SINGING OF A LARK. 55 wrath of God ready to fall on his guilty head, flies to the man Chrift Jefus, who is as a hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempeft," Ifa. xxxii. 2. the only refuge. Ungrateful man, through an unfeeling heart and wanton cruelty, may give up the innocent bird to the will of its enemy; but will the compaffionate Jefus ever give up to vengeance the foul who hath fled to him for refuge? No: for he hath faid, "Him "that cometh to me, I will in no wife caft out," John vi. 37; and, "whofoever be"lieveth on him fhall not be afhamed," Rom. ix. 33.; and, Can a woman forget "her fucking child, that fhe fhould not "have compaffion on the fon of her womb; yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee." Ifa. xlix. 15. Christ, in effect, faith to fuch a foul, what David once faid to Abiathar, when he fled to him from the fword of his enemy, "With me thou fhalt be in fafe-guard." 1 Sam. xxii. 23. ) CONTEMPLATION III. On a SHEEP-FOLD. UPON the fide of yonder green hill ftands a fheep-fold, the bleatings of its fleecy inhabitants are highly grateful to my car; and no lefs fo do they appear to be to their watchful fhepherd, who, for as early as it is, I behold, with chearful alacrity, mounting the hill, directly towards the fold. He calls to them in a familiar tone; and they feem to know his voice, for their bleatings, grow more clamorous. Now he opens the fold-door, and they ufher out all over the dewy pasture.-There let me a while leave him with his fleecy charge, and take a view of the Church, which is, in Scripture, compared to a sheepfold, John x. 16.; and of her Head, who hath taken to himself the amiable name and character of a Shepherd, Pfal. xxiii. 1. John x. 14. The church, as it were, is fet upon a hill, exposed to the view of all her enemies; but the Lord, her shepherd, is a wall of fire round about her, and the glory in the midft thereof, Zech. ii. 5. fo that no weapon that is formed against her, in the main, ever hath been, or fhall be able to profper, Ifa. liv. 17. The fhepherd of that fold, I was juft now noticing, is a watchful fhepherd; but in this refpect our Lord excels all other shepherds, for he not only attends to the wants of his people early, but he keeps them night and day, left any hurt them; nay, watches over them every moment, Ifa. xxvii. 3. He that keepeth Ifrael flumbereth not nor fleepeth, Pfal. cxxi. 4. their groans, cries, and prayers, are fweet bleatings in his ears, and to them he attends early in every time of need; for he knows their voice, and they know his, John x. 4: 14. whether he speaks to them in his promises or threatenings. E |