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" Man has been so noisy about the way he has "conquered Nature," and Nature has been so silent in her persistent influence over man, that the geographic factor in the equation of human development has been overlooked. "
An Introduction to the Study of Social Evolution: The Prehistoric Period - الصفحة 122
بواسطة Francis Stuart Chapin - 1913 - عدد الصفحات: 306
عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

Bulletin of the American Geographical Society, المجلد 41

American Geographical Society of New York - 1909 - عدد الصفحات: 902
...largely because the geographic factor which enters into them all has not been thoroughly analyzed. Man has been so noisy about the way he has "conquered...has been so silent in her persistent influence over rmm, that the geographic factor in the equation of human development has been overlooked. In every...

School Science and Mathematics, المجلد 13

1913 - عدد الصفحات: 914
...development. After even a little thought and investigation, the student agrees with Semple, when she says: "Man has been so noisy about the way he has 'conquered...equation of human development has been overlooked. . . . Man can no more be scientifically studied apart from the ground which he tills, or the lands...

The Maryland Agricultural College Bulletin

University of Maryland (1812-1920) - 1905 - عدد الصفحات: 172
...understanding of man's environment ? Semple tells us that "man has been so noisy about the way that he has 'conquered Nature' and Nature has been so silent...equation of human development has been overlooked," and later reminds us that, never sleeping, geography is ever busy in molding racial destiny, for all...

Report of the ...: Annual Meeting

Ohio Valley Historical Association - 1909 - عدد الصفحات: 142
...largely because the geographic factor which enters into them all has not been thoroughly analyzed. Man has been so noisy about the way he has "conquered...equation of human development has been overlooked. In every problem of history there are two main factors, variously stated as heredity and environment,...

Kentucky in American Letters: 1784-1912

John Wilson Townsend - 1911 - عدد الصفحات: 420
...largely because the geographic factor which enters into them all has not been thoroughly analyzed. Man has been so noisy about the way he has '"conquered...equation of human development has been overlooked. MRS. ANNIE FELLOWS JOHNSTON MRS. ANNIE FELLOWS JOHNSTON, creator of the famous "Little Colonel Series,"...

Introduction to Sociology

Emory Stephen Bogardus - 1917 - عدد الصفحات: 358
...slept." It is also true that man has been so noisy about the way that he has "conquered Nature" and that Nature has been so silent in her persistent influence over man, that the geographic factors in social advance are frequently overlooked. An age-long problem with which mankind has been...

Geography and Man

George J. Schulz - 1919 - عدد الصفحات: 20
...understanding of man's environment? Semple tells us that "man has been so noisy about the way that he has 'conquered Nature' and Nature has been so silent...equation of human development has been overlooked," and later reminds us that, never sleeping, geography is ever busy in molding racial destiny, for all...

Harper's Atlas of American History

Dixon Ryan Fox - 1920 - عدد الصفحات: 192
...largely because the geographic factor which enters into them all has not been thoroughly analyzed. Man has been so noisy about the way he has 'conquered...has been so silent in her persistent influence over men, that the geographic factor in the equation of human development has been overlooked."1 In these...

An Outline of Modern History: A Syllabus with Map Studies

Edward Mead Earle - 1921 - عدد الصفحات: 184
...suggestive rather than rigid and authoritative. Appendix II. MAP STUDIES. The Purpose of Map Studies. "Man has been so noisy about the way he has 'conquered...has been so silent in her persistent influence over men, that the geographic factor in the equation of human development has been overlooked." * Although...

History of West Virginia, Old and New, المجلد 1

James Morton Callahan - 1923 - عدد الصفحات: 772
...trades, than polar bear or desert cactus can be understood apart from rts habitat. Man's relations to his environment are infinitely more numerous and complex...equation of human development has been overlooked. Mountain regions discourage the budding of geniua because they are areas of isolation, confinement,...

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