Metropolitan Life Insurance | Papin, D., 195 Company, Statistical Bulletin, Parè, A., 205 Myerson, A., 356; q. 337f., 351, Polo, Marco, 192, 197, 272 353 Nägeli, C., 302 Nat. Acad. Sci. Biog. Mem., 407; Newcomer, T., 195 Newman, Col., 97 Noah, 379 Noguchi, H., 220, 221 Nystrom, 389 Ploss, H., 374; q. 366 Polybius, q. 415 Pope, A., q. 202, 485 Popenoe, P., 352, 356, 423, 434 Popenoe, P., and Johnson, R. H., 419, 434 Poulton, E. В., 284 Presser, 396 Pressey, S. L., 344 Priestley, J., 10 Odin, A., q. 351 Oersted, H. С., 196 Ogburn, W. F., 466 Ptolemy, 4 Punnett, R. С., 331 Pyle, W. H., 396 Quetelet, A., 320 Oliver, T., 374, 433; q. 366f., Quimby, P., 474 Schuchert, C., 29; q. 21, 25f., 27 Thomas, W. I., 374; q. 365f., 369 SUBJECT INDEX Ability, specific and general, 345. | American, racial characters of, Acquired characters. See Hered- Analogy, biological, 451f. ity. Anatomy, comparative, 287 ff. Anesthetics, 228 Adaptation, 40, 55f. See also Anemia, 230 Man. Agave, 175 Agriculture, 254f. See also Do- Air, 15, 23, 54. See also Alti- Albino, 326 Alcohol, epilepsy and, 341; hered- ity and, 316f.; in tropics, 66f.; Alfalfa, 90, 137, 139, 168 Algæ, beginning of life and, 32f.; Alloy. See Elements; Metals. Alphabet, 480 Alpine race, 384 Altitude, 40ff. Aluminum, 8, 9, 181ff., 186f., 194 Angel fish, 52 ment, 56ff.; aquatic, food rela- Antelope, 106, 107, 115, 120 Anthrax, 208, 209, 235 Anthropoids, 288 Antiseptics, 228ff. Ants, Argentine, 132; association |