Critiques and AddressesD. Appleton, 1873 - 317 من الصفحات |
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admit Anchitherium animals appears Arctogæal atolls Australian become believe Berkeley body Britain carbonic carbonic acid Carboniferous Carnivora Cetacea characters coal consciousness coral polypes Darwin denomination distance distinct doctrine of evolution doubt dry land Education Department encircling reefs Eocene ethnology evidence ex nihilo existence fact faculties fauna favour fermentation fringing reef Gauls give rise hair Hipparion ideas Islands kind knowledge Labyrinthodonts language laws less living London School Board Mammalia mammals mankind matter means Mesozoic mind Miocene Miocene epoch Mivart moral motion natural selection Negritos organisms origin pain Permian phenomena physical physiology plants Polygenists possess present Professor Haeckel proposition Quarterly Reviewer question reason religious formulary remains School Board scientific sensations sense skull society species sporangia spores structure Suarez substance substantial forms sugar suppose surface tactile teaching theology things tion Triassic true Ungulata views Xanthochroi yeast
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 43 - No religious catechism or religious formulary which is distinctive of any particular denomination shall be taught in the school.
الصفحة 14 - The commonwealth seems to me to be a society of men constituted only for the procuring, preserving, and advancing their own civil interests. Civil interest I call life, liberty, health, and indolency of body; and the possession of outward things, such as money, lands, houses, furniture, and the like.
الصفحة 274 - The teleological and the mechanical views of nature are not, necessarily, mutually exclusive. On the contrary, the more purely a mechanist the speculator is, the more firmly does he assume a primordial molecular arrangement of which all the phenomena of the universe...
الصفحة 5 - Citizens, we shall say to them in our tale, you are brothers, yet God has framed you differently. Some of you have the power of command, and in the composition of these he has mingled gold, wherefore also they have the greatest honour; others he has made of silver, to be auxiliaries; others again who are to be husbandmen and craftsmen he has composed of brass and iron; and the species will generally be preserved in the children.
الصفحة 296 - The particular bulk, number, figure, and motion of the parts of fire, or snow, are really in them, whether any one's senses perceive them or no ; and, therefore, they may be called real qualities, because they really exist in those bodies. But light, heat, whiteness, or coldness, are no more really in them, than sickness or pain is in manna. Take away the sensation of them ; let not the eyes see light or colours, nor the ears hear sounds ; let the palate not taste, nor the nose smell ; and all coilours,...
الصفحة 13 - But though men when they enter into society give up the equality, liberty, and executive power they had in the state of Nature into the hands of the Society, to be so far disposed of by the legislative as the good of the society shall require, yet it being only with an intention in every one the better to preserve himself, his liberty and property (for no rational creature can be supposed to change his condition with an intention to be worse...
الصفحة 292 - Some truths there are so near and obvious to the mind, that a man need only open his eyes to see them. Such I take this important one to be, to wit, that all the choir of heaven and furniture of the earth, in a word all those bodies which compose the mighty frame of the world, have not any subsistence without a mind...
الصفحة 15 - No opinions contrary to human society, or to those moral rules which are necessary to the preservation of civil society, are to be tolerated by the magistrate.
الصفحة 292 - ... so near and obvious to the mind that a man need only open his eyes to see them. Such I take this important one to be, viz. that all the choir of heaven and furniture of the earth, in a word all those bodies which compose the mighty frame of the world, have not any subsistence without a mind; that their being is to be perceived or known...
الصفحة 315 - ... and if he were demanded, what is it that solidity and extension inhere in, he would not be in a much better case than the Indian before mentioned who, saying that the world was supported by a great elephant, was asked what the elephant rested on ; to which his answer was, a great tortoise : but being again pressed to know what gave...