UTILITARIANISM EXPLAINED AND EXEMPLIFIED IN MORAL AND POLITICAL GOVERNMENT. "THE WELFARE OF THE PEOPLE IS THE HIGHEST LAW." LONDON: LONGMAN, GREEN, LONGMAN, ROBERTS, & GREEN. 1864. The right of Translation is reserved. 22 Phil 2/38.118 HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY COOLIDGE FUND JAN 21 1943 PRINTED BY JOHN EDWARD TAYLOR, LITTLE QUEEN STREET, LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS. NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR, In offering to the Public these pages in answer to a small volume by Mr. John Stuart Mill, entitled "Utilitarianism," the Author thinks it necessary at the same time to offer his apology for the introduction of many subjects which, at first sight, may seem to have little or no relevancy to the main subject. It may, however, to thoughtful readers, be unnecessary to point out the connection between the abstract reasoning and its application to im portant current events concerning human govern ment. |