صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني




156 French chassepot, paper; caliber circa ".45; powder, 74 grains; rifle-bullet, lead, 388 grains. F.A.

Am. No. 332.

157 French mitrailleuse, pasteboard, with metal base: caliber circa ".50; powder, 180 grains; com.

pressed in 6 short cylinders; bullet, lead, 750 grains. F. A. Am. No. 333.

158 Prussian needle gun, paper; cylinder choked in front of bullet; powder, 74 grains; rifle bullet, egg.

shaped, 325 grains, in sabot; primed on base. F. A. Am. No. 282.

159 Prussian needle gun; explosive bullet substantially like above, but bullet charged and explosible by blow from front; powder, 70 grains; rifle bullet. 431 grains, charged. F. A. Am. No. 330. 160 Prussian new metallic; solid base flange in advance of bottom powder. Bullet, patched, 438 grains. F. A. Am. No. 331.

161 Russian, made in Russia; phosphor-bronze case: Berdan's return pocket anvil; powder, circa 80 grains; musket bullet cirea, 375 grains, patched. Lubricant at first a disk on base.

162 Russian, made in United States, by Union Cartridge Company, of Bridgeport, Conn. Brass, caliber, ".42; bullet, lead, 373 grains, patched; powder, musket, 77 grains. Lubricant disk on base and dipped. F. A. Am. Nos. 40 and 159. Reported on January 4 and February 2 and 22, 1870.

163 Austrian "Werndl," copper annular anvil in outside pocket; caliber, circa ".42: powder, circa 65 grains: musket bullet, cast-lead, 318 grains, F. A. Am. No. 277. Fired by Small-Arms Caliber Board 1872, and No. 53 of their report,

164 Dutch Beaumont rifle musket, caliber".45: brass solid head, pocket cap and anvil priming: anvil with case to push out the old cap in reloading; powder, 68 grains; musket bullet, 337 grains. F. A. Am. No. 247. Fired Small-Arms Caliber Board 1872, No. 31 of their report. Ord. Mem. No. 14, plate lvii.

165 Dutch carbine, caliber".45; brass, folded head with re-enforcing ring; priming like last; powder, 50 grains; musket bullet, 337 grains. F. A. Am. No. 248. Ord. Mem. No. 14, plate lviii. 166 Swiss "Vetterlin, ".41 caliber; case copper, rim primed; powder, 60 grains; musket bullet cast lead, 312 grains. F. A. Am. No. 276. Fired by Small-Arms Caliber Board 1872, No. 52 of their report.

167 Berdan sporting, for shot; return pocket anvil, priming brass. Made by United States Cartridge Company.

168 Eley sporting, for shot; pocket and anvil cap primed; pasteboard, with metal base No. 12. 169 Eley sporting, for shot; pocket and anvil cap primed; pasteboard, with metal base No. 20. 170 Eley sporting, for shot: Lefaucheux priming: pasteboard, with metal base No. 10.

171 Leet sporting, for shot; pocket and anvil cap primed; pasteboard, re-enforced with foil near

metallic base.

172 Leet sporting, for shot; Lefaucheux priming: pasteboard, re-enforced with foil near metallic base. 173 Leet sporting; pocket and anvil cap primed; pasteboard, re-enforced whole length with foil metallic base. 174 Lefaucheux pistol cartridges, 3 calibers.




[Caliber .50, cartridges.]


175 Oriental musket powder, 70 grains, loose; sp. gr., 1.692. F. A. Am. No. 67, &c. Reported on March

28, 1870, &c.

176 Hazard musket powder, 70 grains, loose; sp. gr., 1.774. F. A. Am. No. 68, &c. Reported on March

28, 1870, &c.

177 Du Pont musket powder, 70 grains, loose; sp. gr., 1.614. F. A. Am. No. 212. Reported on.

178 Du Pont rifle powder, 70 grains loose; sp. gr., 1.710. F. A. Am. No. 213.

179 Oriental musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from front; perforated, 1.17 inches long. F. A.

Am. No. 50. Reported on March 28. 1870.

180 Oriental musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from front; perforated, 1.07 inches long. F. A.

Am. No. 51 Reported on March 28, 1870.

181 Oriental musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from front; perforated, .97 inch long. F. A. Am.

No. 62. Reported on March 28, 1870.

182 Oriental musket powder. 70 grains, compressed from front; perforated, .87 inch long. F. A. Am.

No. 63. Reported on March 28, 1870,

183 Oriental musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from rear; perforated, 1.17 inches long. F.A.

Am. No. 42. Reported on March 28, 1870.

