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Jew and Gentile intermarry? I am not attempting to solve our race problems. I am merely trying to indicate that there is much more involved in them than the mere desire to preserve the purity of the stock on the one hand, or the emotional wish to extend social equality to a group as yet inferior on the other. The intermarriage of two individuals of two races must be considered in the light of their own qualities just as if they were of one group. In other words there are individuals of all grades in all groups. The obvious social difficulties which grow out of the marriage with one of a socially inferior group are enough to make any wise person hesitate before he imposes such a handicap on his children. Particularly is this true when some physical trait like color will serve to mark out the child regardless of its other characteristics. No thoughtful person, then, it seems to me, can today advocate the intermarriage of white and black as a solution of the present difficulties. On the other hand why decree by law that the thing may not occur when it is perfectly possible that in years to come such intermarriage will seem both natural and desirable? Just such a change of sentiment has come as regards the Indian.

There now remains to be considered some of the attempts to classify the various human races. This might be done on a basis of language or any other social institution. We are, however, primarily concerned with the physical side of man so may disregard the other bases. Evidently a complete and accurate classification was not possible before the nineteenth century because of the extent of ignorance of other parts of the world. Indeed it is not entirely possible today. When man appeared, where, whether in one or many places, we do not know. His early wanderings cannot be traced. We know little of the early mixtures that took place, hence we must depend upon the presence of characters which seem persistent.

Earlier peoples were not greatly concerned with outsiders. They called them "barbarians " or "gentiles" or names of like import. They thought that they had been created by other gods and were probably inferior peoples. They thought all sorts of monsters existed only a few miles away from their own centers and sometimes they described them in detail, though not always with accuracy. Indeed the word race was hardly used until the time of Buffon, in the eighteenth century, who employed it to designate a variety developed under the influence of soil and climate and changing as they changed. We are not surprised then that the first classifications were defective.

One of the oldest, taught even today in some places, was based upon the account of the flood and the survival of the three sons of Noah. Shem became the ancestor of the Semites, Ham was the progenitor of the Negroes who were compelled by his sins to have dark skins and be "hewers of wood and drawers of water" while Japhet started the long line of the rest of us, and in some vague way most of the rest of us were Aryans.

Linnæus divided mankind into three great sections: sapiens (educated or civilized); ferus (wild), and monstrosus (monster). Among the sapiens he put the European, whom he describes as light with fair hair and blue eyes and as active, shrewd, inventive, fond of closely fitting garments and respectful to the authority of law; the American, reddish in color with black hair and beardless, stubborn, contented, fond of liberty, who paints his body and is ruled by habit; the Asiatic, with yellowish color, dark hair and brown eyes, whose character is cruel and avaricious, fond of show, likes to dress in flowing garments and is ruled by prevailing opinions; and the African, with his black woolly hair, flat nose and thick lips, who is cunning and indolent, greases his body and is governed by despotism. His conception of the ferus or wild man was apparently gotten from the stories of children who had been taken and reared by animals while his knowledge of monsters is equally vague. Among the last he puts (1) the inhabitants of the Alps who are small, active and timid; (2) those having but one testicle, the Hottentots; (3) the beardless, many American tribes; (4) those with deformed conical heads, the Chinese; and (5) the oblique-headed with skulls flattened in front, the Canadians.

A little later Blumenbach used the word Caucasians to designate the white colored peoples who had originated, as he thought, in the Caucasus Mountains. He made a classification, which with some modifications is still in common


1. The Caucasians: white-skinned, with red cheeks, brown, or brownish hair, round skull, oval face, smooth forehead, narrow, slightly aquiline nose, small mouth, perpendicular front teeth, face symmetrical and agreeable. All Europeans except the Finns and Lapps; Asians to the Caspian, Obi and Ganges and north Africans.

2. The Mongols: yellowish sallow skin, straight thin hair on the head, almost square skull, nose small, upturned, narrow eyes, projecting cheek bones. All Asians except the Caucasians and Malays, Finns, Lapps and Eskimo.

3. The Ethiopians: dark brown skin, dark curly hair, long heads, broad nose with upper jaw prominent, protruding lips. All Africans except those of the north.

4. The Americans: copper color, thin straight black hair, face broad but not flat, skull often deformed. All Americans save the Eskimo.

5. The Malays: chestnut brown skin, black hair, thick and curly; broad nose with thick lips, upper jaw slightly projecting. Malay Peninsula and many of the Pacific Islands.

Such a scheme has definite merit. The groups are few in number and they roughly correspond to certain superficial physical traits like color and to great geographical areas. Cuvier held to three main groups with many subdivisions, while Leibnitz and Kant compromised on four. Agassiz later placed the number at nine and more recent students have claimed that one or two hundred groups would have to be recognized.

St. Hilaire tried to introduce a new basis by classifying men as orthognathic (oval face with vertical jaws, i.e., Europeans); eurignathic (high cheek bones, i.e., Mongols); prognathic (projecting jaws, i.e., Negroes) and eurignathic and prognathic (i.e., Hottentots). F. Mueller sought to find a basis in the hair, making the first division the ulotrichi (woolly-haired) and the second the lesotrichi (straight-haired). It is interesting to note that recently considerable attention has been paid to the hair under the belief that it is one of the very persistent characters.

Huxley admitted four types:

1. The Xanthochroic type: fair with blue or gray eyes, bearded, with much hair on body. Most of Europe, the southern part being filled with brunettes, a cross with some darker type while in the East there is a Mongolian cross.

2. The Mongolian type: short, thick-set, brown skin, black hair, scanty beard, pronounced round skull, small nose, oblique looking eyes. Entire region east of a line from Lapland to Siam. Different types are the American Indians (long-headed), Chinese and Japanese, and Polynesians, probably the results of crosses.


3. The Negroid type: eyes and skin brown or black, hair usually black, short and woolly, projecting jaw. Sahara to Cape of Good Hope.

4. The Australian type: long-headed, prominent eyebrows, unusually large teeth. Tall; skin, chocolate brown; black hair, long and woolly. Australia, Deccan and Hindustan.

It is worth while to present one of the most recent classifications in more extended fashion and for this I have selected that of Professor F. H. Giddings of Columbia University.

I. The Australian-African Group.

Characteristics: black skin, long-headed, jaws projecting, woolly hair, elliptical in cross-section.

Area of distribution: Australia and Africa south of the equator.

II. The Polynesian-European Group.

Characteristics: fair skin, skull neither markedly long nor round, jaws straight, straight or wavy hair, slightly elliptical in cross-section.

Area of distribution: broad zone from Polynesia
north westward through southwestern Asia and
northern Africa and most of the continent of Eu-

III. The Asian-American Group.
Characteristics: yellow or red skin, brachycephalic,
narrow-eyed, lank or straight-haired (cylindrical
in cross-section).

Area of distribution: eastern Asia and western
America, chiefly north of the equator along the
semicircular shore-line of Asia and America.

"The Polynesian-European group occupies at the presert time that zone of territory which extends from

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