Teaching Visual Culture: Curriculum, Aesthetics, and the Social Life of ArtTeachers College Press, 22/08/2003 - 189 من الصفحات Offering a conceptual framework for teaching the visual arts (K-12 and higher education) from a cultural standpoint, the author discusses visual culture in a democracy. |
Making Connections | 31 |
Knowing Visual Culture | 63 |
Sociological Perspectives of Artistic Development | 74 |
Developing Conceptions | 83 |
Technological Images Artifacts | 128 |
169 | |
63 | 176 |
181 | |
187 | |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
abstract expressionism advertising aesthetic analysis argue art community art education art history artistic production aspects audience become Blair Witch Project boundaries classroom cognition complex computer games computer graphics connections considered construction contemporary contexts create critical curricu curriculum democratic dents discussed Distributed cognition environment example experience fictional film focus focused formal forms of visual Freedman group assessment help students ideas identity imagery images and objects important increasingly individual influence interactions interpretation involves issues John Malkovitch Kara Walker knowledge mass media Matthew Barney meaning models museum painting perspective portfolios postmodern postmodern art professional programs promote qualities reality recycled reflect relationship representation response result Run Lola Run shape social student art students learn sual suggests symbolic taught teachers teaching visual culture television texts theory thinking tion ture types understanding viewers viewing visual arts visual cul visual forms visual technologies