"Like all the Aryans the Germans are born rulers of other peoples. Wherever they appear they are the ruling and socially dominant class. Mastery fulfills their longings and they spend their time in sports, hunting and fighting while the necessary physical labor is left gladly to the underlings or slaves. "Of entirely different type are the mental characteristics of the dark round-headed groups. At the time of the 'folk-wandering' a dark, round-headed folk first appear in the light of history, the Huns. They appear as a race of horsemen from the Asian Steppes: hateful, wild, hideous, fond of booty and blood, cultureless, the terror of the western lands. "Thus the long-heads of German descent appear as the bearers of the higher spiritual life, called by nature to occupy the ruling places as the born defenders of the fatherland and the social order. Their very nature destines them to the aristocracy. Only in slight degree do they possess any business sense. The round-heads on the contrary are in this regard well-equipped. Skilled in every agricultural and technical calling, like trade and finance, they are surpassing farmers, workers and dealers, but at the same time chiefly docile underlings. The gifted among them understand how to organize industrial enterprises and increase their property. Purely scientific pursuits which the long-heads eagerly follow with all the ardor of their natures are far removed from the roundheads, who, nevertheless, understand the practical value of the newer discoveries and are frequently able to bring the squandering long-heads into economic dependence. Their longing for the democratic philosophy of equality is based upon their own mediocrity and their own disinclination, if not hatred, towards greatness which they do not comprehend." 4 Ammon seeks to find evidence for this in the present makeup of the German population. He finds that the city population is more largely of the long-heads and that the upper classes include few of the round-heads. Even if it be admitted that the facts are as stated and many will not admit it - it is possible that there are other explanations, or that this explanation ignores other facts. This claim is one that can neither be proven nor disproven with the evidence at hand. Certain other facts must be considered. Modern Europe has a very mixed population. As Ripley says: "In no other part of the world, save modern America, is such an amalgamation of various peoples to be found as in Europe. History, and archaeology long before history, show us a continual picture of tribes appearing and disappearing, crossing and recrossing in their migrations, assimilating, dividing, colonizing, conquering, or being absorbed. It follows from this, that, even if the environment were uniform, our pure types must be exceedingly rare. We are thus reduced to the extremity in which my friend Dr. Ammon, of Baden, found himself when I wrote asking for photographs of a pure Alpine type from the Black Forest. He has measured thousands of heads, and yet he answered that he really had not been able to find a perfect specimen in all details. All his round-headed men were either blond, or tall, or narrownosed, or something else that they ought not to be." 5 ... It is admitted that there have been many waves of conquering peoples sweeping over Europe and that present social strata were in part determined by such conquests. It might easily happen then that the last conquests were made by a long-headed race who occupy consequently a relatively higher position. To assert that this involves an inherent superiority of the long-head over the roundhead is a very different matter. 4 AMMON, O. Natuerliche Auslese beim Menschen, p. 177 ff. 5 RIPLEY, W. Z. о. с., pp. 107-108. If we apply this test to the various peoples on earth we find some curious combinations. "We are driven to place on the same level the Bushmen and the French of Roussillon, the Teleoutes and the French of the department du Nord, the Nahuquas of Brazil and the French of Perigord and Limousin; the Mordwa, the Tartars and the Votiaks, on the same level as the French in general, the most representative type of European thought and civilization." 6 It must be confessed that there seems to be little evidence shown from every-day life of this alleged superiority. One can only wonder what men like Kant, Laplace, Voltaire, would have accomplished had they been longheaded instead of round-headed. In north Italy more long-heads are reported among the professional classes; in south Italy, more round-heads. Moreover, the claim of superiority for the long-headed raises the problem of accounting for the supremacy of the round-heads for long ages at various times in the world's history. There is no evidence that such superiority is manifested in the very mixed population of the United States today, though we must recognize that careful studies on this point are lacking. I think that Finot is justified in his final statements on this subject: "A conclusion forces itself on us when we compare the results obtained by the measurement of all parts of the head. It is that the skull, which is subject to variations, leaves an impression during its evolution on the face which is only its complement. Consequently, inasmuch as we no longer see about us any races which are clearly defined from a craniological point of view, it is impossible that there can be any such races from the point of view of the other measurements taken from the component parts of the head. The differences among individuals belonging to the same human variety are always greater than those perceived among races regarded as distinct units in themselves. 6 FINOT, J. Race Prejudice, p. 64. "The mixed type constitutes the salient characteristic of modern humanity, especially that of Europe. We shall see later on that this, being the result of a cross-breeding of nearly all the other races, must have with these many traits in common. This is particularly noticeable in the case of craniological variations." 7 Much greater weight is added to these conclusions by the recent work of Professor Franz Boas which seems to show that the skull instead of being as all had supposed one of the most unchanging human characteristics is being modified under American conditions. Just how significant these observations are, only future study can show. Under his direction observations were made of 2,422 (males) and 635 (females) American born Hebrews and of 1,689 foreign born males and 1,253 females. Some Sicilians were also studied but the number is not given. Dr. Boas reports: "The head form, which has always been considered as one of the most stable and permanent characteristics of human races, undergoes far reaching changes due to the transfer of the races of Europe to Ameri7 FINOT, J. о. с., pp. 88-89. can soil. The east European Hebrew, who has a very round head, becomes more long-headed; the south Italian, who in Italy has an exceedingly long head becomes more short-headed; so that both approach a uniform type in this country, so far as the roundness of the head is concerned." "It appears that the longer the parents have been here the greater is the divergence of the descendants from the European type. "The length of the head of the Hebrew is increased; the width of the head and the width of the face decreased. • .. are "Among the Sicilians the changes are, on the whole, of an inverse order. "I think, therefore, that we are justified in the conclusion that the removal of the east European Hebrew to America is accompanied by a marked change in type, which does not affect the young child born abroad and growing up in American environment, but which makes itself felt among the children born in America, even a short time after the arrival of the parents in this country. The change of type seems to be very rapid, but the changes continue to increase; so that the descendants of immigrants born a long time after the arrival of the parents in this country differ more from their parents than do those |