AN OF HERESIES, AND VINDICATION OF THE PRIMITIVE FAITH. BY ASA M'FARLAND, A. M. MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL, IN CONCORD, "Remember the days of old consider the years of MOSES. Copy-Right entered agreeably to Law. CONCORD: FROM THE PRESS OF GEORGE HOUGH. 1806. 1 T HE design of the following short Treatise, was suggested to the Author on reading Dr. Jamieson's excellent Vindication of the doctrine of Scripture, and of the Primitive Faith, concerning the Deity of Christ. It occurred to him, that but few, except scholars and professional men, would become acquainted with that learned work; at the same time, he thought it might be a mean of establishing some in the orthodox faith, when they are informed how the primitive Christians viewed and treated certain sentiments which have been revived in the present age. He has availed himself of some of the many quotations which the above mentioned writer has taken from the Fathers, together with the testimony of Du Pin, and other more modern historians. He presumes not to aver, that he has been perfectly accurate as it respects the dates of events which he has brought into view, nor |