us. Not only so, but if our gracious Lord were to lead us to Crewe we could have full fellowship with you as members of the Church of God, at the same time that we should repudiate your party standing. You call us to account for upholding the simple title of "Christians." We are just as free to use the terms "Saints" or "Brethren"-but, in consideration of the special appropriation of these by Brethrenisms, we, in general speaking, prefer the other Scriptural term, because it is that by which all parties are known. We thus take upou us, in common with all believers, "reproach for the name of Christ;" we bear our part in the common burden, and own ourselves no better than the rest. - You quote against us Gal. vi. 1. In this you make a common mistake. The thing spoken of in that Scripture is, the duty of restoring an individual overtaken in a fault. We would gladly and humbly do this for you, dear brother, if needful; or, at least, we would seek grace to do it, if we knew of any fault in you. But it is quite a hopeless thing to seek to restore a Confederacy. May the Holy Spirit enable you and all the dear people of God to see the distinction we have endeavoured to point out.

C. P., EAST MOULSEY.-Your third letter is received, with thanks. Lack of space only prevents our answering you in this number.

J. B., Leicester.-May your act of self-devotion be entirely of faith. In that case, you need not reckon up your resources beforehand. Commit all to the Lord. Read Matt. xix. 29. A letter without a signature and marked private. We cannot notice correspondence of that kind.


TO CORRESPONDENTS. We invite enquiries tending to the elucidation of scriptural truth. Controversial questions should be avoided entirely, if possible. Letters must be sent before the 15th.

Letters for the Editor to be addressed to 335, Strand, W.C.

To facilitate the obtaining of PRECIOUS TRUTH, packets will be sent post free to any part of the United Kingdom, by remitting, in advance, as follows:-l'wo copies for 2d., Five for 3d., Ten for 5d. Cash in advance. Address-Job Caudwell, 335, Strand, London, WC. or

Scott & Allan, 109, Sauchiehall-street, Glasgow,
Hall & Co. 25, Paternoster-row, London, EC.

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Pry haste. THE TO

T. S., CREWE.- We gladly own the loving spirit manifested in your letter. But, dear Brother, you have written in haste. You say we are wrong in stating that the Brethren," "The Brethren," or "Brethren," (which you will) have given this separate designation as marking themselves off from the rest of the Church of God. We may be technically wrong. It matters not, however, whether you give yourselves a separate title or whether you adopt one which others have given you. You say "your lot is cast among these people,"

1d. 1s 6d

Job Caudwell, 335, Strand.

NO OUR READERS.-We ask brethren and sisters in the Lord to order a few numbers monthly, and take some pains to lend them about. Il done to the Lord in faith, you will thus be dispensers of much blessing.

Printed by JOHN EVANS, 335a, Strand, W.C.; and published for him by JOB CAULWELL, 335, Strand, London, W.C. and Scott & Allan, 100, Sauchiehall-street, Glasgow. Friday, Sept. 1, 1865.



Job Caudwell, 335, Strand, London, W.C.]

No. 7.]

OCTOBER 1, 1865.


BELOVED,-You will gladly listen to what I bring you in the name of our Lord; though to many, I find, the proclamation of the whole Truth is very unwelcome. It is a great while ago since the request was first made to a prophet of God"Prophesy to us smooth things." The spirit which actuated the unfaithful Israelites of old is, however, rife among Christians. An unsparing declaration of God's mind operates now, as it always did.

In the first days of the present dispensation, "the word" was not as honey to the taste of all. Let us contrast two cases. When Peter and the rest of the Apostles, on the day of Pentecost, accused their hearers of the wickedness they had committed-these were pricked to their heart, and said, "Men and brethren, what shall we do?" They owned their error, enquired for the remedy, and obtained it. When another audience was before Stephen, and he laid against them the solemn charge, "Ye do always resist the Holy Ghost," these were cut to the heart, and gnashed on him with their teeth. Moreover they cast him out and stoned him. Yet these were religious people!

