and from childhood to man. Soon as the ftupendous wonders permitted his mental powers to act in regularity, would not fuch, or fimilar, be the reflections of his then perfectly pure and rational foul? What am I ! Where am I Of what am I, and Who made us! all around me, made! and for what end was I, and all creation, formed! A divine ray fhining through his foul, doubtless, refolved the all-important queftions, making known the Creator and the end of creation. Struck with amazement at the infinite greatnefs, glory, and tranfcendent goodness, of the Lord God his Maker, the Creator of heaven and earth, and the bounties of creation, would not he, for fome confiderable time, alternatively wonder and praise; efpecially at the infinite kindness of the Lord God, in condefcending fo low, as graciously to enter into covenant with him, his creature, and that in name of all his pofterity! Those who are of opinion that man did not ftand more than one day, allow him but little time indeed, either for admiring the works of creation, or celebrating the praises of the Creator. Although, in confummate wifdom, for the wifeft of reasons, the Moft High God hath feen it beft to conceal from us how long, or how fhort, man continued in a flate of innocence; yet it is probable, both from fcripture and reafon, that he stood for a good space of time. First, when we reflect, if it were poffible for any, in a moment of time, to be removed into the midst of some great country or city, without his knowledge; upon looking up, what would his aftonishment be? All wonder-all admiration! How would he stand amazed! loft in reflection,--confounded every power of his mind! Whether in a dream, in a vifion, or awake, he beholds all, he is equally uncertain. Not knowing what to think, would not he ftand in contemplation, not for a short space, but for a long time? And can we fuppofe that Adam, as has been already obferved, would be lefs aftonished at finding himself, and beholding creation around? nay, certainly unfpeakably more fo would he be. In the other cafe, the powers of the mind and body were not new, but in that of Adam perfectly fo: till that time unfelt and unknown. At once, perfect as he was, how inconceivably great would his aftonishment at himfelf, be to himfelf. Is it not then reasonable to fuppose, that, for a confiderable time, he could be employed in nothing elfe, but in alternately wondering and praifing? efpecially if we confider that he was created after the Divine Image, and confequently, nothing was fo natural or delightful to him, as the beauty of holiness, in adoring his God, and admiring the works of his hands. And upon the almighty Author of his being, graciously vouchfafing to enter into covenant with him, would he not be excited to pour out. his foul in ftill more lively anthems of praife, if livelier were poffible, and higher ftrains of gratitude, while all the man was one continued flame of love to God? we then think, in these blest moments, when all his foul was tranfported with wonder, love, and joy; or, for a confiderable time afterwards, he would feel even the finalleft want of an help meet for him? Next, man being created an active, intelligent being, was not to let thofe powers with which he was endued, lye dormant, but exercife thefe talents for the glory of his Creator, and the Can good of creation; confequently, we find, from the facred page, the Lord God filling his hands with fuitable employment, by placing him in the garden of Eden, for the purpose of dreffing and keeping it; and, in the mean time, bringing to him all the beafts of the earth, and fowls of the air, in order to receive their names. Now, any who confiders what vast numbers of different fpecies there are, and the ftill greater varieties of each species, muft reasonably fuppofe it would take a pretty long space of time for Adam to give them their names; for, though he was perfect, yet he was not an infinite, but a finite creature; and fo could not do things at once, but must take time for his work, and employ his wisdom in confulting the natures of the different fpecies of thofe creatures, and give them their defignations accordingly, which doubtless he did. After this, we find the Lord God caufed a deep fleep to fall upon him; and he flept, which no doubt took up fome portion of time. Upon his awakening, how would he be furprized, at beholding a creature fo like himfelf, the comelieft of all creation around? and still more fo, when by revelation he knew he was made of a rib from his fide? Bone of his bone, and flesh of his flesh, he confeffed fhe was, and called her Woman. Thus finding an help meet for him, uniting in affection, they became one, and proved that facred bond which is fo indifpenfably neceffary for the upholding of the human kind. Can we then fuppofe that Eve, immediately upon her arifing from the fide of her husband, would run gadding abroad among the trees. of the garden? Surely no, but, furprised at each other, wondering at themselves and all around; and fhe most, if more could be, being laft brought into exiftence, joining in fweet converfation, admiring creation, and praising their Creator; the man having taught her him, and declared the covenant, they doubtless spent their first conjugal hours in that very place, or arbour, where Adam first received the hand of his innocent bride from indulgent heaven. Now, if it was the duty, as well as a great part of the employment of man, in a state of innocence, to contemplate the works of God; it certainly is and ought to be ours, their fallen race. |