As to the use of a few Chaldee and Syriac words, or forms of words, in this book, it can only prove that the author was acquainted with some of the kindred dialects; and sometimes embellished his poetry with foreign ornaments, perhaps chiefly for the sake of the rhythm, or the pronunciation; just as the Greeks intermixed their dialects, which differed nearly as these neighbouring eastern languages. The same kind of argument might be employed against the writings of David, and other prophets, as well as against other pieces of the same writer. Let us next enquire what internal evidence can be drawn from the book itself, particularly from the poetic imagery, to ascertain its high an tiquity, and, in some degree, its author. One might be tempted to suppose, that those who place this among the books written in or after the captivity, must never have read it. The beautiful objects of art, from which great part of the imagery is taken were then doubtless, in great measure, in a state of decay. The towers of David and of Lebanon, the fish-pools of Heshbon, the vineyards of Enged. di, and various other things and places referred to, must have been greatly injured by time, had they not fallen into the hands of a foreign enemy : but after the city had been plundered and burned, are mentioned where this word is written full, 1 Kings, iii. 14. xi. 36. Cant. iv. 4. Ezek. xxxiv. 23. In which places this word was originally so written, as well as throughout Chronicles, the twelve prophets, and Ezra; so that in all these places it is marked not as a faulty word, but as rightly written, though different from what it isin other places.' Gill's Exposit. p. 12, 13. 3d edit. 4 ( it is impossible to suppose that they remained entire; much less objects for poetic composition. Beside, this was not atime to celebrate marriages, and write nuptial poems: the poetic compositions of this period were elegies and lamentations; psalms of confession, and earnest supplications of divine mercy. Nor can an author be pointed out in this period to whom the book can with any probability be referred. There is also, in the last chapter, if I rightly understand it, a reference to the sacrificial flame, which strongly implies that it had not been then extinguished'. Again, as some of thefe images carry us above the captivity, others will carry us up to the time of Solomon himself. The chariots and horses of Pharaoh, would hardly have been thought objects of comparison in later ages, when the kings of Egypt were the enemies of Judah. But the reference to Solomon's nuptial bed, and the invitation to behold him with his crown, cannot by any means be reconciled to a later period. Still the question remains, at what period of Solomon's life was this composed? I know that many of the Jewish writers refer it to the latter part of his reign; but as this opinion does not appear of sufficient antiquity to have any weight as a tradition, it was probably started only as an argu See my note on ch. viii. 6. 2 ment to prove that conversion which it supposes. On the contrary, the style and figures employed by no means agree to this hypothesis; and differ totally from those of Ecclesiastes, which is generally, and most reasonably, referred to this latter period. They who consider the book as carnal and obscene, will no doubt be pleased to refer it to the period of Solomon's dissipation and debauchery; but neither is this situation favourable to finished composition; nor is there any reason to believe, that at this time Solomon composed at all: this, therefore, can only rest on a conjecture made merely with a view to serve an hypothesis, which I hope to overthrow, when I come farther to enquire into the nature and design of the poem. From the passage in which 'threescore queens 'and fourscore concubines' are mentioned, Mr. Harmer, and some others, have supposed the book to have been written when Solomon's wives and concubines did not exceed that number, consequently, some considerable time before they were multiplied to three hundred of the former, and seven hundred of the latter2. But, as I think 1 The son of Sirach enumerates first Songs, then Proverbs (Ecclus. xlvii. 18.) but the Jews, in Midras, observe that in 1 Kings, iv. 32. Proverbs are mentioned first. 2 I confess that in this early date of the book I oppose very respectable authority beside that of the rabbins, name ly, Dr. LIGHTFOOT and Dr. GILL, who place it full twenty years after Solomon's marriage, from the mention of the 1 withbishop Patrick, that the ladies there mentioned were not those of Solomon's seraglio, I refer the poem to a still higher date, and shall endeavour to prove it written on a prior occasion, namely his marriage with Pharaoh's daughter. SECTION II. THE OCCASION OF THIS PОЕМ. THE next important object of enquiry then, is the occasion on which this poem was composed. That it was a nuptial poem is, I think, universally admitted, and cannot with any appearance of reason be denied. That it was during or soon after the marriage solemnity is, I conceive, fairly inferable from several passages; as when the virgins are invited to behold king Solomon in his nuptial crown, the crown wherewith his mother crowned him in the day of his espousals which it is not likely was worn long after the nuptials; and when they are directed to behold the bridal bed, or palanquin, brought up in state to the palace. The same deduction may be made from other passages- The king hath brought me into his apart'ments-the king is waiting in the galleries,' &c. tower of Lebanon, chap. vii. 4. But it is not certain that the tower of Lebanon was the same as the house of the forest of Lebanon, 1 Kings, vii. 2. (See my note on ch. vii. 4.) nor is it certain that all these were built in succession; so that the temple, and his palace at Jerusalem, were both complete before the house at Lebanon was begun. Much less does Mr. WHISTON'S remark upon Amminadab's being the same as Abinadab, merit much attention, since they are evidently different names, and were most likely different persons; or rather the former two Hebrew words compounded into a proper name by mistake. (See the note on ch. vi. 12.) Chariots also were introduced before the reign of Solomon. See 2 Sam. xv. 1.-1 Kings, i. 5. The only marriage of Solomon, which is par. ticularly noticed in the scriptures, is that with Pharaoh's daughter, and to this occasion has the piece before us generally been referred1. Several objections have indeed been made to this supposition; but all of them, when examined, appear to me arguments in its favour, rather than objections. It has been said, that the nature of the fortune which this princess brought to Solomon is inconsistent with the supposition of her being Pharaoh's daughter. The portion alluded to is a vineyard which yielded a thousand pieces of silver, and this is thought inconsistent with the character of an Egyptian princess. But the sacred historian happily settles this difficulty, by informing us that Dr. Croxall, in the preface to his Fair Circassian, refers to a small Arabian MSS. found in a marble chest in the ruins of Palmyra, and mentioned (as he says) in the Philosophical Transactions of Amsterdam, 1558, and deposited in the university of Leyden; which MSS. he tells us, contains memoirs of the court and seraglio of Solomon; and mentions a beautiful Circassian captive, with whose charms Solomon was so enraptured, that he never left the seraglio for a month after she was brought there; but as all the parts of this story bear evident marks of fiction, and were not, I suppose, intended to be believed, I conceive it unnecessary to answer it particularly. |