gently attended to all the documents bearing upon Mr. Donnelly's case, find no transaction of synod justifying Mr. Donnelly's course. Therefore, however re. luctantly, they are compelled to consider his behaviour, in the pre. mises, as being altogether unpres. byterial. Your committee would, therefore, recommend to synod, the adoption of the following resolution, viz. Resolved, That the Rev. Thomas Donnelly shall, as in duty bound, consider himself subject to presbyterial authority, and be attached to the Western Presbytery, and by this deed he is attached, until such time as God in his pro. vidence, allow the Southern Presbytery to be recognized. In the mean time, until the Western Presbytery shall have had an opportunity of transmitting Mr. Donnelly their orders, he shall preach as usual, on the invitation of the people. 2. In reference to the case of the Rev. Hugh McMillan, at present an unlocated minister, under the inspection of synod, your committee beg leave to recommend the following resolution : Resolved, That the Rev. Hugh McMillan be connected with the Reformed Presbyteryof Pittsburgh at his own and their request. The synod adopt the above report and resolutions. The clerk of this synod is directed to send one copy of this report to Mr. Donnelly, and another to Mr. Daniel McMillan. 5. The order of the day was, hearing the report of the committee on our civil relations to the federal and state governments. Dr. Willson read the report, on which some discussion took place, when the court adjourned till 4 o'clock, P. M. The moderator concluded at 4 o'clock. Eodem die et loco. Synod met, &c. Same members ut supra. The consideration of the report was resumed. After a great deal of discussion, it was moved and seconded, that the report be referred to the next meeting of synod. Moved, as an amendment, that in the mean time it be printed. This amendment was lost. It was again moved, as an amendment, that it be commited to a committee consisting of Drs. McLeod, Wylie, McMaster, and Black, critically to examine it, and, if they see meet, to publish it as an overture, before the next meeting of synod. Carried, with this amendment. Adjourned till 10 o'clock, a. M. Moderator concluded, &c. August 10, 1830. Eodem loco. Pursuant to adjournment, the court met, &c. Same members ut antea. 1. On motion, it was agreed that the committee on civil relations, &c., be added to the com. mittee to which was committed the report of that committee. 2. The committee on presbyte. rial reports reported. Their report was not sustained, but recommitted to the same committee, to make it more full, &c. 3. The committee on the signs of the times were discharged, and the causes of fasting and thanks. giving of last year were adopted, and the ministers severally allow. ed to make such additions as they might think proper. The days to be the same as in the act of last year. 4. The synod agree, that the rule of synod, in as far as it relates to the biennial appointment of the synod, be, and it is, for this time, suspended, in order that a meeting may be appointed at an earlier period than the rule admits, for the purpose of meeting with delegates from the Scottish and Irish synods, at as early a day as possible. The synod ap. points its next meeting in Philadelphia on the first Wednesday of August, 1831. 5. A paper was presented to synod by Mr. Cooper, complain. ing of a mistake by the presbytery to which he belongs, in relation to his appointment to synod, whereby he was exposed to unnecessary expenses, &c. Re. ferred to the committee on travel. ing expenses. 6. The committee on foreign correspondence reported. A letter was presented by them, and read, addressed to the Reformed Presbyterian Synod of Scotland. This letter was approved and or. dered to be sent to that synod. The chairman of the committee withdrew the letter from the table, promising to return it to the clerk of synod. 7. The committee on the theo. logical seminary presented the following report: Your committee have taken under their most serious consideration the several subjects committed to them, and present the following report in relation to the petition from the Northern Pres. bytery: 1. It is greatly to be desired that thetheological seminary should be resuscitated. And your committee would most earnestly recommend, that means should be used by synod to ascertain what support would be afforded to the maintenance of a professor. We know the painful fact, that the seminary was for a time in operation, and languished, and died, for want of support that it was again revived, and again gave up the ghost from the same cause. Let us prepare the materials for building, before we commence the building itself. Your committee, therefore, recommend that the subject be kept under serious consideration, until the next meeting of synod; and in the mean time, that the several