incoming white man on, 84; in, in America, among natives 340 Boas, F., 33, 287-289, 375 Bourbons in Spain, 260 Brain, human, 239; weight, 290 Bubonic plague, 133 Buenos Aires, climatic condi- Chromosomes, as determiners of tions, 35 California, big trees in, 44 Camel, 122 Canada, birth and death rates, 334 Cancer, 141 Carbohydrates, 10 Carbolic acid, 130 Carbon, compounds, 9; impor- Carboniferous era, 105 Cattell, J. McK., 341-342 Cell, cytoplasm, 197; definition production from single, 193; Cenozoic age, 184 Chapin, F. S., 181, 306-309 sive, 200; sex-linked, 209 heredity, 204; description of, Climate, distribution of human Clodd, E., 154, 158, 168, 172, Clothing, chief value of, 8, 359 Color, of hair and eyes, 280 Conduct, influence of seasons on, Conklin, E. G., 196, 197 Conservative, the, 370 Co-operation, between different parts of body, 6; of bird life, Copernican theory, 1 Crampton, H. E., 184 in of, on society and population, 339 Divorce, influence of, on society Dog, 120 Earth, changes in physical con- Earthworms, 55 Education, compulsory general, 242; Binet system, 242 Electricity, 109 Electrolysis, 110 Elements, physical, 2 330 Reformation, 163 Crimes, 388 over, Crop zones in America, 23 Crops, damage to, 72 Currents, 16; air, 17 Cytology, 191 Darbishire, A. D., 206 Darwin, C., 55, 171; ideas of, Ellis, H., 316-322, 325, 326, 327, 177 ff., 381 Darwin, E., 167 Date palm, 61 Davenport, C. В., 181, 252 Deaf-mutism, 237 Deafness, 237 Death-rate, gradual reduction, De Candolle, A., 111, 113 Diseases and accidents, influence Embryo, human, 185 Empedocles, 150 Engines, 108 England, birth, death and mar- English sparrow, 90 Environment, influence on man's progress, 274 Epilepsy, 253 Eugenics, negative, 267, 268; Europe, central, agricultural lands, 103; heredity in royal European starling, 90 life of individual, 185; his- France, birth and death rates, Hendrick, B. J., 134 333 Fraser, W. J., 127 Galton, Francis, 228, 229, 266, Genius, common or rare? 270; Geographic conditions, influence | Germ cells, 193; division, 195; Germany, birth and death rates, 333 Giddings, F. H., 306-309, 369 lation, 31 Glacial epochs, 43 Goat, 123 Goddard, H. H., 245-249, 251 Herbert, S., 229 Heredity, in royal families of Europe, 258, 260; meaning of word, 230 Herter, C. A., 56 Hoffman, F. L., 298 Holland, birth and death rates, 333 Hollingworth, Mrs. L. S., 325- 326 Hormones, rôle in body growth, Hornaday, W. T., 77, 85, 90, 91 Hothouses, 116 Huntington's chorea, 239 Industry, modern, effects on so- Inheritance, blended, 207; neu- statistical laws, 228 Kallikak Family, 245, 266 Insanity, causes of, 252; forms | Kropotkin, 65-69 of, 253; and genius, 263, Insects, abundance of, in wet Institutions, crystallization of, Interrelations, between highest Inventions, great changes pro- Iowa, birds in, 78 Kuczynski, R., 335 Lake Michigan, forms of life in, theory, 217 Light, its control of growth, 14; Machine power, development, Malaria, 21, 129 Man, early inventions, 98; early life and conditions, 353; four life, 92; his progress, as in- Marlatt, C. L., 75 267 Marriage rate, in England and Marsh Island, 95 Martha's Vineyard, 238 Mason, O. T., 99 Matches, invention of, 98 Maturity of Indian boy as com- pared to that of American, 357 Mayo, E., 133, 138 McClung, C. E., 208 McCoy, G. W., 134 Mendel, G., 199, 200, 202 Mendelian phenomena, 200ff; in men, 211, 234 Merriam, C. Н., 24 Mesozoic age, 183 Metabolism, 10 Metals, discovery of, 106 Moore, E. C., 181 Morality, different standards, Morons, 244, 251 Moth, brown-tailed, 90; gypsy, 89 Multiple sclerosis, 211 Nature, man's control of, 97 Negro, 34; adaptation to tropics, Negro slaves in South, 31 in, 31 New Zealand, birth and death Night-blindness, 211 Nitrogen, importance of, in soils, 12 Normal-minded man, 241 Novicow, J., 295 Nuts, value of, 114 Occupations, of men, 31 Offspring, and training of par- ents, 218 O'Malley, A., 337 Mice, damage done to crops by, Organisms, as machines, 6 Osborn, 22, 152, 164, 166, 169, 79 |