A SPRING-DAY: OR, CONTEMPLATIONS ON SEVERAL OCCURRENCES WHICH NATURALLY STRIKE THE EYE IN THAT DELIGHTFUL SEASON. BY JAMES FISHER. I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings. For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone ; Edinburgh : PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, BY JOHN MOIR, ROYAL BANK CLOSE; SOLD BY OGLE AND AIKMAN, EDINBURGH; IN GREAT BRITAIN. 1806. 1 TO LADY DOUGLAS OF KELLHEAD. 1332 MADAM, YOUR exemplary character for benevolence, with every other Christian virtue, so long the ornament of your worthy Ancestors, together with the honour of the Douglas Family, being so well known, anticipates any thing that might come from my pen on these subjects. All I have to observe is, that I think myself highly honoured in being allowed to dedicate the following sheets to your Ladyship; which, next to Divine Providence, I commit to your patronage. And that that Almighty Being whose goodness appeareth so conspicuous in Spring, may bless you and yours, is the sincere wish of, i |