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النشر الإلكتروني

and red, it gives an admirable distribution geographically, and besides this, gives a correlation between head form and hair form. If now, we substitute Professor Giddings' nomenclature for the popular terms black, white, and yellow, the system of racial classification assumes the following form:

I. The Australian-African Group.

Characteristics: black skin, dolichocephalic,

prognathic, woolly or frizzly-haired (crosssection of hair very elliptical).7

Area of distribution: Australia and Africa south of the equator.

II. The Polynesian-European Group.

Characteristics: fair skin, mesocephalic orthog

nathic, straight or wavy hair (cross-section slightly elliptical).

Area of distribution: broad zone from Polynesia north westward through southwestern Asia and northern Africa and most of the continent of Europe.

III. The Asian-American Group.

Characteristics: yellow or red skin, brachy-
cephalic, narrow-eyed, lank or straight-
haired (cylindrical in cross-section).

Area of distribution: eastern Asia and western
America, chiefly north of the equator along
the semicircular shore-line of Asia and

This hypothesis agrees with the conditions which were first laid down. The Polynesian-European group occupies at the present time that zone of territory which

7 See figure 64.

[graphic][graphic][graphic][graphic][graphic][graphic][merged small]

FIGURE 67. Brachycephalic Asiatic Types; Uzbeg, Kiptchak and



extends from Java on the southeast to the valley of the Thames on the northwest. In this zone the traces of earliest man have been found. If these traces indicate that this region was his original habitat, then man spread over the earth starting from this zone. If contingents of the original race wandered from this zone into new localities, and were prevented from crossing by environmental barriers they would become different from the original type, the one having wandered north into a colder clime, the other south into a warmer clime. Then, in the course of time, these two groups would become differentiated more widely from each other than from the original type. This we find to be true. The roundheaded lank-haired peoples of the North are separated by an intermediate type from the long-headed curlyhaired peoples of the South.

Now by the same reasoning, the original group, the intermediate and plastic type, would become in some way differentiated according as part went southeast or northwest, and these northwestern and southeastern groups would tend to differ somewhat although transmitting the characteristic head form. That is, different sections of the same general racial group would show slight variations from the stable peculiarities of the larger racial group of which they were parts. This has been the case." In the southeast the brunette of southern Europe becomes the brown in Polynesia, while in the northwest the prevailing white of Europe becomes the pronounced blond of the Baltic regions. In the far southeast, the characteristics of long head and kinky hair are extreme in Australia and Tasmania, because of long isolation. We discover that in the other direction also there are 9 See figure 70.

8 See figure 69.


blacks with long heads and kinky hair, blending off in Africa to the Polynesian type from inter-breeding. this agrees with our original hypothesis.

For the purposes of our study of social evolution we can dispense with any further examination of the varieties of the Australian-African group and of the AsianAmerican group, and can concentrate our attention upon

[graphic][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][ocr errors]

FIGURE 69. Zone of Distribution of Original Undifferentiated Race. (According to Giddings.)

the varieties of the Polynesian-European group. The European part of this race may be divided into two main divisions. One of these is relatively long-headed and dark-complexioned; this division has been called the EurAfrican group. The other is relatively round-headed, light-complexioned, and inhabits Europe west of the Ural

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