صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

incoming white man on, 84;
insect life controlled by, 87;
man's ruthless destruction of,
86; migratory, government
control of, 95; predacious, 80;
in U. S., 85; value as food, 119
Birth rate, according to degree
of wealth, 335; checked by race
crossing, 296; difference in
number of boys and girls, 313;
decrease in, 331-334; decrease

in, in America, among natives
and immigrants, 335-336; de-
crease in, in France, 334; fac-
tors affecting, direct, 340;
factors affecting, indirect, 337-


Boas, F., 33, 287-289, 375
Bob-white, 77

Bourbons in Spain, 260

Brain, human, 239; weight, 290
Brenner Pass, 30

Bubonic plague, 133

Buenos Aires, climatic condi- Chromosomes, as determiners of

tions, 35

California, big trees in, 44

Camel, 122

Canada, birth and death rates,


Cancer, 141
Candles, 104

Carbohydrates, 10

Carbolic acid, 130

Carbon, compounds, 9; impor-
tance of, to living organisms, 9

Carboniferous era, 105
Castle, W. E., 210, 221
Cat, domestic, 121
Caterpillars, 181

Cattell, J. McK., 341-342
Cattle, 122; dairy, 127
Caucasian, classified, 277
Celibacy, 338

Cell, cytoplasm, 197; definition
of, 192; discovery, 192; divi-
sion, in forming life, 194; re-

production from single, 193;
sperm, 195, 196; see also Germ

Cenozoic age, 184
Central Asia, 44
Cephalic index, among Ameri-
cans, 282; among Europeans,
283; can cephalic index
change? 287-288; described,
282; social significance consid-
ered, 286, 287

Chapin, F. S., 181, 306-309
Characters, dominant and reces-

sive, 200; sex-linked, 209
Chickens, barred-rock, breeding
of, 209; color inheritance, 202,
origin, 119; varieties of, 124
Child, influence of social condi-
tions on, 331
Child-bearing, among civilized
women, 338
Children, number of, 337
Chloroform, 130

heredity, 204; description of,
193; human, 208; number of,
in animals and in man, 194
Cinchona tree, 112
Civilization, advance of, 374;
decrease in amount of land re-
quired, 102; distinct elements,
365; material basis, 101; suc-
cess of, 394

Climate, distribution of human
energy on basis of, 40; psy-
chical effects, 41

Clodd, E., 154, 158, 168, 172,

Clothing, chief value of, 8, 359
Coal, 13; forms, 105
Coffee industry in Ceylon, 146
Cold storage, 116

Color, of hair and eyes, 280
Colorado beetle, 92
Coloration, protective, 182
Color-blindness, 211
Conception, prevention of, 341

Conduct, influence of seasons on,

Conklin, E. G., 196, 197

Conservative, the, 370

Co-operation, between different

parts of body, 6; of bird life,
67; of plants and animals in
producing and maintaining
life, 55

Copernican theory, 1
Cortex, human cerebral, 239
Cotton, 115

Crampton, H. E., 184
Creation, difficulty


of, on society and population,


Divorce, influence of, on society
and population, 339

Dog, 120
Domestic animals, 119
Dorland, W. A. N., 263
Drummond, H., 61, 343
Drysdale, C. V., 332-334
Dust, influence of, 26
Dwarfs, achondroplasic and ateli-
otic types, 236

Earth, changes in physical con-
tour, 43; composition, 2; ele-
ments in surface, 3

Earthworms, 55

Education, compulsory general,

242; Binet system, 242

Electricity, 109

Electrolysis, 110

Elements, physical, 2


Reformation, 163

Crimes, 388


Crop zones in America, 23

Crops, damage to, 72

Currents, 16; air, 17

Cytology, 191

Darbishire, A. D., 206

Darwin, C., 55, 171; ideas of, Ellis, H., 316-322, 325, 326, 327,

177 ff., 381

Darwin, E., 167

Date palm, 61

Davenport, C. В., 181, 252

Deaf-mutism, 237

Deafness, 237

Death-rate, gradual reduction,
147; of women at childbirth,
130; statistics of various
countries, 334

De Candolle, A., 111, 113
Defects, mental, inherited, 254
Degenerate families, 266
De Vries, H., 198
Dexter, E. G., 35, 36, 37
Diphtheria, 140
Discoveries, by early man, 99
Disease, among plants, 146;
hereditary, influence on so-
ciety, 340; losses in live stock
from, in U. S., 144; preven-
tion of, 131
Diseases, zymotic, 129

Diseases and accidents, influence

Embryo, human, 185

Empedocles, 150

Engines, 108

England, birth, death and mar-
riage rates, 332; population
per square mile, 29

English sparrow, 90

Environment, influence on man's

progress, 274

Epilepsy, 253
Ether, 130

Eugenics, negative, 267, 268;
positive, 269

Europe, central,


lands, 103; heredity in royal
families of, 258

European starling, 90
Evening primrose, 198
Evolution, 177; evidence from

life of individual, 185; his-
torical evidence of, 181; phys-
ical, Drummond's idea, 343;
theological opposition to, 172

[blocks in formation]

