صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


that from our Inclination to Society, and from
the Nature and Condition of humane Society
there arifes a necessity of five Vertues to our
everlasting Happineß, p. 136,137, &c. first,

Charity, p. 138, 139, &c. Secondly, Juftice,

p. 148, 149, &c. thirdly, Peaceableness,

p.156,157, &c. fourthly, Modesty, p. 163,

164, &c. fifthly, Courtefie, p. 167,168, στ.


Containing Some Motives and Confidera-

tions to perfuade men to the Practice of these

Vertues; first, the Suitableness of them to

our present State and Relation, p. 172,

173, &c. Secondly, the Dignity of them,
P. 175, 176, &c. thirdly, the Freedom and
Liberty of them, p. 178, 179, &c. fourthly,
the Pleasure of them, p. 181.182, &c. fifthly,
the Ease and Repose of them, p. 184, 185, στ.

fixthly, the absolute Necessity of them, p. 188,

189, &c.

[blocks in formation]

Concerning the Instrumental Duties of
the Christian Life, which is the second fort
of Means necessary to our obtaining of Hea-
ven, as they are necessary to our acquiring and
perfecting the Christian Vertues; in order to
the better Distribution of which, Man is con-
fidered under a threefold Respect to the Chri-

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