THE THEOLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT; OR, A BIBLICAL SKETCH OF THE RELIGIOUS OPINIONS OF THE ANCIENT HEBREWS. FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE CHRISTIAN ERA. EXTRACTED AND TRANSLATED FROM THE Theologie des alten Testaments OF GEORG LORENZ BAUER. PROFESSOR OF ORIENTAL LANGUAGES AND OF LOGIC AT ALTDORF; AND CRITICISM AT HEIDELBERG. LONDON: CHARLES FOX, 67, PATERNOSTER ROW. MDCCCXXXVIII. 573, ADVERTISEMENT. THE work from which the following pages are taken was intended, by the Author, to serve as a textbook for academical lectures. In the translation, the arrangement of the original has, in many instances, been considerably deviated from, with a view to its better adaptation to the general reader; much also has been necessarily omitted, in order, as far as possible, to avoid useless repetitions; but all the essential arguments of the work have been retained, and the opinions of the Author faithfully given. |