France, birth and death rates, Hendrick, B. J., 134


Fraser, W. J., 127

Galton, Francis, 228, 229, 266,
271, 337

Genius, common or rare? 270;
inheritance of, 258; and in- |
sanity, 263

Geographic conditions, influence |
of, on economic and social de-
velopment, 31

Germ cells, 193; division, 195;
human, 266

Germany, birth and death rates,


Giddings, F. H., 306-309, 369
Gilbert Islands, density of popu-

lation, 31

Glacial epochs, 43
Glands, ductless, 6; pituitary, 6;
suprarenals, 6; thyroid, 6

Goat, 123

Goddard, H. H., 245-249, 251

Herbert, S., 229

Heredity, in royal families of

Europe, 258, 260; meaning of

word, 230

Herter, C. A., 56
Hessian fly, 92
Hibernating animals, 47
Hill, J. A., 336

Hoffman, F. L., 298

Holland, birth and death rates,


Hollingworth, Mrs. L. S., 325-


Hormones, rôle in body growth,

Hornaday, W. T., 77, 85, 90, 91
Horse, 123

Hothouses, 116
Hunt, S. B., 297
Huntington, E., 36, 39, 41, 44,
45, 49

Huntington's chorea, 239
Hypotrichosis, 238

[blocks in formation]

Industry, modern, effects on so-
ciety and population, 347, 350
Infancy, increased length, 337;
period, in man as compared to
animals, 357

Inheritance, blended, 207; neu-
rotic, 252; sex-limited, 210;

statistical laws, 228

Kallikak Family, 245, 266
Kammerer, P., 223-224
Keen, W. W., 131, 140
Keller, A. G., 379, 380
Keller, C., 120, 121
Kellogg, V. L., 177, 179
Kirkland, A. H., 83
Koch, R., 128

Insanity, causes of, 252; forms | Kropotkin, 65-69

of, 253; and genius, 263,
Insect pests, aphis, 74; boll
weevil, 73; codling moth, 74;
corn-root worm, 74; damage
done to U. S. crops in 1904, 72;
gypsy moth, 89; Hessian fly,
74; San José scale, 89

Insects, abundance of, in wet
seasons, 22; attacking domes-
tic animals in U. S., 144; serv-
ices in plant fertilization, 60;
social life of, 62; value to man,

Institutions, crystallization of,
391; organized to meet human
needs, 362

Interrelations, between highest
and lowest forms of life, 38
Intestines, flora of, 56

Inventions, great changes pro-
duced by modern, 367; influ-
ence on man, 101; of primitive
man, 98; physical and social
effects, 369; suggested by ani-
mals, 100

Iowa, birds in, 78
Iron, 107

Kuczynski, R., 335

Lake Michigan, forms of life in,
57; temperature, 16
Lamarck, 168; "use and disuse"

theory, 217
Lapouge, G. V., 296-297
Lawton, L., 300-301
Lehr's Genealogy, 271
Leroy-Beaulieu, 335
Life, dangerous types of, 84;
distribution of, 6; relation of,
to matter, 5; stratification of,
in ocean and lake, 26

Light, its control of growth, 14;
in bodies of water, 26
Lighting, by candle, 104; by
coal-gas, 104; by electric light,
104; by kerosene, 104
Linnæus, 164, 165, 303
Lipman, J. G., 54
London, 17
Longevity, heredity of, 254
Lydston, G. F., 265


power, development,

Malaria, 21, 129
Malnutrition, 250
Mammals, 183

Man, early inventions, 98; early

life and conditions, 353; four
characteristics, which give him
supreme place, 184; his de-
struction of plant and animal

life, 92; his progress, as in-
fluenced by environment, 274;
influenced by physical world,
28; inherited characteristics,
211; part of animal kingdom,
177; primitive, 98, 372; time
on earth, 189; types of culture,

Marlatt, C. L., 75
Marriage, necessity for care in
selection in, 269; prohibition,
to stop reproduction of unfit,


Marriage rate, in England and
Wales, 332

Marsh Island, 95

Martha's Vineyard, 238

Mason, O. T., 99

Matches, invention of, 98

Maturity of Indian boy as com-

pared to that of American, 357

Mayo, E., 133, 138

McClung, C. E., 208

McCoy, G. W., 134

Mendel, G., 199, 200, 202

Mendelian phenomena, 200ff; in

men, 211, 234

Merriam, C. Н., 24

Mesozoic age, 183

Metabolism, 10

Metals, discovery of, 106

Moore, E. C., 181
Morgan, T. H., 197, 313
Mongolian, classified, 277
Mongoose, 91

Morality, different standards,

Morons, 244, 251

Moth, brown-tailed, 90; gypsy,


Multiple sclerosis, 211
Musical ability in families, 256
Muskrats, 92
Mutation, 198, 213
Mutual aid, 65

Nature, man's control of, 97
Neanderthal type of skull, 188
Near-sightedness, 211

Negro, 34; adaptation to tropics,
291; classified, 277; racial
purity, 278

Negro slaves in South, 31
Neurotic inheritance, 252
New England States, occupation

in, 31

New Zealand, birth and death
rates in, 333

Night-blindness, 211

Nitrogen, importance of, in soils,


Normal-minded man, 241

Novicow, J., 295

Nuts, value of, 114

Occupations, of men, 31

Offspring, and training of par-

ents, 218

O'Malley, A., 337

Mice, damage done to crops by, Organisms, as machines, 6

Osborn, 22, 152, 164, 166, 169,


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