صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Life Insurance | Papin, D., 195

Company, Statistical Bulletin, Parè, A., 205

[blocks in formation]

Myerson, A., 356; q. 337f., 351, Polo, Marco, 192, 197, 272


Nägeli, C., 302

Nat. Acad. Sci. Biog. Mem., 407;
q. 395

Newcomer, T., 195

Newman, Col., 97

Noah, 379

Noguchi, H., 220, 221

Nystrom, 389

Ploss, H., 374; q. 366

Polybius, q. 415

Pope, A., q. 202, 485

Popenoe, P., 352, 356, 423, 434

Popenoe, P., and Johnson, R. H.,

419, 434

Poulton, E. В., 284

Presser, 396

Pressey, S. L., 344

Priestley, J., 10

Odin, A., q. 351

Oersted, H. С., 196

Ogburn, W. F., 466

Ptolemy, 4

Punnett, R. С., 331

Pyle, W. H., 396

Quetelet, A., 320

Oliver, T., 374, 433; q. 366f., Quimby, P., 474

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Schuchert, C., 29; q. 21, 25f., 27 Thomas, W. I., 374; q. 365f., 369
Tryon, F. G., and Mann, L., 266; White, A. D., 293, 460

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

U. S. Dep. Agric., Bulletin, 148, William III, 348

[blocks in formation]


Ability, specific and general, 345. | American, racial characters of,

[blocks in formation]

Acquired characters. See Hered- Analogy, biological, 451f.


Anatomy, comparative, 287 ff.

Anesthetics, 228

Adaptation, 40, 55f. See also Anemia, 230


Agave, 175

Agriculture, 254f. See also Do-
mestic plants; Domestic ani-
mals; Food; Land.

Air, 15, 23, 54. See also Alti-
tude; Wind.

Albino, 326

Alcohol, epilepsy and, 341; hered-

ity and, 316f.; in tropics, 66f.;
selective influence of, 426; sui-
cide and, 429

Alfalfa, 90, 137, 139, 168

Algæ, beginning of life and, 32f.;
in repopulation of devastated
area, 95f.; microorganisms and,
88; symbiosis and, 94

Alloy. See Elements; Metals.
Almond, 167

Alphabet, 480

Alpine race, 384

Altitude, 40ff.

Aluminum, 8, 9, 181ff., 186f., 194

Angel fish, 52
Aniline dyes, 296f.
Animals, adaptation to environ-

ment, 56ff.; aquatic, food rela-
tions of, 101; destruction of,
120ff.; distribution of, 48f.;
domestication of, 113, 122; ef-
fects of destruction of, 141,
144; food habits of, 103f.;
food required by, 88ff.; in geo-
logic time, 292; protection of
domestic, 123ff.; services to
plants, 96ff. See also Birds;
Plant and animal associations;
Nature, balance of; Domestic
animals; Reptiles.

Antelope, 106, 107, 115, 120

Anthrax, 208, 209, 235

Anthropoids, 288
Antimony, 180

Antiseptics, 228ff.

Ants, Argentine, 132; association

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