presbyteries shall go on, as they have done in times past, to take charge of the young men under their inspection, and instruct them in conformity with the provisions and regulations of the theological seminary, as far as in their power. And in the mean time, that the Rev. Dr. Mc. Leod should be nominated as the professor, as soon as the seminary shall be in operation. The second part of the petition respects the establishment of a periodical work, which shall be a vehicle for communicating religious instruction, &c. Your committee high. ly approve of the plan of the pro. posed publication, and would further inform this synod, that, a considerable time since, some of the members of your reverend body had this subject under consideration, and, in a communication with Rev. Dr. McLeod, received from him a grant to their earnest solicitations, that if such a work were put in operation, and he called thereto by the synod, he would undertake the editorial department of said periodical. Your committee, therefore, suggest the following resolutions: Resolved, 1. That such publi. cation be forthwith decreed by this court. 2. That Rev. Dr. McLeod be elected to the editorial depart. ment of said publication. 3. That the name or title of said periodical be left to the choice of the editor. 4. That the publication shall be an octavo, similar to the most res. pectable monthly periodicals, and each settled minister in our church shall pledge himself for a number of copies. The synod accepted this report, and adopted the resolutions re. commended therein. And further, the clerk of this synod is directed to advertise every absent minister of our connection of this transaction, and desire them to send on their pledge respecting the number of copies for which they will become responsible. Also to write, in like manner, to Mr. Daniel McMillan, South Ca. rolina; Rev. Mr. Clarke, Am. herst, New Brunswick; and to any other person to whom he may think fit. The licentiates are to use their endeavors to obtain sub. scribers in vacant congregations. The several ministers and other members present were called on to pledge themselves for what number of copies of the contem. plated magazine they would be responsible. Dr. Willson engaged for seventy-six, stating, at the same time, that he would consider himself entitled to 25 per cent. discount; Rev. Samuel M. Willson engaged for 2 copies; Rev. John N. McLeod for 25; Moses Roney, 25; Dr. Wylie, 200; S.W. Crawford, 10; Dr. Black, 100; John Cannon, 25; Robert Gibson, 25, if he have a congregation; James Blackwood, 2; Robert Wallace, 20; Gavin McMillan, 25; Jonathan Gill, 10; Thomas C. Guthrie, 25; William Sloane, 10; John Kell, 15; Samuel Wylie, 20; Ebenezer Cooper, 20; Hugh McMillan, 25; Charles B. McKee, 10; George Scott, 1; Nathaniel Kirkpatrick, 4; John Willson, 2;-in all, 675. Adjourned till 4 o'clock, P. M. Moderator concluded by prayer. 4 o'clock, P. M. Eodem die et loco. Synod met and were called to order by the moderator. Same members ut supra. 1. Mr. Ebenezer Gill, a ruling elder, from Thomson's Run congregation, appeared, and took his seat. 2. The committee of supplies made the following report, which was accepted. Your committee respectfully report That there are three ordained ministers without charge under the care of this synod, viz. the Rev. Robert Gibson, Samuel M. Willson, and James Blackwood; andeleven licentiates, viz. Messrs. John Fisher, Andrew W. Black, George Scott, David Scott, William Wilson, Robert McKee, Erasmus D. McMaster, John H. Symmes, John McMaster, David Steele, and Samuel Gaily. Of these, Mr. Fisher, with the call made on him from South Carolina, has already been referred to the Northern Presbytery. And in reference to the rest, your com. mittee would recommend, that Rev. Robert Gibson and Mr. Wil 1 are. son be referred, at their own request, to the Northern Presbytery. Rev. Samuel M. Willson, and James Blackwood, and Messrs. Black, John McMaster, and Steele to the Presbytery of Pittsburgh. And Rev. James Chrys. tie and the rest to the respective presbyteries in which they now The committee have also had under consideration the petition from Knoxville, Ten,, and in reference to it, they would recom. mend, that the prayer of the petitioners be granted, and that it would be transmitted to the presbytery of Pittsburgh, with direc. tions to carry it into execution, by means of some of the ministers, or licentiates committed to their care. The committee on presbyterial reports made the following re. port, which was adopted: That having examined these reports, they find them exhibiting the church under your inspection as enjoying a prosperity which ought to call forth the gratitude of the friends of religion to the Head of the church. They find, that although the operations of your the ological seminary have been for some time suspended, yet your several