Blessed be God, there are many in our day who will listen to the Truth, though it pricks. The divine word soon heals them. But, alas! what a multitude find themselves more grievously wounded by "the Sword of the Spirit"-continually cut to the heart, yet obtain no healing balm for their wounds, because they stubbornly resist the Holy Ghost. Beloved; be sure that mere words of man, mine or any other, are (concerning the truth as it is in Jesus) powerless to hurt. Those who wince under what is written in this paper, are those who need to be either pricked or cut; and the word of God does it. Let the puncture, however, effect its purpose, and the member soon becomes whole. As to those who are only willing to listen to exhortations adapted to their prejudices, and made like the sound of "a pleasant song"-I can only say, They are in the Lord's hands, and he will deal with them. For my own part, though earnestly intent upon "speaking the truth in love," my only care is, to make known the mind of the Lord.

When of old, the man of God had cried against the altar at Bethel, it was a PROPHET who tempted him from the path which God had appointed! He had fulfilled one part of his mission and would have completed it faithfully but for his brother prophet. Solemn warning! Christians, alas! mislead one

[Scott & Allan, 109, Sauchiehall-street, Glasgow.

[One Halfpenny. another. They entice one another from the way in which God would have them to walk. They say, "Turn aside; rest and be comfortable with us; we also are of the prophets." "What harm is there" in this, that, or the other? Satan is transformed into an angel of light!

Beloved; We must answer all with-"It is written." When our Lord was tempted of the devil, having fasted in the wilderness forty days, the devil said to him, "If thou be the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread." Jesus was "hungered," he needed the bread; what objection could be made to the proposal? The natural man would say, "None whatever." But "Jesus answered him saying, It is written, that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God." So with the other temptations. There is much in each to commend it to mere human judgment. Satan exerted all his subtlety when dealing with our Saviour. In every case Jesus defeated the foe with, "It is written"! Let us imitate our Master, and be armed with an "It is written," with which to repel every invitation to unfaithfulness.

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Oh, my Brother, my Sister, Think of the immeasurable consequences of the present fight of faith. Think of" the crown of life," "the hidden manna," "the white stone with a new name,' "the rule over the nations," "the Morning Star," the owning of thy name by Jesus before His Father and before his angels, Jesus making those "who say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie, to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that he has loved thee!"

The "Lord Jesus," the "I am," the "Alpha and Omega,' ""the Beloved," saith to thee-" Behold, I come quickly! hold that fast which thou hast, that thou lose not thy crown. [He does not say, that thou lose not thy life!] Him that overcometh will I make a Pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God; and my new name." Moreover, He saith to thee-"As many as I love I rebuke and chasten: be zealous, therefore, and repent [i.e. turn from all that is contrary to his mind-and do whatever is pleasing in His sight;] Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him and he with me." [Now at this present time, while you are yet a pilgrim.] "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me on my throne, even as I also overcame, and set down with my Father in his throne."

Beloved, You can only overcome by faith: Faith up with so much cleverness, that many might read his

kept in exercise. Faith, not in men's words and de-
vices, but in, "It is written." Faith manifested in
personal love to Jesus, and intimate, holy fellowship
with him. Let him "dwell in your heart by faith."
How prone we are to forget that we are in a scene of
spiritual warfare! Carnal weapons will not avail us.
"Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his
might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may
be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For
we wrestle not against flesh and blood, [though the
tempter often comes against us in human form, but
against principalities, against powers, againstthe rulers
of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wicked-
ness on high." Satan is above you, and he is stronger
than you. If you do not accept divine provision for
the conflict, he will get many an advantage over you.
I pray you consider the perfect equipment Christ has
provided for you; see Eph. vi. 10-24. Estimate the
value of His strength, and the armour provided for you
in that Scripture. Put it on, and do not cease to wear
it. Divinely equipped, you can indeed stand. Thus
may you be found by the Lord at his coming. He
will come soon. How precious are those words in
the last chapter of Revelation, "Behold I come
"Behold I come quickly,

and my reward is with me, to give every man accord-
ing as his work shall be."

