صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

this emphatic way (iii. 33): "The more I work, the more I feel convinced that it is by the accumulation of such extremely slight variations that new species arise." That is as much as to assert that, out of an accidental speck of proteine, the accidental pullulation of difference (mere difference) produced, without design, -mechanically, as it were, you and me, the circulation of the blood, the respiration of the lungs, the action of a brain!

But I must break off here: these lectures are now at an end. It was to expound Natural Theology that this place was given me. The proofs for the being of a God are Natural Theology. These proofs I followed historically, on the affirmative side, with some fulness, almost from first to last. On the negative side, I had to make a selection of what history offered me there; but I endeavoured to meet the want by the production of what, on the whole, are generally and publicly esteemed the three authoritative degrees of the relative argumentation.

I beg to thank you for the great attention with which you have always honoured me, and to bid you respectfully, Farewell!

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Confucius, 18.

Consensus gentium, 179.

Constantine, 161.

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Contingency, 69, 111, 112, 125, Empedocles, 134, 219, 270, 384.
126, 260, 305 sq., 351 sq.

Encyclopedists, 120.



Energy, 50.

Engadine, The, 236.
Ennius, 168.

Epictetus, 161.

Epicurus, 23, 158, 271.

Epigoniad, 239.

Erdmann, 72, 142, 186, 192, 281.
Erigena, Scotus, 267, 268, 282.

Essay, The Little Moral Philosophy,

Esse, vivere, intelligere, 25, 319.

Essenes, 167.

Ethicality, 88-91.

Eusebius of Cæsarea, 181.

Evil, 160, 270 sqq.

Existence, 62.

Externalization, 69.

Eye and Ear, 77, 78, 84-87, 95, 101.

FAITH, 16, 215, 217.

Falklands, The, 393.

Families, 364.

Fanciers, 357.

Faroes, The, 393.

Fathers, The, 24, 27, 106, 177, 179,

182, 346.

Fénélon, 25.

Ferguson, 240, 242.

Fichte, 80, 151.

Fielding, 10, 224.

Filament, 360.

Finches, 385 sqq.

Finite, 191.

Fleming, Dr., 183.

Fontenelle, 236.

Forces, 48, 49.

Form, 43, 44, 54, 68, 136, 282, 283,

303 sq.

Franzius, 154.

Freewill, 13.

Froude, 273.

GALAPAGOS, THE, 332 sqq.

Gassendi, 51.

Gaunilo, 185.

Genealogies, 355, 376-400.

Genesis, 37.

Genlis, Mme. de, 145.

George IV., 223.

Germany, 240.

Gibbon, 118, 120, 202, 224, 240,

241, 275.

Gifford, Lord, 3-11, 32, 38, 62, 63,

Gifford, W., 223.

Gnostics, 37, 38, 167.

God, 5, 6, 19, 22, 23, 24, 31, 34,
37, 38, 58, 62, 63, 70, 126, 138,
147, 192, 193, 252.

Gods, Pagan, 28, 29, 98.
Goethe, 93, 119, 121.
Goldsmith, 183, 224, 232.
Good, The, 106, 107, 160.

Gray, Asa, 327, 341, 342, 357, 369,

371, 377.

Grece, Clair, 128, 133, 346.

Gregory of Nyssa, 181.

Grew, 25, 36.

Grote, 67, 267.

HAMANN, 118.

Happiness, 145, 213, 274, 277.

Hearne, 360.

Heavens, The, 77.

Hebrew Scriptures, 18, 19.

Hegel, 45, 187, 280, 319.

Henry, 241.

Heraclitus, 23, 49, 219, 268.

Herder, 118.

Herschel, Sir John, 280.

Hesiod, 37, 40.

Hexaemeron, 25.

Heyder, 154.

Hilary, 347.

History, Course of, 162.

Hobbes, 14, 71, 117.

Hodgson, 74.

Hoffmann, 337.

Holbach, d', 258.

Home, John, 226, 238.
Homer, 153, 172, 225.

Hooker, Sir Joseph, 328, 330, 336,

337, 341, 365, 370.

Horace, 236.

Humboldt, 149.
Hume, 14, 19, 57, 82, 108, 117, 150,
183, 220, 222-285 passim to end.

Hutcheson, 22, 249.

Huxley, 224, 338-343, 370, 371,

Hymu, Aristotle's, 139.

IDEAS, 250 sqq., 299 sqq., 368.

Identity, 103, 279.

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