SPÍRITUAL EXPOSITION OF THE OLD TESTAMENT, (FROM JOSHUA TO THE END OF THE PSALMS;) OR, THE CHRISTIAN'S GOSPEL TREASURE; CONSISTING OF NOTES SPIRITUAL, PRACTICAL, AND EXPLANATORY. IN WHICH IS GIVEN A Key to every Book, TO INFORM THE READER BY WHOM THEY WERE WRITTEN, THE TIME and ILLUSTRATED WITH PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS. BY JOHN ALLEN, *MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL, And Author of the Spiritual Magazine, recommended by the late Rev. Ww. ROMAINE; and other Works. LONDON: Printed by E. Justins, 34, Brick Lane, Spitalfields; for L. I. HIGHAM, 6, CHISWELL STREET, FINSBURY SQUARE, Spiritual Exposition OF THE BOOK OF JOSHUA. SCRIPTURE KEY. THIS book is called, The book of Joshua, which signifies a saviour, or the Lord's salvation, or he shall save: it is so called from the great salvation which the Lord wrought for his people by the hands of Joshua, in which he appeared as a saviour, as he was raised up to be their leader, governor, and captain, by whom they obtained victories over their enemies, and were settled in the inheritance that the Lord had promised them. All which sets forth in a lively manner, the conquest, glory, and salvation of the church by our spiritual Joshua, the Lord Jesus, her victory over all her enemies, and her complete inheritance in the liberty of the gospel, and in heavenly glory. And it seems that Joshua was so great a type of Christ, that some have thought that these words, "My angel shall bring thee to the place I have prepared, my name is in him," to have literally a respect to Joshua, who is twice in the new testament mentioned by the name of Jesus, Acts. vii. 45. Heb. iv. 8. which name denotes the Lord's salvation, because his actions and victories were such a lively figure of the church's warfare and victory by the Lord Jesus, who is the "captain of their salvation." |