صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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The difference between changes in germ and body
cells. The uses of the word "heredity."

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The physical differences between groups of men.

Comparison of color of hair, eyes and skin. Stature,
head forms. The study of brain weights. The attempt
to find correlations between physical characteristics and
civilization or the possibility thereof. Difficulty of
finding a pure race." Evidence that all great civiliza-
tions have been made up of mixed peoples. The present
population of Europe and America. The difficulty of
determining racial superiority or inferiority. Good
and bad results of intermixture of races.
The con-

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fusion of physical and social questions.

Various suggested classifications of the human race,

from Linnæus to Giddings.

Appearance of sex in the organic world. Its ap-

parent value. Observed differences between the human
sexes in rate of growth, size, proportions, brain weights.
Physiological differences. Alleged bearing of these
facts on the activities of sex. Is one sex superior?
The desirability of recognizing sex differences. Sum-


Belief and knowledge. The rise of customs. Con-

flicting moralities. Origin of social institutions
through desire to regulate human conduct. Reality of
the social environment. Personal rights. Institutions
not always beneficial. Changing conditions compel re-
adjustments. Change is dangerous. Most important
results not always expected or desired. The conserva-
tive versus the radical.

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Human nature the same in all ages. Progress de-
pends on intellectual development. Difficulty of main-



taining high intellectual standards. The conception of

social evolution. The organic theory of society.

Spencer. The newer attitude of Sumner and Keller.

Social Darwinism.

Theories to account for the rise and downfall of great

civilizations. Exact answers cannot be given. Older
emphasis on personal virtues. Newer emphasis on
social virtues. Certain tests of fitness of a state to
survive. Selection of right crimes. The degree of
protection given the bodies and lives of citizens. The
education of children. The elimination of the unfit.
The ability to readjust to new conditions. Crystalliza-
tion of institutions. Neither race nor environment
alone account for civilization. The failure of panaceas.

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Comparison of weather conditions

Distribution of human energy on the basis of climate

Food relations of aquatic animals.

Mortality yellow fever - Havana

Deaths from tuberculosis and cancer

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Suggested explanation of color inheritance in guinea pigs. 204

Diagram of sex-limited inheritance

The relations between successive generations.

The inheritance of brachydactylism


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