a This Volume has been edited by the Hon. Secretary. The Authors have usually revised their papers. The Authors alone are responsible for facts and opinions. The Society exchanges Proceedings with other publishing bodies, through the Secretary, from whom back numbers may be obtained. 1 C. COLLINGWOOD, M.A., M.B., Oxon, F.L.S., &c. H. DUCKWORTH, F.R.G.S., F.G.S. GEO. HIGHFIELD MORTON, F.G.S. REV. J. ROBBERDS, B.A. THOS. J. MOORE, C.M.Z.S. ORDINARY MEMBERS ON THE SOCIETY'S ROLL AT THE CLOSE OF THE 50TH SESSION. Those marked + are Original Members of the Society. Life Members are marked with an asterisk. Oct. 11, 1833 Aikin, James, Esq., 2, Drury-lane, and 4, Gambier-terrace. Dec. 10, 1860 Alexander, James, 8, York Buildings, Dale-street, and 24, Bedford-street South. Jan. 8, 1861 Anderson, David, 7, Church-street, Egremont. Dec. 11, 1854 Andrew, John, Fenwick chambers, and Sandown-park, Wavertree. |