صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


(q after name means quoted)

Balfour, A., 66

Abbott, C. G., 28, 29; q. 623f.

[blocks in formation]

Antonius, O., 153, 154, 155, 158, Bell, A. G., 197

[blocks in formation]

Baker, O. E., 247, 266. See Burns, R., q. 111

Finch and Baker.

Bury, J. B., q. 464

Butt, N. I. See Harris and Butt. | Davenport, C. B., 285, 336, 356

[blocks in formation]

Eddy, M. B., 474

Clark, A., 110, 148; q. 102f., Ecclesiasticus, q. 371
105f., 142

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Goddard, H. H., 330f., 333, 335, Hippocrates, 204

[blocks in formation]

Gorgas, W. C., 217, 220, 236, 458; Hooke, R., 296

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Johnson, R. H. See Popenoe and | London, Jack, 414

Lister, J., 229

[blocks in formation]

Jordan, D. S., and Everman, B. Luther, M., 389, 446; q. 373f.

[blocks in formation]

Langdon-Davies, J., 374; q. 371f. Merriam, C. H., 60; q. 50f.

Lantz, D. E., 148;q. 139f.

Metchnikoff, E., 92

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