صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Archipelago, we would expect to find a little group of the White race on this island to-day. We do find such a white strain. If an east central contingent, moving south


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FIGURE 72. Area of Differentiation of the White Race in the Baltic. (According to Giddings.)

eastward before the on-coming ice sheet, worked its way into southern Siberia we should expect to find throughout this area in later ages groups of white men blended with the Mongolic stocks of eastern Asia. We do find such groups to-day. If a west central wing moved south, it would become broad-headed by intermarrying with the east central contingent which had already become broad-headed by intermarriage, with the Mongolic stocks of Central Asia, and we would expect to find to-day in 16 The Ainus of the Island of Yezo, Japanese Archipelago,

the western Caspian region, the area of the Black Sea and the Danube valley and in the Alpine regions a fair broad-headed type; we do find such a type to-day in this region, the type which we have called the Danubean and the Alpine races. Finally, if we assume that a western wing of this northern people, moving south before the ice front, returned northwestward when the ice receded we should expect to find, as we do in modern times, a definite Baltic area of dolichocephalic blonds."

As the Glacial epochs lasted for thousands of years, the ice must have kept these blond groups separated from one another in an eastern, an east central, a west central and a western area, respectively. In the regions of the Caspian we find neolithic remains, then throughout Assyria, Palestine, Egypt, northern Africa, Spain, France and even southern England we find remnants of neolithic stone structures showing how persistently these areas were inhabited during the Neolithic period.

Then, as the great continental ice sheet melted back and the interglacial period began, men pressed northward to the regions of the Baltic. This Cro-Magnon, long-headed, Eur-African man, migrated to the northern sections of Europe and intermarried with the blond Baltic types. The Baltic peoples, prolific, sent out waves of migration. The Caspian peoples, also rapidly multiplying, sent out waves of migration. The Baltic peoples moving south and southeastward, the Caspian peoples moving south and southwestward, mingled and produced in the course of this process all the varieties of the White race. Professor Giddings maintains that substantially this explanation of the origin of the varieties of the White race is consistent with the known facts.

17 See figure 72.

The problem of the origin of the aboriginal American peoples is as difficult to solve as any racial problem. Professor Keane believes that the early inhabitants of America came by two distinct routes from Asia; by way of Bering Strait, and in late Tertiary times, from western Europe to Greenland and Labrador.18 Probably the route from Europe first was followed by primitive longheaded tribes, and later the route from Asia by round-headed Mongolic peoples. Both of these peoples arrived during the stone ages because we find side by side fossil remains of the two types in southern Brazil and Argentina. "From the undoubted remains of paleolithic man discovered in the same southern regions it would also appear that the long-headed preceded the short-headed race, for no clear traces of a round-headed paleolithic people have yet been anywhere brought to light." 19

The civilization of the races of Europe has spread with wonderful rapidity until it has set the standards of living in the remotest islands of the Pacific as it has determined the culture of great commercial empires. Civilized man has succeeded in subduing many of the forces of nature and in converting natural energy into forms serviceable to himself. He has grown to believe that all peoples who have not gained a similar control of natural forces are to be pitied, that they represent a lower order of intellect and that their culture is a lower order of achievement. This assumption that the European White race is superior to all other races is based upon the remarkable achievements of the White race.20 We conclude that since the civilization is higher, it took a higher grade of mind 18 Keane, op. cit., pp. 362-364,

19 Ibid.

20 Boas, op. cit., p. 2.

to develop it. It is argued that the European has a higher aptitude for achievement than a member of another race, and that this higher aptitude is due to his

[blocks in formation]

FIGURE 73. The Family Tree of the Hominidae. (According
to Giddings.)

mental and physical superiority. Professor Boas does not believe that achievement is necessarily a measure of aptitude for progress or of intellectual superiority.

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