presbyteries have not relaxed in their exertions to furnish the church with a learned and able ministry. Under this more private system of instruction, many young men of talents, and, we trust, of godliness, have been raised up, and are now employed in encouraging and strengthening your vacancies. Your settled congregations are steadily and gradually augmenting their num. bers. As their numbers increase, they are brought more into view, and consequently more into contact with society. As man is naturally an imitative being, it is to be expected that in proportion as these points of contact multiply, temptations to abandon the truth, and comply with the prevailing maxims of the times, will likewise be increased. While we lament that in some instances these temptations have been too successful in their seductive influence, yet we have reason to rejoice that the great body of your people have been enabled, by the blessing of the Most High, to resist these al. lurements, and to exemplify the influence of God's grace upon their conversation among men. Societies for prayer and Christian conference are springing up in different parts of our country. Reasoning from past experience, we look forward to the time, and that not far distant, when these societies, by attentive culture, will become flourishing congregations. On a survey of your whole church, your committee believe that there is every inducement for your people to persevere in their efforts in the cause of reformation, knowing that these efforts shall not be in vain in the Lord. In concluding this part of. our report, your committee would only remark that it is our decided conviction that the only sure ground of success in that work in which we are engaged, is placed in a minute and conscientious adherence to the doctrines of this church, as they are exhibited to the world in our standards. Your committee would recommend to the favorable consideration of synod so much of the report of the Presbytery of Pittsburgh as refers to the establishment of a home missionary society. 4. On motion, it was resolved, That the consideration of a home missionary society, recommended in the above report, be referred to the next meeting of synod. 5. A special committee, consisting of Drs. Willson and Wylie, was appointed, to reply to the letter from the Associate Reformed Synod of New York. Adjourned till to-morrow, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Moderator concluded by prayer. ment. Eodem loco. Aug. 11th, 1831: Court met, agreeably to adjourn. Same members ut antea. 1. The minutes of the former sederunt were read and approved. 2. Some members of the Pres. bytery of Pittsburgh, by and with the consent of that presbytery, presented a petition to synod, praying to be organized into a se. parate presbytery, according to certain specified limits namely, to be bounded on the west and south by the Western Presbytery, east by Muskingum river to New Philadelphia, thence, by the ca. nal, to Cleaveland, on lake Erie, to be called the Ohio Presbytery of the Reformed Presbyterian Church. On motion, the prayer of the petition was granted. 3. Dr. Willson presented a paper containing a preamble and resolution, which, after amendment, was thus adopted: Whereas, Synod has resolved to resuscitate the theological seminary; and whereas, it is proper that we have an efficient system of finance for the support of the professor, &c., therefore resolved, That a fiscal committee be appointed to report a scheme of finance, at next sessions in Philadelphia: Drs. Willson and McMasters, andRev. John Neil McLeod are that committee. On motion, Mr. Robert Orr was added to this committee. 4. A paper was presented requesting this synod to decide whether ruling elders are to be ordained by laying on of hands or not. 5. Mr. John Jamison, ruling elder, obtained leave of absence for the remainder of the session. 6. Resolved, That the letters from Mr. Clark be referred to a special committee, to return him an answer that committee to con. sist of Dr. Black and Rev. Samuel W. Crawford. Messrs. Crawford and Roney had leave of absence during the remainder of the session. Adjourned till 4 o'clock, P. M. 4 o'clock-Eodem die et loco. Synod met, pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the moderator. 1. Application for sermon, &c., had been made to this synod from Tioga, Luzerne county. The synod refer the whole concern to the Northern Presbytery, as being most contiguous, desiring that presbytery to give the people of Tioga all the supplies in their power. 2. Rev. Mr. Cannon presented the following paper: Whereas, there is some difficulty in the mind of the mover relative to the scriptural plan of ordaining ruling elders; and whereas, synod has not yet settled the whole of its system of ecclesiastical order, therefore Resolved, That a committee be appointed to report to synod, |