صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


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Differences due to custom- -The importance of social
atmosphere- The individual and collective experience -
How habits and customs originate The force of custom
- Cultural differences entirely due to custom - - The folk-
ways-The mores - Education preserves the group
Perpetuation of custom by suggestion and imita-
The laws of communication - The crowd Condi-
of suggestibility The laws of imitation

Imitation spreads in geometrical progression Contra

imitation-Imitation spreads from above to below-

Imitation is refracted by its media- - Custom and mode

imitation - Imitation a conservative force Formalism.



Race differentiation - Definition of race - Factors of im-
portance in a theory of race —
- The variable White race
- Giddings' theory of race- The differentiation of the


European races The four European races The origin
of the White race in the Baltic region — Aboriginal
American peoples-The achievements of the European
races Achievements due to historical occurrences rather
than aptitude - Importance of assimilation and the
economic factors.

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The means of determining the characteristics of social life
of prehistoric man- Archeological remains - The bond
of kin in primitive society-The Iroquois Indians and
their confederacy - The Iroquois clan-Social organ-
ization of the Iroquois tribes-The Iroquois phratry-
The religious concept of Manitou - Totemism among
primitive peoples - Totemism among the British Colum-
bian Indians The Winter Ceremonial of the Kwakiutl



The Neanderthal Man



Figure 1. Distribution of Stature of American Boys 10 years old. 8 Figure 2. Curve of Distribution


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Figure 6.


Figure 7.
Figure 8.


Figure 9.

Mendelian Inheritance in Four-o'clocks
Diagram of Inheritance of Body Cells and Germ Cells
Hair-tracts on the Arms and Hands of Man, as compared
with those on the Arms and ́ Hands of the Chimpanzee 42
Front and back view of adult Human Sacrum, showing
abnormal persistence of Vestigial Tail-muscles .

Figure 10. Rudimentary, or Vestigial and useless, muscles of the
Human Ear

Figure 11.

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A series of Embryos at Three Comparable and Progres-
sive Stages of Development, representing four divisions
of the class Mammalia

Figure 12. Portrait of a Young Male Child. Photographed from life,
when the mobile feet were for a short time at rest in a
position quite apelike

Figure 13.

An infant, three weeks old, supporting its own weight for
over two minutes. The attitude of the lower limbs,
feet, and toes is strikingly simian

Figure 14. Diagram illustrating the character and relative age of Human remains and the Quaternary deposits in which they have been found

Figure 15.
Figure 16.

Europe during the Period of Maximum Glaciation
An Alaskan Glacier sweeping down the Valley and gouging
out Rock and Stone. A similar situation existed in
many parts of now habitable Europe during the Glacial

Top and Side view of Neanderthal Cranium
A reconstruction of the Neanderthal Type of Skull
The Cranium of the Pithecanthropus Erectus with Tooth
and Thigh bone

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Figure 17.


Figure 18.

Figure 19.


Figure 20.

Figure 21.

The Gorilla, Neanderthal Man and Modern Man compared 63
Comparison of Crania


Figure 22.

Sand-pit at Maure, near Heidelberg, where the Prehistoric
Jaw was found

Figure 23.

Comparison of Jaw of Modern Man with Jaw of Heidelberg
Man and Chimpanzee

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Figure 25. The Grotto Chapelle-aux-Saints, where Remains of Prehistoric Men were found

Figure 26. Diagram of Cro-Magnon Grotto, where Remains of Prehistoric Men were found

Figure 27. Stone Implements of the early Paleolithic Period, Strépyan

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Figure 35.

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Bone Harpoons and Engravings on Bone of the Magda-
lenian Epoch

Figure 36.

Aboriginal Man of the Mousterian Epoch

Figure 37.

Map showing the location of Prehistoric Caves, all of them
ornamented by Paintings and Drawings

Figure 38.

Red Drawing of a Rhinoceros, from Font-de-Gaume

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Figure 41.

Diagram of Frescos on the Ceiling of the Cavern of Alta

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Neolithic Monuments in the New World. A Cliff Palace
of the Cliff Dwellers of Colorado
Silver Amulet against the Evil Eye



Figure 49.

Figure 50.

Figure 51.

Winter in the North. A Winter Topeck in Siberia
Summer in the North. A Summer Topeck in Siberia
Environmental Conditions in the Far North. A Mission-
ary's Winter Trip in Labrador.




Figure 52. The vertical distribution of Climate in the Mountains,
showing how Land-masses raise the Temperature

Figure 53. Topography and Migration, Roads and Trails into the
Western Territory

Figure 54.

Natives adapting their life to dangerous conditions of
existence. A tree-dwelling in the tiger infested jungles
of India


Figure 55. Awe-inspiring Scenery of the Grand Cañon of the Colorado 155 Figure 56. Confidence-inspiring Environment of Greece, the beautiful

Vale of Tempe

with Jungfrau in the distance.


Figure 57. Confidence-inspiring Environment of Greece, Mount Ossa 159 Figure 58. Awe-inspiring aspect of Nature in the Alps. Interlaken

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