صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

lives, precepts, and doctrines which they


There is the comely chefnut which is not only patient of the cold itself, but af fifts those of its own kind in defending other trees from the nipping frofts and feverities of winter. So the people of the Lord are not only patient under trials, whether of a 'fpiritual or temporal nature themfelves, but contribute alfo very much by their example and falutary counfels to support others that are afflicted with fuch.

This tree alfo puts me in mind of thofe variegated rods of the fame wood, which Jacob ufed to encrease his wages from his deceitful father-in-law, Gen. xxx. 37. thefe means he knew, though unavailing in themfelves, by the bleffing of the Lord upon them, would anfwer his end; and that it was only this made them do fo, he faw in a dream, Gen. xxxi. 1o, 11.

Very fmall means, and even thefe one would imagine to be contrary to the defign for which they are ufed, through the

divine bleffing prove effectual. Witnefs the clay which our Lord made ufe of to anoint the blind man's eyes, John ix. 6.

Here is the fir, which for its lofty majeftic ftature, and perpetual verdure, ftands unrivalled by any tree in the wood. To this our Lord hath condefcended fo infinitely low for our more fuitable uptaking of his goodness, to compare himfelf; "I am like


a green fir tree, faith he, from me is thy "fruit found," Hof. xiv. 8.

Not more delightful and refreshing to the fun-burnt weary traveller is the fhade of this tree, (which indeed is most pleafant and falutary in those hot eastern countries, where it grows to a very great fize) than Chrift is to the Zion 'traveller: "fat down under his fhadow with great “delight, faith the spouse, and his fruit was "fweet to my tafte," Cant. ii. 3.

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As this tree fhades thofe that come under it, not only from the fcorching beams of the fun, but also from tempeftuous winds, hail and rain: so Christ Jefus fhelters them that come under his fhadow from the heat

of Satan's malice, the furious blasts of an accufing confcience, the ftorms of God's infinite wrath, and fhowers of eternal vengeance: "he that dwelleth in the secret "place of the Moft High, fhall abide un"der the fhadow of the Almighty," Pfal. xci. 1.

And as this tree like others, ftands with open fhade to receive any under it that will come; fo Chrift Jefus ftands with open arms, as it were, to shelter all guilty finners that will fly to him for fafety: He, the Godman, is "as an hiding place from the wind, "and a covert from the tempeft," Ifa. xxxii. 2.

It is faid that the smell of this tree drives

away wild beasts; so Christ, whose “ gar"ments fmell of myrrh, and aloes, and "caffia," Pfal. xlv. 8. driveth away the wild beasts of fin and corruption from them who fly under his shadow.

Here in this low level part of the wood grow a number of beeches, tall and ftraight, yielding a beautiful fhade. It is obferved, in this friendly manner and fituation of

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foil, thefe trees make the most proficiency in growth: So when Chriftians live humbly and friendly with one another, bearing one another's burdens, helping each other forward in the way to Zion, they make the most proficiency in growth in grace: whereas he that exalteth himself shall be abased i and woe to him that is alone, for when he falleth he hath none to help him up, Luke xiv. II. Eccl. iv. 10.0

These trees when young grow exceedingly crooked, knotty, and ill shaped, buť turn more and more beautiful and ftraight as they grow up: In like manner, thofe newly converted from fin to a life of holiness are but crooked from the divine law, knotfy and thwart to the will of God, in comparison of that beautiful conformity to the holy law, and cheerful acquiefcence to the divine will, to which they arrive afterward through fanctification of the Holy Ghost.

It is likewife obferved, that the leaves of these trees vary their colours toward au tumn; fo the Chriftian's robe of implanted

righteoufnefs grows whiter and whiter towards the harvest of death.

The leaves of these trees alfo are reported to make fine fweet beds to lie upon; fo a well spent life, and a confcience void of offences toward God and man, make a sweet death-bed.

The maft of this tree yields fit oil for lamps; fo the life and converfation of a Chriftian ought to be all as a fhining lamp to direct others the way to Zion, past the fhoals and rocks of vanity, which the God of this world hath made and reared to wreck the unwary mariner while he fteers his veffel over the fea of human life.

Here is the fervice tree, which, regardless of his own safety, gives us early intimations of the approaching fpring, by daring to bud forth, while yet the fhort-lived day affords the shivering fpectator but a bleak. profpect, and the tops of diftant hills lie buried in fnow. Thus the righteous in the midst of the feverest trials, fhew forth their attachment to religion, and dare confefs

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