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النشر الإلكتروني

giving us a tall blond type; and in the third place, we must show that this type of tallness and blondness when characteristic of parents is inherited by their children. The Chinese are a true race in accordance with these distinctions because such characters as round head, straight hair, yellow skin and almond eyes are usually found to be the combination of traits which the average Chinaman possesses; moreover, the children of the average Chinaman also possess these traits.

The problem of the origin of races is well-nigh impossible of solution because the facts relating to the gradual differentiation of racial traits are lost in the darkness of prehistoric ages. When history began, men found themselves already possessed of those characteristics of skin color, hair form, and head shape, which serve as the marks of race. We must base our explanation of this process largely upon carefully framed scientific theory.

In the present stage of our knowledge of this complex problem, the following factors must be considered in any theory of race origins. The most highly developed extinct anthropoid apes have been found in fossil remains in Europe. The Pithecanthropus was found in Java. The Neanderthal skull and the Heidelberg jaw were found in the valley of the Rhine. Of living men, the lowest in culture and brain capacity, are found in Australia, Tasmania, and Africa. Of these lowest types of surviving men, some are dolichocephalic (long-headed) and others are brachycephalic (round-headed). The great area of distribution of the dolichocephalic, prognathic3 (marked projection of upper and lower jaws beyond the line of the face), woolly, frizzly or kinky-haired, black men, is south of the equator-in Australia and 3 See figure 64.


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FIGURE 65. Color of Skin as distributed over the World.

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FIGURE 66. Head Form as distributed over the World.



Africa. The great area of distribution of the brachycephalic, narrow-eyed, lank or straight-haired, yellow or red-skinned men, is eastern Asia and western America, chiefly north of the equator along the semi-circular shoreline of Asia and America. The great area of distribution of the mesocephalic (medium-headed), orthognathic (where there is but slight projection of upper and lower jaws beyond the line of the face), straight and wavyhaired, brown or white men, is a broad zone from Polynesia in the Pacific, northwestward through southwestern Asia and northern Africa and most of the continent of Europe. These peoples occupy a zone which coincides with that in which the richest remains of prehistoric man have been found. A large proportion of European whites are relatively dolichocephalic; another large proportion. are relatively brachycephalic. According to Professor Giddings, any theory of race should accommodate all these points.

The word race is popularly associated with color of skin. This classification, however, is not satisfactory. Other distinguishing racial marks such as shape of head, hair form, and facial angle must be considered. Some of these traits occur singly, but often they occur in combinations. We find that the peoples popularly known as the "Yellow Race" have a relatively stable combination of traits so that we find yellow skin usually associated with straight or lank hair, narrow eyes, and a relatively round or broad head. The peoples commonly called the "Black Race" have a fairly stable combination of black skin, with woolly or kinky hair, heavy jaws protruding beyond the other features, and relatively long heads. On the other hand, the so-called "White Race" possesses a 4 See figures 65 and 66. 5 See figure 67. See figure 68.

combination of traits which are by no means invariable characteristics. Thus, while members of the White race are usually fair-skinned, we find that there are gradations. from a dark skin tint that is almost black, all the way through the various degrees of blondness to a yellowish colored skin; while most members of the White race are neither very broad headed nor very long headed, there are individuals who are as long headed as the Negro and others who are as round headed as the Chinaman; in hair form, the members of the White race show variations all the way from straight almost lank hair to frizzly or almost kinky hair. The White race seems therefore to be more variable than either of the other two great divisions of mankind.

Because the White race seems to be more variable in its traits than either of the other two races, Professor Giddings considers that it is the most direct projection of the original race, that it is the variable plastic race coming down from earliest paleolithic times. He maintains that this hypothesis is the simplest and agrees with more facts than any other theory of race origin. He accounts for the origin of the Yellow and Black races upon the hypothesis that one contingent of the original nondescript race with a tendency to vary, worked its way into a favorable location, where, in the course of centuries, natural selection operated to make it markedly dolichocephalic, frizzly-haired, and black; while another contingent of this original plastic race with a tendency to vary, worked its way into a favorable location, and there, in accordance with the same selective process, became markedly brachycephalic, almond-eyed, lank-haired, and yellow in skin color. While this theory does not take immediate notice of color gradations such as brown,

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