184 Oriental musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from rear; perforated, 1.07 inches long. F.A.

Am. No. 43. Reported on March 28, 1870.

185 Oriental musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from rear; perforated, .97 incalong. F. A. Am.

No. 44. Reported on March 28, 1870.

186 Oriental musket powder. 70 grains, compressed from rear; perforated, .87 inc à long. F. A. Am.

No. 45 Reported on March 28, 1870.

187 Oriental musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from both ends; perforated, 1.17 inches long. F.

A. Am. No. 30. Reported on March 28, 1870.


188 Oriental musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from both ends; perforated, 1.7 inches long. F.

A. Am. No. 31. Reported on March 28, 1870.

189 Oriental musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from both ends; perforated, .97 inch long. F. d.

Am. No. 32. Reported on March 28, 1870.





190 Oriental musket powder. 70 grains, compressed from both ends; perforated, .87 inch long. F. A. Am. No. 33. Reported on March 28, 1870.

191 Oriental musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from front: conical rear cavity, 1.17 inches long.

F. A. Am. No. 52. Reported on March 28, 1870,

192 Oriental musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from front; conical rear cavity, 1.07 inches long.

F. A. Am. No. 53. Reported on March 28, 1870.

193 Oriental musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from front; conical rear cavity, .97 inch long. F.

A. Am. No. 64. Reported on March 28, 1870.

194 Oriental musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from front; conical rear cavity, .87 inch long. F.

A. Am. No. 65. Reported on March 28, 1870.

195 Oriental musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from rear; conical rear cavity, 1.17 inches long.

F. A. Am. No. 46. Reported on March 28, 1870.

196 Oriental musket powder, 70 grains, compresse I from rear; conical rear cavity, 1. 07 inches long.

F. A. Am. No. 47. Reported on March 28, 1870.

197 Oriental musket powder. 70 grains, compressed from rear; conical rear cavity, .97 inch long. F.

A. Am. No. 48. Reported on March 28, 1870.

198 Oriental musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from rear; conical rear cavity, .87 inch long. F.

A. Am. No. 49. Reported on March 28, 1870.

199 Oriental musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from both ends; conical rear cavity, 1.17 inches

long. F. A. Am. No. 35. Reported on March 28, 1870.

200 Oriental musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from both ends: conical rear cavity, 1.07 inches

long. F. A. Am. No. 36. Reported on March 28, 1870.

201 Oriental musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from both ends; conical rear cavity, .97 inch long.

F. A. Am. No. 37. Reported on March 28, 1870.

202 Oriental musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from both ends; conical rear cavity, .87 inch long.

F. A. Am. No. 38. Reported on Marca 28, 1870.

203 Hazard's musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from front; perforated, 1.17 inches long. F. A.

Am. No. 70. Reported on March 28, 1870.

204 Hazard's musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from front; perforated, 1.07 inches long. F. A.

Am. No. 71. Reported on March 28, 1870,

205 Hazard's musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from front; perforated, .97 inch long. F.A. Am.

No. 72. Reported on March 28, 1870.

206 Hazard's musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from rear; perforated, 1.17 inches long. F. A. Am.

No 54. Keported on March 28, 1870.

207 Hazard's musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from rear; perforated, 1.07 inches long. F. A.

Am. No. 56. Reported on March 28, 1870.

208 Hazard's musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from rear; perforated, .97 inch long. F. Δ.

Am. No. 58. Reported on March 28, 1870.

209 Hazard's musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from both ends; perforated, 1.17 inches long. F.

Reported on March 28, 1870.

210 Hazard's musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from both ends; perforated, 1.07 inches long. F.

A. Am. No. 76.

A. Am. No. 77.

A. Am. No. 78.

Reported on March 28, 1870.

211 Hazard's musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from both ends; perforated, .97 inch long. F.

Reported on March 28, 1870.

