صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


(q after name means quoted)

Abbott, C. G., 28, 29; q. 623f.

Acosta, J., 275

Adam, 371, 476

Agassiz, L., 282, 379

Albucasis, 204

Alexander the Great, 160
Amati, 346

Ammon, O., 388

Andrews, R. C., 110; q. 106
Andry, N., 206

Antonius, O., 153, 154, 155, 158,
160, 177; q. 158
Aquinas, St. Thomas, 276, 450
Aristotle, 450; q. 30

Arlett, A. H., 396

Arnold, M., q. 478

Arrhenius, S. A., 28, 183, 201;

q. 9, 12, 14, 184, 186
Audubon, J. J., 120
Augustine, 275, 276, 449
Avenzoar, 204
Avicennes, 204

Babcock, S. M., 461
Baber, R. E., 264
Bach, W., 346
Bacon, Francis, 276
Bacon, Roger, 451

Balfour, A., 66

Balzac, H. de, 16, 389
Barker, q. 295

Barrell, J., 6, 17, 27, 28; q. 6, 19
Bassi, R., 208

Bateson, W., 321, 326; q. 298
Bean, R. B., 392ff., 407
Bede, 271

Beebe, W., 60

Beethoven, L. von, 346, 389
Bell, A. G., 197

Bell, W. B., 123, 138f., 148
Beneden, E. van, 297
Bertillon, J., 420, 434
Bessemer, H., 185

Bingham, W. van D., 395
Biological Survey, Bulletin, q.
116, 135

Birch, R. S., 236; q. 234

Björnsen, B., 389

Blumenbach, J. F., 378f.

Boaz, F., 389, 407, 464; q. 390,


Bond, H. M., 394, 407
Boyle, R., 10

Bragg, W., 15, 28; q. 14f.
Brown, R., 296

Brown-Sequard, C. E., 313
Bryan, W. J., 486

Buffon, G. L. L., 277f., 378
Burckhard, 366

[blocks in formation]

Bury, J. B., q. 464

Burns, R., q. III

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Haldane, J. B. S., 37

Hall, G. S., 396

Ham, 379

Hankins, F. H., 407

Hann, J., 60; q. 48, 55, 77
Harets ben Kaladah, 204
Harris, F. S., and Butt, N. I.,
201; q. 185f., 193f.
Hartley, G. I., 147, 148; q. 125
Harvey, W., 205, 296

Hastings, W., 363f.

Hellpach, W., 77

Helmholtz, H. von, 389

Henderson, L. J., 39, 60; q. 37
Hero, 195

Herodotus, 95, 203

Herskovitz, M. J., 398, 407

Herter, C. A., 110; q. 92
Hertz, F., 389, 407

Hill, J. A., 419f., 434
Hipparchus, 3, 4
Hippocrates, 204

Hoffman, F. L., 429

Holland, W. J., 148; q. 127, 145
Holmes, S. J., and Goff, J. C., q.
Homer, 449
Hooke, R., 296

Hooker, J., 280

Hoover, H. C., 244
Horn, Trader, 468

Hornaday, W. T., 121, 141, 148
Howard, L. O., 110, q. 103
Hrdlicka, A., 402f., 407
Hubble, E. P., 5

Hunt, S. B., 392, 394, 407
Hunter, J., 378

Huntington, E., 81f., 84, 245, 266;
q. 66f., 76f., 83

Huntington, E., and Williams, F.
E., 84, 236, 255, 266; q. 79ff.,
82f., 224

Huxley, T. H., 97, 281f., 379

Hyde, Dr., 423

Ibsen, H., 389

Information Service, 395f., 407

Ireland, A., 344

Japhet, 379

Jefferson, T., 469

Jehring, R. von, 448; q. 442
Jenner, E., 213

Jennings, H. S., 321, 322; q.
309ff., 318f.

Jesus, 442, 449

Job, 202

Johannsen, W., 10

Johnson, R. H. See Popenoe and

Johnston, H. H., 407; q. 401
Joly, J., 6

Jordan, D. S., 332

Jordan, D. S., and Everman, B.

W., 99, 110; q. 100

J. Am. M. Ass., 433; q. 413
Judaeus, Isaac, 204

Justinian, 165

Kammerer, P., 313

Kant, I., 276, 379, 389

Keen, W. W., 215, 230, 236

Keith, A., 60; q. 37f., 40f.
Keller, C., 153, 177; q. 160, 161
Keller, H. G., 397

Kellogg, Vernon L., 284, 293; q.

Kendall, A. I., 110; q. 92
Koch, R., 209f.

Kropotkin, P., 110, 427; q. 109

Lamarck, J. B., 272, 279f.
Langdon-Davies, J., 374; q. 371f.
Lantz, D. E., 148;q. 139f.

Laplace, M. de, 5, 389

Laveran, C. L. A., 221
Lawrence, T. E., 117
Lazear, J. W., 217
Leeuwenhoek, A. von, 87
Leibnitz, G. W. von, 276, 379
Lenin, N., 446

Leocohier, D. D., 266; q. 255
Lessing, G. E., 276

Libby, W., 221, 229, 236; q. 203,


Life Extension Institute, Bulletin,

434; q. 431

Linnæus, C., 206, 270, 272, 276ƒ.,

282, 377

Lister, J., 229

London, Jack, 414
Lotka, A. J., 419, 433
Lucretius, 178

Lull, R. S., 28, 60, 110, 293; q.
32ff., 94f., 99

Luther, M., 389, 446; q. 373f.
Lyell, C., 280, 281

MacIver, R. M., 433; q. 416, 418,

Maine, H., 373

Mallet, T., 110; q. 106f.
Malthus, T., 242f., 263, 281
Mann, L., 266; q. 262
Manson, P., 217
Marggraf, A., 172
Markham, E., q. 465
Marochner, F. J., 266
Mason, O. T., 84; q. 78
Masters, E. L., q. 357
Matthew, P., 280
Mayo, E., 236; q. 227
Meckel, J. F., 280

Mendel, G., 301ff., 306, 308ff.
| Merriam, C. H., 60; q. 50f.
Metchnikoff, E., 92

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