صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

to fee that we answer the intention of the chaftening, and fhew ourfelves to be men of wisdom, and pliable children, by hearing the rod, and him that hath appointed it, Mic. vi. 9. if fo, instead of being envious, like the Pfalmift in an unthinking hour, at the prosperity of the wicked, Pfal. lxxiii. 3. like him, on a proper reflection, we will fee fuch to be fet on flippery places, ver. 18. and have reason to bless God for his chaftisements, acknowledging that his rod, as well as his staff, comforteth us, Pfal. xxiii. 4.

Instead then of being too much cast down, and grieved on account of the afflictions and troubles which we meet with in a prefent life; let us blefs God for thefe diftinguishing marks of fons, and improve them for his glory, knowing well, that these light afflictions which are but for a moment, work out for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, 2 Cor. iv. 17.

Deep in this fequeftered wood, far from the hurry and bustle of life, meditation may be amply indulged, and prayer and praifes with freedom afcend on the wings

of faith, to the God of heaven, the bountiful Creator of all. For thefe ends, woods appear to have been at first planted by the hands of man; and hence the father of the faithful planted a grove, Gen. xxi. 33.

These arbourous temples, when in full verdure, cannot fail to call forth the ferious mind to contemplate that power, wisdom, glory, and goodness which not only clothe the grass of the field, but also every tree of the wood; and lead to adore our bounteous Lord. Then it is, in the figurative language of the Pfalmift, that all the trees of the wood fing out, 2 Cor. xvi. 33.

That groves were highly honoured of eld is evident from both facred and profane hiftory; for what else was paradise, but a delectable arbour and fruitful grove, interfperfed with fpacious openings, pleafant walks, and beautiful flowers; with every thing else that could attract the fancy, improve the mind, promote the happiness, or gain the efteem of the perfect pair.

That there grew a multitude of trees is evident from thefe fcriptures: Of every tree of the garden thou mayeft freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it. And the woman faid unto the ferpent, we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden. And Adam and his wife hid themselves from the prefence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden, Gen. ii. 16, 17. iii. 2, 8.

And did not Abraham entertain his heavenly guests under the fhade of a tree? Gen. xviii. 4---9. And the angel of the Lord appeared to his fervant Mofes in a flame of fire, out of the midst of a bush, Exod. iii. 2. Nay, Jehovah himself condefcended to call unto Mofes out of the midft of a bufh, Exod. iii. 4. and he is faid to have dwelt in the bush, Deut. xxxiii. 16. And in the feast of tabernacles were not the Ifraelites commanded to take the boughs of goodly trees, and branches of palm trees, and the boughs of thick trees, and willows of the brook, and to rejoice before the Lord their God seven days, and to dwell in booths feven days; that their generations might know, that the Lord made the chil

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dren of Ifrael to dwell in booths when he brought them out of the land of Egypt, Lev. xxiii. 40, 42, 43.

And, when our Lord was riding in triumph into Jerufalem, branches were cut down from the trees, and ftrewed in the way, in token of high respect to him, Matt. xxi. 8.

Not to mention the tabernacle, mercyfeat, and the adorning of the temple, in all which woods were highly honoured, is it not by them we correfpond with the different nations of the world? For what are our fhips but inverted woods? and has it not been through their means that the gospel hath been carried to all the kingdoms of the earth? As an echo refounds through the wood, fo through these means the glad tidings of great joy, which began firft to be proclaimed in Jerufalem, have refounded through all the world.

And was it not upon wood our everbleffed Lord and Saviour offered himself an expiatory facrifice for our fins? Let us

then blefs God for the bounties of creation, and for making woods to be fuch a bleffing to man.

As woods have thus tended to the propagation of religion, they have also been made the means of punishing the wicked: Witnefs that from which the two fhe-bears iffued, which tare the forty and two children that impiously mocked the prophet, 2 Kin, ü. 23, 24. And that wood through which the rebellious Abfalom rode, where the oak caught him by the head, and fufpended him between the heaven and the earth, as a monument of divine indignation, and unworthy of a place in either, till Joab came, and thrust him through with his darts; and many a rebel befides, that day the wood devoured, 2 Sam. xviii. 7---15.

Hence we fee, that the moft High who ruleth over all can make the bleffings of creation prove a curfe to the wicked. Whenever I fee an arbour, behold a bush, green branches of trees, or fpecious woods; may they bring these memorable things to my remembrance; and may I think on fuch, and improve them as I ought!

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