born a short time after arrival of the parents in the United States." 8 Many attempts have been made to find some relation between the angles of the head and mental ability. We are told that the prognathic groups represent more primitive, hence lower, types. These measurements are very uncertain. So Camper at the end of the eighteenth century thought that the human face ranged between 70° and 80°. "Everything which is above this comes under the rules of art, whilst everything which is below this resembles monkeys. If I raise the facial line forward, I have a classical head; if I make it lean backwards, I have the head of a negro." Again we have the highest and lowest groups in confusion. Broca made the angle for the New Caledonians 66.2, for Parisians 65.9, for the native Australians 65.6. The Bretons showed 68.5, the Auvergnats 67.9, the Negroes 68.6. Using the naso-basal angle of Virchow we find the Turks 64.3, the French 65.1, the Kalmucks 65.8, the Chinese 65.9 and the Germans 66.2. It is impossible to discover from these figures any relation between the facial angle and race development. There are also differences in the size of the skulls and their cubic contents. It is difficult to make many comparisons or even statements owing to the fact that the actual number of skulls measured or brains weighed, is often meager. The cranial capacity of the Asiatic Negro has been put at 1260 c.c., of the Bushman at 1331, of the African Negro at 1388. These figures seem high for the cranial capacity of the European is put at 1360, and curiously enough this is no larger than that of the earliest discovered skulls of man. It is stated that the average can soil. The east European Hebrew, who has a very round head, becomes more long-headed; the south Italian, who in Italy has an exceedingly long head becomes more short-headed; so that both approach a uniform type in this country, so far as the roundness of the head is concerned." 8 BOAS, F. Changes in Bodily Form, pp. 7 ff, and 52. 9 FINOT, J. о. с., р. 80. "It appears that the longer the parents have been here the greater is the divergence of the descendants from the European type. "The length of the head of the Hebrew is increased; the width of the head and the width of the face decreased. are "Among the Sicilians the changes are, on the whole, of an inverse order. "I think, therefore, that we are justified in the conclusion that the removal of the east European Hebrew to America is accompanied by a marked change in type, which does not affect the young child born abroad and growing up in American environment, but which makes itself felt among the children born in America, even a short time after the arrival of the parents in this country. The change of type seems to be very rapid, but the changes continue to increase; so that the descendants of immigrants born a long time after the arrival of the parents in this country differ more from their parents than do those born a short time after arrival of the parents in the United States." 8 Many attempts have been made to find some relation between the angles of the head and mental ability. We are told that the prognathic groups represent more primitive, hence lower, types. These measurements are very uncertain. So Camper at the end of the eighteenth century thought that the human face ranged between 70° and 80°. "Everything which is above this comes under the rules of art, whilst everything which is below this resembles monkeys. If I raise the facial line forward, I have a classical head; if I make it lean backwards, I have the head of a negro." Again we have the highest and lowest groups in confusion. Broca made the angle for the New Caledonians 66.2, for Parisians 65.9, for the native Australians 65.6. The Bretons showed 68.5, the Auvergnats 67.9, the Negroes 68.6. Using the naso-basal angle of Virchow we find the Turks 64.3, the French 65.1, the Kalmucks 65.8, the Chinese 65.9 and the Germans 66.2. It is impossible to discover from these figures any relation between the facial angle and race development. There are also differences in the size of the skulls and their cubic contents. It is difficult to make many comparisons or even statements owing to the fact that the actual number of skulls measured or brains weighed, is often meager. The cranial capacity of the Asiatic Negro has been put at 1260 c.c., of the Bushman at 1331, of the African Negro at 1388. These figures seem high for the cranial capacity of the European is put at 1360, and curiously enough this is no larger than that of the earliest discovered skulls of man. It is stated that the average brain weight of male Europeans is about 1380 gr., that of women, 1237. It is said that the weight of the male Negro brain ranges from 974 gr. to 1445, the average being about 1200 gr., while the average of the Negroes enlisting in the Union army was 1331. Again we are at a loss to know what this signifies. If absolute weight has any value the male Negro is more capable than the average white woman, a conclusion which many will hesitate to accept. The brain weight of dwarfs is said to be in some cases 19 of total body weight, but dwarfs are not strong mentally. Among mammals the smaller the animal the larger proportionally is the brain. In the cat the brain is to the body as 1 to 106; in the lion, 1 to 546. Is the lion of lower grade mentally? Until we know more of the brain it would seem to be unsafe to draw any conclusions of inferiority on the part of the groups not now highly developed intellectually. 8 BoAs, F. Changes in Bodily Form, pp. 7 ff, and 52. 9 FINOT, J. о. с., р. 80. Within recent years, we have learned, that individuals show varying degrees of resistance to given diseases. This seems to be due to chemical differences in the blood. Whether this is distributed along racial lines is a matter of some doubt. Again this immunity may be only apparent and due to differences in mode of life and care of the body. As illustrative of the differences which seem to exist we may note: "The predisposition of the negro for elephantiasis and tetanus, his sole liability to the sleeping sickness, his immunity from cancer and his liability to skin diseases in general, together with his immunity from yellow fever and bilious disorders, are wellrecognized facts in anthropology. The Mongolian type appears to be likewise free from inflammatory diseases, and oftentimes from cholera to some extent; as well as from beri-beri, which is so peculiar to the Malay stock that it ... may be traced in the Japanese kakké." 10 Consumption and syphilis appear to curse the white race to an unusual extent. To what extent this idea will be modified as we get fuller information is uncertain. It may well prove that there are differences but each race will seemingly have a sufficient number of diseases left to which it is heir that the death rate will be maintained. It is likewise possible that the different races will be found to react in different ways to climatic influences. Thus the Negro with his larger sweat glands and his skin cool even under tropical conditions may ultimately thrive in the tropics better than the White and may continue to show a higher death rate in the temperate regions. We have now hastily reviewed most of the race differences which have attracted the attention of students. In spite of popular opinion it does not seem possible to classify the races into higher and lower in so far as physique is concerned. In certain regards one group seems to have preserved more of the characters of our ape-like ancestors but in other regards the vaunted white race seems nearer the original stock. It would seem then that all that we can do is to classify the races on any basis that may appeal to us and leave for the future the determination of the question whether any of the things we find are in any way correlated to the development of the brain or the possibility of attaining a high degree of civilization. The preferred basis for the grading of the human races into higher and lower is color. It so happens that the dominant civilizations of today are largely among the lighter colored groups. It is easy to assume that there must be some causal connection between these facts. The 10 RIPLEY, W. Z. о. с., р. 568. |