Consciousness of kind- - Language Natural selection and group survival — Importance of the bond of union V THE INFLUENCES OF PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT Climate, soil, food, and topography - Man is dependent upon natural surroundings Environment affects the form of the human body - Climate: the selective in- fluence of extremes - Climate affects achievement — Cli- mate and altitude The theory of pulsatory climatic change Climatic cycles Climate and history Temporary changes in climate - Climate affects the mode of life-Topography and migration - Topography and civilization-Topography and isolation-The - Differences due to custom- -The importance of social Imitation spreads in geometrical progression Contra imitation-Imitation spreads from above to below- - - Race differentiation - Definition of race - Factors of im- - European races The four European races The origin The means of determining the characteristics of social life PAGE Totemism among the native tribes of Australia -The magical Intichiuma ceremonies - Initiation cere- monies Magic: imitative and sympathetic — Indian medicine-men - Primitive religion; animism - Theories of the human soul-The religion of ancestor-worship - The economic life of primitive peoples The undeveloped sense of value; no idea of exchange - Exchange originat- ing in gift-giving, propitiation, offering- The origin of a generally acceptable medium of exchange: money competition in primitive society - Hindrances in super- THE TRANSITION FROM TRIBAL SOCIETY TO CIVIL SOCIETY The transition gradual and due to many causes- - Metro- nymic and Patronymic organization of society - Marriage by capture and marriage by purchase - The patriarchal kindred and the pastoral system - The patriarchal kin- dred and the agricultural system - Ancestor-worship and the patriarchal kindred-Tribal feudalism - The five generation group of the patriarchal kindred - The new basis of social organization in allegiance - The change from customary to positive law - The institution of slavery and the creation of a surplus - The growth of markets and the beginnings of commerce LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS The Neanderthal Man Frontispiece PAGE Figure 1. Distribution of Stature of American Boys 10 years old. 8 Figure 2. Curve of Distribution 9 Figure 6. 16 Figure 7. 34 Figure 9. Mendelian Inheritance in Four-o'clocks Figure 10. Rudimentary, or Vestigial and useless, muscles of the Figure 11. A series of Embryos at Three Comparable and Progres- Figure 12. Portrait of a Young Male Child. Photographed from life, Figure 13. An infant, three weeks old, supporting its own weight for Figure 14. Diagram illustrating the character and relative age of Human remains and the Quaternary deposits in which they have been found Figure 15. Europe during the Period of Maximum Glaciation Top and Side view of Neanderthal Cranium 56 Figure 17. 59 Figure 18. Figure 19. 62 Figure 20. Figure 21. The Gorilla, Neanderthal Man and Modern Man compared 63 65 Figure 22. Sand-pit at Maure, near Heidelberg, where the Prehistoric Figure 23. Comparison of Jaw of Modern Man with Jaw of Heidelberg Figure 25. The Grotto Chapelle-aux-Saints, where Remains of Prehistoric Men were found Figure 26. Diagram of Cro-Magnon Grotto, where Remains of Prehistoric Men were found Figure 27. Stone Implements of the early Paleolithic Period, Strépyan PAGE 70 72 73 Figure 35. Bone Harpoons and Engravings on Bone of the Magda- Figure 36. Aboriginal Man of the Mousterian Epoch Figure 37. Map showing the location of Prehistoric Caves, all of them Figure 38. Red Drawing of a Rhinoceros, from Font-de-Gaume 74 77 79 Figure 41. Diagram of Frescos on the Ceiling of the Cavern of Alta Neolithic Monuments in the New World. A Cliff Palace 99 119 Figure 49. Figure 50. Figure 51. Winter in the North. A Winter Topeck in Siberia 127 131 135 Figure 52. The vertical distribution of Climate in the Mountains, Figure 53. Topography and Migration, Roads and Trails into the Figure 54. Natives adapting their life to dangerous conditions of 153 Figure 55. Awe-inspiring Scenery of the Grand Cañon of the Colorado 155 Figure 56. Confidence-inspiring Environment of Greece, the beautiful Vale of Tempe with Jungfrau in the distance. 158 Figure 57. Confidence-inspiring Environment of Greece, Mount Ossa 159 Figure 58. Awe-inspiring aspect of Nature in the Alps. Interlaken 161 |