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النشر الإلكتروني

Dagne Sunne of Newcombe College in Louisiana found Negro children inferior to whites on the Binet scale and superior to them on the point scale; Dr. Kwak Yeoung, a Chinese researcher, in a study of Chinese intelligence found an Intelligence Quotient of 97, which was about equal to the California whites with whom these children were compared, but higher than the I.Q. of Dr. Artlett's white subjects.

Pintner and Keller of Columbia Teachers College found the I.Q. of American whites to be 95 (less than the Chinese) the English 97, the Negro 88. The same test found the Scotch I.Q. identical with the Negro rating and the Negro rating superior to the Italian, Greek, Pole and scattered Slavic races. S. N. Derrick in South Carolina found Negro boys of 16 superior in all his tests, but the Negroes lower in all other age groups. Dagne Sunne found Negro girls averaging higher than white boys, and that while they had the largest number of belownormals they also had the highest number of above-normals. Freeman of the University of Chicago found Jews consistently superior to Americans in all age groups, Americans superior to Negroes in all but the ten year old group, and Negroes superior to Italians in all but two groups. The army intelligence tests, as has been pointed out before, found gross differences between whites and Negroes, in favor of the former; they also showed greater differences between northern and southern Negroes than between whites and Negroes; a difference between Mississippi and Oregon whites greater than the difference found by Hunter between native whites and full blooded Indians; northern Negroes superior to whites in Mississippi, Kentucky and Arkansas; and Ohio Negroes superior to native whites in every state of the south except Florida. 16

It is useless to multiply illustrations. We do not know what the mental differences between races are and the subject awaits long and difficult investigation. This fact will in nowise deter the politician and the propagandist from continuing their activities.

Race Mixtures

Admitting the existence of different strains of human beings whose relative capacities are not accurately determined, we are at once confronted with the question of race intermarriage. It is admitted that it has taken place, but now that science is enlightening the earth shall we approve or disapprove the practice? Since the Negro is the least able in the opinion of white college boys let us begin with the question of the intermarriage of white and black in the United States, recalling that this is legally prohibited in about one-half of the states.


It is generally believed that between one-quarter and onehalf of those called Negroes in the United States are mixed bloods, ordinarily called mulattoes. The estimates of the census are too low. A recent study of 1,551 Negroes showed only 439 pure Negroes (22 per cent); 97 were of Negro and Indian origin (6.3 per cent); 713 were of mixed white and Negro origin (50.8 per cent); while 294 showed mixtures with both whites and Indians (20.9 per cent).17 Negro has become a social rather than a physical term, for the hybrid is not a Negro biologically speaking. In Cuba wherever white blood can be detected the individual is listed as white. do the reverse. Now we have no real understanding of the differences between the pure Negro and the mulatto save that the latter usually looks a little more like the white. A striking percentage of Negro leaders have been mulattoes but this may have been due to better social opportunities. Most of the mulattoes have been the children of white fathers and these fathers have often given them better training than the pure black could give his offspring. Volumes could be filled with claims and counterclaims. One man condemns all mulattoes to inferiority and rapid extinction; the next admits their superiority. It seems to be a matter of opinion.

In the schools no marked difference in ability of full bloods and mixed bloods is found. At Hampton Institute the student body from 1901 to 1910 was classified in seven colored groups as follows:

[blocks in formation]

The scholastic records of these students classified by color, show that on the whole there is little difference between the different color-groups. Such variations as are found seem, it has been said, quite as likely to be due to previous schooling, or the lack of it, as to any other cause. It cannot be affirmed that any significant conclusion can be drawn as to the influence of either white or Negro blood upon mentality. In the academic record the best scholar was in the darkest group, though a slightly higher percentage of the lighter colored were marked "very good" and "good." In the work record the lighter colored showed up slightly better than the darker, in the conduct record the lighter had a higher percentage of "excellent" but a lower of "very good" and "good."

The twenty-one best Negro scholars at Hampton selected as valedictorians and salutatorians from 1914 to 1924 were:


3 dark brown

3 brown

3 light brown 2 light


3 dark brown

3 brown

3 light brown
I light

Whole Number

6 dark brown

6 brown

6 light brown
3 light

"It is evident," concludes Gregg, "therefore, that in so far as color may indicate the degree of white or Negro blood, it signifies little or nothing with respect to intellectual ability." 18

[blocks in formation]

A former student has given me the table above, which is in agreement with the findings at Hampton.

In the above table the group rank was determined by dividing each class into five groups, from the highest (say 10 per cent) to the lowest (not passed) and then comparing the classes as to distribution. While the lighter groups show a trifling advantage the difference is not great.

A discussion of race problems as such does not enter into our scheme. It is necessary to say, however, that the Negro in America occupies a caste position which makes it impossible for him to be on a basis of equality with the white, regardless of the qualities any individual may have. The intermarriage of whites and blacks, then, is attacked or defended on social rather than on biological grounds. The southern white finds it necessary to maintain the Nordic antagonism to race intermixture by drastic methods. The northern white does not visualize this as likely and is indifferent. The stopping of foreign immigration and the consequent scattering of the Negro population will produce some interesting results.

Turning now to the larger question of race crossings, let us recall the earlier statement that in all great open areas there has been much blending of race stocks. This, indeed, as Dixon said, is the secret of the difficulty we encounter in trying to classify men into races. Relatively pure groups are

[blocks in formation]

The mixture in

very scarce, mixed groups are common.
Europe has been noted. It is equally true of Africa and the
American Negroes are not of one race. A very competent
English writer has said:


There has been much infiltration of Caucasian blood from Europe and western Asia in more recent, historic times. PreIslamic Arabs undoubtedly were connected with and settled in Southeast Africa perhaps more than two thousand years ago. They must have taken to themselves concubines from the South African Negroes, and these last-possibly not yet "Bantu" in speech-may have already created the Hottentot hybrid with the Bushman in Southwest Africa. Then from A.D. 1000 onwards came many Arabs, Persians, Baluchis, and Hindus to the East African coast. From out the mingling of all these elements in different degrees arose the African peoples of today, very few of which are without some tinge of Caucasian blood due to the White man's persistent invasion of Africa from-let us say-12,000 B.C. to the present day. 19

If we may judge from the millions of mulattoes who live in Africa in the Sudan and down the east coast the statements of those who predict the early disappearance of the cross between the whites and blacks must be discounted.

Even in the Americas-most remote from the assumed Asiatic center of dispersion-the Indian population is not uniform. What shall we do with the long-headed Eskimos?

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