Master was ordained, and installed as pastor of the Reformed Presbyterian church in the city of Schenectady. The Rev. Doctor McMaster presided on the occasion, and preached the sermon from 2 Co. rinth. ii. 16.-" Who is sufficient for these things?" TO CORRESPONDENTS. We acknowledge the receipt of valuable communications from friends in Europe. Those of the Rev. Dr. Lee, and Mr. Goold, of Edinburgh, and of Mr. Aikman, the historian of Scotland, and of the Rev. P. McIndoe, have come safely to hand. S. has been received, and will meet with due attention. Dr. BLACK's Synodical Sermon is come to hand. FREE DISCussions in our next. Other communications, of which we have several on hand, will be inserted in turn. ITEMS OF INTELLIGENCE. On the 8th ult. the Rev. Dr. BLACK, of Pittsburgh, sailed from this port for Liverpool. He bears the commission of delegate from the synod of the Reformed Presbyterian church in N. America, to sister churches in Britain and Ireland. It is hoped that those congre. gations which have not yet taken up the collections ordered by sy. nod for the support of this correspondence, will comply with the injunction without delay. The editor has been advised of the following sums as already collected. Reformed Presbyterian church, Pittsburgh, Pa. $50-First Reformed P. church, Philadelphia, $75-Reformed P. church, New York, $40-Second R. P. church, N. York, $33.36-Ref. P. church, Ryegate, Vt. $15. CONSTITUTION OF SYNOD. In conformity with the arrangement of presbyteries, the particular Synod of the East in connection with the Reformed Presbyterian church, will be constituted on Tuesday, 24th of April inst. at 7 o'clock, P. M. in the Ref. Presbyterian church, Chambers street, New York. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Receipts for January-John Tullock, Duanesburgh, $12-Rev. J. N. McLeod, Ballston Spa, $50. February, Dr. Black, Pittsburgh, $185, for himself and Rev. Mr. Wallace, Rev. T. С. Guthrie, Rev. J. Gill, Rev. A. W. Black.-Robert Orr, Philadelphia, $65-Rev. Ebenezer Cooper, E. Tennessee, $30-Rev. W. Wil. son, Milton, Pa. $5. March, W. Wiley, Newburgh, $20-Rev.G. McMillan, Oxford, Ohio, $50.James W. King, Patterson, N. J. $30-Duanesburgh, additional $4. N. B. Agents and others are informed that a few complete sets of vol. I. are on hand, and may be obtained at the lowest subscription price. |