12 Hazard's musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from front; conical rear cavity, 1.17 inches long.

F. A. Am. No. 73. Reported on March 28, 1870.

213 Hazard's musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from front; conical rear cavity, 1.07 inches long.

F. A. Am. No. 74. Reported on March 28, 1870,

214 Hazard's musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from front; conical rear cavity, .97 inch long.

F. A. Am. No. 75. Reported on March 28, 1870.

215 Hazard's musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from rear; conical rear cavity, 1.17 inches long.

F. A. Am. No. 55. Reported on March 26, 1870.

216 Hazard's musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from rear; conical rear cavity, 1.07 inches long.

F. A. Am. No. 57. Reported on March 28, 1870.

217 Hazard's musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from rear; conical rear cavity, .97 inch long. F.

A. Am. No. 59. Reported on March 28, 1870.

218 Hazard's musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from both ends; rear cavity, 1.17 inches long.

F. A. Am. No. 79. Reported on March 28, 1870.

219 Hazard's musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from both ends; rear cavity, 1.07 inches long.

220 Hazard's musket powder, 70 grains, compressed from both ends; rear cavity, .97 inch long. F. A.

F. A. Am. No. 80. Reported on March 28, 1870.

Am. No. 81. Reported on March 28, 1870.

No. 82. Fired April 14, 1870.

221 Du Pont's rifle powder, 70 grains, compressed from rear; perforated, 1.17 inches long.

222 Du Pont's rifle powder, 70 grains compressed from rear; perforated, 1.12 inches long.

No. 83. Fired April 14, 1870.

223 Du Pont's rifle powder, 70 grains, compressed from rear; perforated, 1.07 inches long.

No. 84. Fired April 14, 1870.

224 Du Pont's rifle powder, 70 grains, compressed from rear; perforated, 1.02 inches long.

No. 85. Fired April 14, 1870.

225 Du Pont's rifle powder, 70 grains, compressed from rear; perforated, .97 inch long.

No. 86. Fired April 14, 1870.

226 Du Pont's rifle powder, 70 grains, compressed from rear: perforated, .92 inch long.

101. Fired April 14, 1870.

F. A. Am.

F. A. Am.

F. A. Am.

F. A. Am.

F. A. Am.

F. A. Am. No.

227 Du Pont's rifle powder, 70 grains, compressed from tear; perforated, .87 inch long. F. A. Am. No.


228 Hazard's F. F. G. powder, 70 grains, compressed in the case; .05 inch solid. F. A. Am. No. 87. Fired September 3, 1870.





229 Hazard's F. F. G. powder, 70 grains, compressed in the case; linch solid. F. A. Am. No. 88. Fired

230 Hazard's F. F. G. powder, 70 grains, compressed in the case; 15 inch solid.

231 Hazard's F. F. G. powder, 70 grains, compressed in the case; .2 inch solid.

F. A. Am. No. 89.

F. A. Am. No. 90.

F. A. Am. No. 91.

3 inch solid.

F. A. Am. No. 92.

.05 inch solid.

F. A. Am. No. 93.

232 Hazard's F. F. G. powder, 70 grains, compressed in the case; 25 inch solid.

September 3, 1870.

Fired September 3, 1870.

Fired September 3, 1870.

Fired September 3, 1870.

Fired September 3, 1870.

Fired September 3, 1870.

Fired September 3, 1870.

233 Hazard's F. F. G. powder, 70 grains, compressed in the case;

234 Hazard's F. F. F. G. powder, 70 grains, compressed in the case;

235 Hazard's F. F. F. G. powder, 70 grains, compressed in the case; .1 inch solid. F. A. Am. No. 94.

236 Hazard's F. F. F. G. powder, 70 grains, compressed in the case; 15 inch solid. F. A. Am. No. 95,

Fired September 3, 1870.

237 Hazard's F. F. F. G. powder, 70 grains, compressed in the case; .2 inch solid. F. A. Am. No. 96.

Fired September 3, 1870.

238 Hazard's F. F. F. G. powder, 70 grains, compressed in the case;

Fired September 3, 1870.

239 Hazard's F. F. F. G powder, 70 grains, compressed in the case; Fired September 3, 1870.

F. A. Am. No. 107.
F. A. Am. No. 108.
F. A. Am. No. 109.
F. A. Am. No. 110.
Fired with different

240 Sleeper's chlorate powder, 15-grain charge. 241 Sleeper's chlorate powder, 20-grain charge. 242 Sleeper's chlorate powder, 25-grain charge. 243 Sleeper's chlorate powder, 30-grain charge. 244 Gomez's iron gunpowder, 20-grain pills.

ported on July 10, 1873.

.25 inch solid. F. A. Am. No. 37.

3 inch solid. F. A. Am. No. 98.

Fired August 27, 1870.
Fired August 27, 1870.
Fired August 27, 1870.
Fired August 27, 1870.
charges. F. A. Am. No. 302. Re-




[C. F. metallic, caliber ".50.]


