with that of the inferior creatures in both; come forth from all the four winds speedi ly, with every bone to the destined place of rendezvous, and rear the human frame again immortal: nor fhall a bone mistake his bone, but every bone to his own bone fhall closely join, and not a bone, nor leaft particle of dust shall be misplaced or a-wanting. Then fhall literally take place what the prophet faw in vifion concerning the dry bones, Ezek. xxxvii. 1---8. while the gates of heaven and hell are thrown open, and all the fouls come forth and take up their old tenements again for ever. Righteous fouls and bodies then, like near and dear friends who have long been parted from one another, fhall rejoice to meet again: But dreadfully, nay, dreadfully reluctant fhall wicked fouls and bodies meet, each beyond defcription irkfome to one another, but meet they must to their eternal horror. This day they often heard of while im time, but either made light of it, or en deavoured to difbelieve it altogether; but now it is come, come to their everlasting confufion. Though they used to fay by their practice while in this life, there was no God, and many of them attempted to difbelieve that eternal truth; now they are convinced effectually of their error, and with the devils believe and tremble, James ii. 19. in horrible amazement, knowing there is a God, a juft God too, and a terrible, whom they fee with infinite wrath in his counte nance, coming in the clouds of heaven with awful majefty and glory, with ten thoufands of his faints, and all the holy angels in his train, Jude 14. Matt. xxv. 31. Before his infinitely auguft prefence, fun, moon and ftars, as confcious of their impurity in his fight, fhall go into a total eclipfe, again to fhine no more; while the heavens, as it were fenfible that their end is come, pafs away with a great noise, 2 Pet. iii. 10. and are rolled together as a fcroll, Ifa. xxxiv. 4. Rev. vi. 14. for which there is no more ufe: For man fhall read no K more in their fair page the greatness, wif dom, mercy, and kindness of the Lord, while the elements fhall melt with fervent heat, 2 Pet. iii. 10. and the mountains be diffolved like wax; while the earth and works therein flame all in one deftructive blaze; all in horrible confternation, shivering with abfolute defpair; where to fly, or what to do, they are for ever at a lofs to know. To fly from the prefence of the AlmighGod their Judge, they are anxious inconceivably more than a woman in travail is to be delivered, but that is altogether impoffible; to do any thing for their fafety, is as much fo as the former; for now the· long sparing mercy of God is for ever, ever at an end with refpect to them. He who once offered to be their Saviour, and earnestly entreated them to accept of him and all his benefits, by the everlasting gofpel: (but him they would not accept, and made light of all his benefits:) now with refpect to them his clemency is no more: No, he who once would have been their Mediator, and fhed his blood to have faved them if they would, (eternally cutting thought to them!) is now their judge and inexorable enemy. Now they cry to the rocks and mountains to fall on them, and hide them from the face and wrath of the Lamb, Rev. vi. 16. but these are all in flame. Contented for ever would they be if they could but obtain that wish, though dreadful to human nature to be entirely annihilated; but neither fhall this be granted. If after ten thoufand times ten thousand years, if years could be then numbered, they were to be freed from their torment, they would count it an ineftimable `privilege, and endeavour to be willing to bear their horrible pains; but neither shall this be the cafe. Oh! then, if after as many millions of years as there are piles of fand on the fea shore, bottom of the ocean, and beds of rivers; blades of grafs in the fields, particles of duft in the earth, herbs and trees in the world, fowls in the air, men, beasts, and reptiles on the earth, fish in the waters, ears of corn in autumn, leaves on the trees in fummer, feathers on the fowls, hairs on men and beafts, fcales on the fifh, conftellations and ftars in the heavens, and all these a million times a million fo many as they are, they were to be entirely annihi-. lated, they would count it fome alleviation of their misery. Dreadful thought! Awful count! far furpaffing the arithmetic of man, and perhaps that of angels! Yet neither indeed fhall this take place; for as their offences have been against the infinite God, who deferveth an infinite fatisfaction, and as they can never be able to give that, they must be punished through all eternity. All dread, all horror, and all defpair, they forced wait their final doom, with all their crimes full in their face, written in the page of their memory in legible characters as with a fun beam, which fhall be declared before men and angels. But, on the other hand, the righteous are as much tranfported with love, joy, and happiness, as the wicked are racked with |