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النشر الإلكتروني

Bees are often attacked by wasps and other enemies, which deprive them of life, and bear off their treafures; but blessed be God, though devils and wicked men harafs the faints here much, and often deprive them of their natural existence; yet they cannot rob them of their treasures: No, for they are laid up " in heaven, where nei"ther moth nor ruft doth corrupt, and " where thieves do not break through nor "steal," Matth. vi. 20. All that they do by taking away their lives here, is only putting them out of that which is checkered with many miseries, into an eternal life of joy and happiness, and the full enjoyment of their heavenly inheritance: therefore such enemies, instead of doing them material injury as they intend, do them unspeakable and eternal service, which they intend not.

Samson having gone down to Timnath, came to the vineyards thereof, where, behold a young lion roared against him, and he rent him as he would have rent a kid : the carcase of which, on a time returning thither again, he went to fee, wherein was a fwarm of bees, and honey, which afford

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ed him matter of an excellent riddle, which he put forth to his wedding guests, saying, "Out of the eater came forth meat, and out "of the strong came forth sweetness," Judg. xiv. 5, 6, 8, 12, 14. With how much more propriety may believers say of Chrift Jesus, who came down to this world, and in the garden of Gethsemane and cross of Calvary, bruised the head of the old ferpent the devil, that roaring lion, I Pet. v. 8. and spoiled principalities and powers, making a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it, Col. ii. 15. he hath out of the eater brought forth meat, and out of the strong, fweetness to his people.

He hath done great things for us, Pfal. cxxvi. 3. he hath not spoiled principalities and powers only, but made all the evils of life, perfecutions, afflictions, temptations, and death itself; nay, all things to work together for good to them that love God, Rom. viii. 28.

A strange riddle indeed! that faints should receive benefit from the perfecutions and temptations of men and devils; yet it is certainly true, and affords incomparably more fweetness to the foul of a believer, than the honey which Samson found in the carcase of the lion did to him. Satan's fifting Peter as wheat, Luke xxii. 31. only blew away the chaff of felf-confidence from him ever after. Satan's messenger buffeting Paul, kept him a humble dependent on the fufficiency of God's grace, 2 Cor. xii. 7---9. The perfecution of Joseph's brethren sent him to Egypt for good: and to hasten his great preferment with Pharaoh, the lewd adultress got him cast into prifon. And Mofes was obliged by Pharaoh, who fought his life, to fly from Egypt to Horeb, where he met with God, from which time he became God's vicegerent, Exod. iv. 16. and the redeemer of Ifrael from Egyptian bondage. Saul's perfecution of David prepared him for relishing more the crown, which he afterwards wore: And John was banished from the society of men to the island of Patmos, that he might receive a glorious revelation from God.

These works of the roaring lion proved in the end sweet honey-combs of comfort to all those worthies; and so will trials,

temptations, persecutions, afflictions, and death, prove in the end to all the people of


I perceive there are many of the gayest flowers which these bufy insects pass over, while they alight with apparent pleasure on others much less esteemed for their beauty. Just so is it with true believers; not those empty shews which the men of the world take pleasure in, are their delight; these, like the skilful bee, they flightly pass over, knowing well there is no substantial good to be found in them; while they foar on the pinions of faith, far above carnal enjoyments, and alight with sweet contemplation on the things which are above: on these are their affections set, and from them they gather honey, even spiritual joys and comforts, far more precious to the foul than honey, or the honey-comb: while they look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal, 2. Cor. iv. 18.

All the spring and fummer season, bees delight and are bufied in ransacking flowers and herbs for the delicious sweets; but efpecially do they bestir themselves to activity, that part of the season when the honey dews are to be found: Before, they contented themselves with feeding and loading from herbs and flowers, but now they perch on the trees in fwarms together, loudly buzzing their joys, while they gather honey in abundance.

If any should impede them in their ærial journeys to or from the trees enriched with such dews, how should they be made to smart by their keen stings for such interruptions. In like manner, the faints delight in, and constantly attend on the stated ordinances of grace, but especially do they take pleasure in the more folemn ordinances of the gospel, even in the holy facraments, these peculiar memorials of Christ's love and death: In these precious seasons heavenly dews fall abundantly for the refreshment of his people; then it is believers call forth every grace, in lively exercise: before, they contented themselves with the ordinary institutions of the gospel, these salutary herbs

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