245 Bullet used in most bar anvil ammunition and up to 1868. F. A. Am. No. 58.

246 Experimental bullet with cannelures deepened to.04 inch to hold more lubricant, 1867. F. A. Ball

No. 59.

247 Experimental bullet with cannelures deepened to .045 inch to hold more lubricant, 1867. F. A. Ball No. 60. 248 Bullet determined by Lieutenant Stockton's experiments and used in service from March, 1868,

to July, 1870. F. A. Am. No. 1.

cannelures. F. A. Am. No. 73.

249 Experimental, a disk of lubricant with wad under the bullet added to the usual lubrication in the 250 Experimental, a disk of lubricant with wad under the bullet substituted for the usual lubrication

in the cannelures. F. A. Am. No. 14.

251Experimental front lubrication case, projecting on the front of bullet, space filled up with lubri cant in addition to that in the cannelures. F. A. Am. No. 20. Ord. Mem. No. 14, plate Ixi. Experimental star patch of bank-note paper, covering the base and cylindrical surface of the bul let; lubricant in cannelures. F. A. Am. No. 2.


253 Experimental star patch of bank-note paper, covering the base and cylindrical surface of the bullet and inclosing a disk of lubricant on the base of the bullet in addition to that in the can nelures. F. A. Am. No. 3.

254 Experimental star patch of bank-note paper, covering the base and cylindrical surface of the bullet; a disk of lubricant in paper capsule applied to the base of the bullet outside of the patch. F. A. Am. No. 4.

255 Experimental wrapped patch of bank-note paper, covering the cylindrical portion of the bullet 236 Experimental wrapped patch of bank-note paper, covering the cylindrical portion of the bullet and folded down on a disk of lubricant applied to the base in addition to that in the cannelures. F. A. Am. No. 6.

and folded down on the base lubrication in cannelures. F. A. Am. No. 5.

257 Experimental wrapped patch of bank-note paper, covering the cylindrical portion of the bullet and folded down on the base; a disk of lubricant on base outside of patch. F. A. Am. No. 7.

258 Experimental; the diameter of the bullet reduced by 005 inch. F. A. Am. No. 24. 259 Experimental; the bullet hardened by addition of one-twelfth tin. F. A. Am. No. 21. 260 Experimental bullet, smooth, with lubricant in disk on base; wrapped patch. F. A. Am. No. 12. 261 Experimental bullet, smooth ellipsoidal front, with lubricant in disk on base; wrapped patch.

F. A. Am. No. 203.

262 Experimental bullet, smooth, hardened with one-twelfth tin, patched and lubricated with disk

of wax and wads like the earlier Martini Henry. F. A. Am. No. 15.


[blocks in formation]

263- Experimental bullet, with two broad cannelures (Benét) instead of three ordinary ones. F. A. Am. No. 61.

264 Experimental bullet, with two broad cannelures (Benét) like last, but lightened 40 grains by

cavity in base. F. A. Ball No. 62.

served at 450 grains by cavity in base. F. A. Am. No. 18.

tín. F. A. Am. No. 19.

265 Experimental bullet, with two broad cannelures (Benét), lengthened to 2 calibers; weight pre 266 Experimental bullet, with two broad cannelures (Benét) like last, but hardened with one-twelfth 267 Experimental bullet, with two broad cannelures (Benét), lengthened to 21 calibers; weight pre268 Experimental bullet, with two broad cannelures (Benét) like last, but hardened with one-twelfth

served at 450 grains by cavity in base. F. A. Am. No. 23.

tin. F. A. Am. No. 27.

269 Experimental bullet, with two broad cannelures (Benét), lengthened to 24 calibers; diameter re duced by.01 inch; weight preserved at 450 grains by cavity in base. F. A. Am. No. 28. 270 Experimental bullet, with two broad cannelures (Benét) like last, but hardened with one-twelfth tin. F. A. Am. No. 29.

sections. F. A. Am. No. 16.

271 Experimental sectional bullet (Farley); front of bullet doweled into rear; lubricant between 272 Experiment sectional bullet (Farley); rear of bullet doweled in front; lubricant between sec

tions. F. A. Am. No. 17.

273 Experimental bullet; a conoidal frustum on a reduced conical frustum, flushed with lubricant.

F. A. Am. No. 25.

274 Experimental bullet; a conoidal frustum on a reduced conical frustum, 1.1 inches long, flushed

with lubricant. F. A. Am. Nos. 104 and 105.

275 Experimental bullet; imitation of Swiss "Federal" bullet; weight same as service lubrication

in cannelures. F. A. Am. No. 26.