"Surely, I come quickly." May you and I be always ready with the rejoinder as it is written-"Even so, come, Lord Jesus."

Waiting that bright and happy consummation,
Believe me,

Yours in true Christian fellowship,



When we issued our second paper on "the Plymouth Brethren," our purpose was to have left the subject there. We have, however, received so many communications touching their unhappy disputes, and, moreover, so much misrepresentation has been published respecting them, especially by a certain Dr. C. and a writer in the Sword and Trowel -that for the Truth's sake we are constrained to offer some further remarks. What particular name each section of the Brethren should be called by, we cannot discover. Originally, no doubt, the believers who came together upon the ground now occupied by these denominations, were recognised among one an. other simply as "brethren." But it is now common with many of them to speak and think of their party "the Brethren," "the Saints;" while by other bodies of Christians and the world they are generally known as "the Plymouth Brethren," without any divisional distinction.


With regard to the principal rupture produced among these (once united) bodies, some years ago, it seems, the leading brother at Plymouth was betrayed into an unfaithful use of Scripture. He began to teach what was certainly heretical; but it was covered

writings without detecting the snare. Yet Christians who compare what they hear with Scripture, could not fail to discover it. (Alas! that this duty is so little attended to, notwithstanding the warnings of Christ, and the experience of eighteen hundred years.)


Then ensued the manifest failure of Brethrenism as an institution. Plymouth ought, according to Scripture, to have been left to deal with its own heresy. In the days of the Apostles, the Church at Ephesus did not interfere with Smyrna, nor Pergamos with Thyatira, neither Rome with Corinth, nor Corinth with Colosse. The Lord admonished each assembly apart. To the same Lord Jesus Christ should the cause at Plymouth have been committed, if the evil mained unjudged by the members of his body in that place. Instead of this, the leaders of the confederacy in London assumed jurisdiction in the matter. Nor did they stop there, but (as we understand) proceeded to propound an anticipated difficulty to assemblies of "the Brethren" in various places : namely - "On the supposition that Plymouth failed to put away the heretic, would any member of that Church be received elsewhere to communion?" It is not surprising that some of the assemblies so addressed declined to reply to that question. Of these the Bristol meeting, using a chapel called Bethesda (as we are informed), sent an answer to the effect that should such a case as that suggested, occur with them, they would seek guidance from the Lord to deal with it.

Hereupon it seems the dictators in London decided to put away all meetings who would not at once concur with the demand made upon them to pronounce beforehand upon a difficulty which might never arise. Absurd as this reads, we believe we have given but the simple facts. Only think of a christian conclave in London, based upon, no one knows what, assuming power to put away assemblies in the gross, not only in London, but in Bristol, and other places! Thus, it seems, was brought about the first great division. The separatists henceforth excluded all who did not hold their views, and gave them the designation of "Bethesdas," or "the other side"-while those put away, denominated the other party "exclusives." Oddly enough, there are many dear christians in both camps who know little or nothing of the nature of the middle wall built up between them. The young "exclusives" are led to think the "Bethesdas" all heretics; and the latter must of necessity look upon the "exclusives" as sad fanatics-but the cause of division few are able to tell. There have been other ruptures. The chiefs of the London "exclusives" have since sat in judgment upon matters concerning "The Brethren" at Guernsey, and we know not where besides. There is no end to ecclesiastical pretension when once the anti-scriptural principle of confederacy is admitted.

One circumstance connected with these matters we must not pass over. The extra-judicial conclave in London on one occasion (probably oftener) were nonplused for want of scripture on which to base their proceedings; whereupon the conscience of the meeting was appeased by reading from the 2nd Epistle of Jobn, as follows: - "For many deceivers are entered into

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