Sophists-Aufklärung-Disbelief, Simon of Tournay, Amalrich of
Bena, David of Dinant-Italian philosophers, Geneva Socinians,
Bacon, Hobbes, the Deists, Locke, Descartes, Spinoza-Hume,
Gibbon-Germany, Reimarus, etc. -Klopstock, Lavater-Less-
ing, Hamann, Herder, Jacobi Goethe, Schiller, Jean Paul-
Carlyle-France-Kant and his successors-Necessary end of
such movements-Cosmological argument-Locke, Clarke, Leib-
nitz-Aristotle-Dependency-Potentiality and actuality
beginning-Aristotle and design-Mr. Darwin's mistake-Em-
Cicero-To Anselm-The Fathers-Seneca, Pliny, Tacitus-God to
the early Fathers-Common consent in the individual and the
race Cicero Irenaeus, Tertullian, Chrysostom, Arnobius,
Clement of Alexandria, Lactantius, Cyril of Alexandria, Julian,
Gregory of Nyssa, and others, Athanasius-Reid, religion,
superstition-The Bible-F, C. Baur-Anselm-His argument
-The College Essay of 1838-Dr. Fleming-Illustrations from
the essay-Gaunilo-Mr. Lewes-Ueberweg, Erdmann, Hegel-
The Monologium-Augustine and Boethius-The Proslogium-
Finite and infinite-What the argument really means-Des-
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