276 Service bullet resembling that of service ammunition, but diameter in front of front cannelure made equal to the general diameter, the reduction to be effected by the crimping of the case. Used in service ammunition from July 21, 1870. F. A. Am. No. 111.


277 Experimental, Robert's bullet; blunt ellipsoidal front, broad shallow cannelure, and cavity in the

base: Inbrication in cannelure. F. A. Am. No. 66.

278 Experimental, Dimmick's bullet No. 1; frustum of a conoid on frustum of a cone. F. A. Am. No. 126. 279 Experimental, Dimmick's bullet No. 2; frustum of a cone on a cylinder; two cannelures. F.A.

Am. Nos. 134 and 135.

280 Experimental, Dimmick's bullet No. 3; frustum of cone on a cylinder; two cannelures; shallow

dished cavity in base. F. A. Am. No. 138.

281 Experimental, Week's bullet No. 1; conoidal frustum on cylinder; three bearing rings; lubri

cation by greased patched wrapped. F. A. Am. No. 157.

282 Experimental, Week's bullet No. 2; conoidal frustum on cylinder; two bearing rings: lubri

cation by circular greased patch. F. A. Am. No. 158.

283 Experimental, Week's bullet; smooth conoidal frustum on cylinder; lubrication by circular

greased patch. F. A. Am. No. 160.

base. F. A. Am. No. 177.

284 Experimental carbine, reduced from rifle musket, 450 grains to 430 grains, by conical cavity in 285 Experimental carbine, reduced from rifle musket, 450 grains to 415 grains, by conical cavity in

base. Fired with various charges. F. A. Am. Nos. 178, 181, and 186.

286 Experimental carbine, reduced from rifle musket, 450 grains to 400 grains, by conical cavity in base.

Fired with various charges. F. A. Am. Nos. 179, 182, and 187.

287 Experimentalcarbine, reduced from rifle musket, 450 grains to 385 grains, by conical cavity in base.

Fired with various charges. F. A. Am. Nos. 180, 183, and 188.

288 Experimental carbine, reduced from rifle musket, 450 grains to 415 grains, by making the front

ellipsoidal. Fired with two different charges. F. A. Am. Nos. 190 and 192.

289 Experimental carbine, reduced from rifle musket, 450 grains to 430 grains, by making the front ellipsoidal. Fired with two different charges. F. A. Am. Nos. 189 and 191. The latter with 55-grain charge was adopted as service carbine cartridge 1872.

290 Experimental, Hubbell's adaptation of the Prussian needle-gun bullet and sabot to metallic case. Fired with slight modifications in three forms. F. A. Am. Nos. 244, 245, and 246. 291 Experimental, gas-check bullet; substantially like service ".50 caliber, but made to lap outside

the mouth of case. F. A. Am. No. 287.

292 to 310







Center swell base copper disk anvil; two vents: short case; charge, 40 grains; bullet, 450 grains.
Frankford Arsenal, 1865; experimental. Ord. Mem. No. 14, plate v.

312 Iron disk anvil, chamfered and crimped into flange; slet vent. Springfield, 1867.


Broad bar anvil, iron chamfered and crimped into flange; slot vent. Springfield, 1867. 314 Martin straight bar re-enforced; tinned iron with re-enforce copper cup held in by indents. Spring.

field, 1867. Ord. Mem. No. 14, plate xiii.

315 Martin straight bar; tinned iron held by indents, as made for service at Frankford Arsenal, from October, 1866, to March, 1868. F. A. Am. No. 133. Ord. Mem. No. 14. plate x. 316 Copper bar anvil; chamfered ends held by re-entrant fold. Springfield. 1870. Record No. 115 317 Copper disk anvil, plain square edge, held in by indents.

Frankford Arsenal, August, 1871.

Ord. Mem. No. 14, plate xXXİ A.

318 Copper disk anvil in re-enforcing cup, both held by indents.

Frankford Arsenal, February, 1872.

Ord. Mem. No. 14, plate xl. Record No. -.

319 Copper disk anvil; chamfered, held in by re-entrant fold.

Frankford Arsenal, October, 1871.

Ord. Mem. No. 14, plate xxxi D. Record No. 199.

320 Copper disk anvil, expanding, held in by indents; has re-entrant fold underneath. Ord. Mem. No.

14, plate xxxi C. Frankford Arsenal, 1871. Record No. 197.

321 Copper disk anvil, expanding, held in by knurl all around; has fold underneath. Frankford Ar

senal, October, 1871. Record No. 201.

322 Copper disk anvil, corrugated, held in by knurl all around: case with corrugated base. Frank


ford Arsenal, 1871. Ord. Mem. No. 14, plate xxxii. Record No. -.

Covered base anvil, primed outside of base, priming covered by a flat cap embracing flange. Frankford Arsenal, February, 1872. Record No.-.

324 Needle or disk and bolt anvil, priming; in case of bullet; disk held in by flange and supporting axial bolt extending almost to priming: bolt pointed like a firing-pin. Frankford Arsenal, for Lieutenant Corliss. Reported on February 16, 1871. Ord. Mem. No. 14, plate xxxiii. Record No. 136.


Needle or disk and bolt anvil, like last, but bolt squared in front like a winding arbor. Frank. ford Arsenal. Record No. 137.

326 Martin rocket short-bar anvil, held in by re-entrant folded pocket; flange re-enforced by ring inside (original Martin). Springfield. F. A. Am. No. 202. Ord. Mem. No. 14, plate xliii. 327 Martin pocket, without re-enforcing ring, anvil tin or copper. Springfield Armory, 1869. F.A. Am. No. 118. Ord. Mem. No. 14, plate xx. 328 Martin pocket in brass. Springfield, 1869. F. A. Am. F. A. Am. No. 117.

329 Martin pocket with re entrant fold above flange. Springfield, 1870. F. A. Am. No. 113. 330 Martin pocket with re-entrant fold and double, and double indented anvil made for service at Frankford Arsenal, November and December, 1871. F. A. Am. No. 176, Ord. Mem. No. 14, plate xxii.

331 Martin pocket, re-enforced with solder in flange. Frankford Arsenal, 1872. Record No.-. 332 Martin pocket, closed down without anvil. Frankford arsenal, 1873. Record No. -.


333 Vacant.

334 Vacant.

335 Benét narrow pocket saddle anvil in small cap, short case; bullet No. 57. Frankford Areenal,


336 Benét wide-pocket saddle anvil in large cap, short case; bullet No. 57. Frankford Arsenal, 1806. 337 Solid nipple head; iron nipple in pocket in solid brass base of case; short case. Frankford Arse

nal, 1865, record No.

338 Crispin foil and paper: pocket pressed in brass cup attached to base of foil and paper case; different thicknesses of foil tried. Frankford Arsenal, 1867. Ord. Mem. No. 14, plate xvii. 339 Laidley arch anvil; inside cap iron anvil reaching to bullet. Springfield, 1865. Ord. Mem. No. 14. plate vii. 340 Laidley capped bar; inside cap on an arched bar held in by indents. Springfield, 1866. Ord. 341 Star cap-receiver: inside cap and anvil, contained in a star-shaped pocketed receiving plate.

Mem. No. 14, plate viii.

Frankford Arsenal, 1866. Ord. Mem. No. 14, plate vi.

342 Cup-cap receiver; inside cap and anvil, contained in a pocket of re-enforcing cup at bottom of

case. Frankford Arsenal, February, 1872. Ord. Mem. No. 14, plate xlix.

343 Re-enforced pocket case; re enforcing ring clinched in by pressing back the pocket outside cap spear-head anvil. Frankford Arsenal, 1872. Ord. Mem. No. 14, plate xxxviii A; record No.344 Plate flanged; brass base plate, held on by a separate clinched pocket; ou side cap and spear-head

anvil. Frankford Arsenal, 1872. Ord. Mem. No. 14, plate xlii.

345 Plate flanged; brass base plate, held on by a solid inside pocket; clinched outside: outside cap

and spear head anvil. Frankford Arsenal, January, 1872. Record No.-.

346 Wrapped metal: soldered into pocketed base cup: outside cap and spear-head anvil. Frankford

Arsenal, January, 1872. Ord. Mem. No. 14, plate 1

347 Front ignition: wrapped metal, soldered into base cap, with pocket reaching nearly to bullet:

outside cap and bolt anvil. Frankford Arsenal, 1872. 348 Front ignition case pocketed, for cap and spear-bead

Record No. 292.
anvil; the pocket prolonged in a small

tube nearly to the bullet. Frankford Arsenal, 1872. Ord. Mem. No. 14, plate xxxiv.

349 Treadwell cube anvil; case re-enforced with inside ring, pocketed for outside cap containing cubie 350 Treadwell cube anvil case, re-enforced, with solder pocketed for outside cap, containing cubical

al anvil Frankford Arsenal. 1872. Ord. Mem. No. 14, plate xxxviii B.

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