صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني










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Absalom and Achitophel, publication of, 173.
Alaric and his Goths, siege of Rome by, 256.
Alford's (Dean) article Cyrenius' in Dr. Smith's
Dictionary of the Bible, 267.

Alnwick's (Bishop) review of the ancient state of
Lincoln Cathedral, 123.
Antwerp, defences of, 15.

Army (English), its present state, 296; the
changes in the art of war due to improved
arms, and to railways and telegraphs, 297;
the intelligent use of modern firearms now
indispensable besides personal gallantry, ib.;
application to war of the two great modern
discoveries, the railway and telegraph, ib.;
the nation's defenceless condition, ib.; Mr.
Cardwell's retrenchments, 298; small amount
of forces available, 299; three things neces-
sary in the constitution of an army, ib.; the
reserve force, ib.; defencelessness of rivers
and cities, 300; necessity of reorganizing the
army, ib.; proposals for army reform, 301,
302; proposals embodied in the Army Regu-
lation Bill, 302; annual sums paid to honorary
colonels, for army agents, for distinguished
services, and to widows, 303; benefits of the
purchase system, 304; army enlistment, 305;
laws of the ballot for the militia, ib.
Arnold's (Dr.) St. Paul and Protestantism,' 231;
denies that the victory of Dissent will be that
of religious freedom, 234; Nonconformist ob-
jection to his manner as a writer, ib.

Belgium, defensive strength of, 18.
Beranger's place among song-writers, 116.
Bismarck (Count), public and private life of, 38;
in early life called 'Mad Bismarck,' 39; affray
in a beer-house, 41; the ground-tone of his
character ußpis, ib.; characteristic revenge on
Count Thun, ib.; observations on Bismarck's
policy by M. Renan and Sir A. Malet, 42, 43;
his participation in the Federal Execution'
on Denmark, 43; contrasted with Napoleon
III., 44; chief feature of his speeches, 45; re-
pudiates Parliamentarism as a master while
using it as an instrument, 46; his Boswellian
chronicler Hesekiel, ib.; Pan-Teutonism, ib.
Bonzes, massacre of, and destruction of their
temples, 291.

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Bounty Fund (Royal), triennial grants of, 230.
Buddhism and Catholicism, external resemblance
between, 287; the Devil's imitation of Chris-
tianity,' ib.; its two great sects, ib.
Buddhist priests or Bonzes, 291.

Burgh (Hussey de), fragment of his oratory,

Byron's alteration in English Bards' from
praise of Lord Carlisle to censure, 169.

Cæsarism, revival of German, 193.
Cannock Chase recommended as the site of an
arsenal, 18.

[blocks in formation]

Castlereagh (Lord) attacked by Plunket, 103;
supposed allusions in Plunket's speech, ib.;
reply to him of Teeling's mother suing pardon
for her son, ib.; his character advanced in pub-
lic estimation as it has become known, 104.
Cathedral life and work, 121; prebendaries, 124;
constitution of an ancient chapter, ib.; neces-
sity of renewing the vitality of cathedrals,
130; revival of cathedral institutions for clergy
training, 131; for instruction in pastoral care,
132; to create a staff of free preachers, 133:
preparation of the order of readers, 134: school
inspection, 135; hospital service, ib.; recon-
struction of a cathedral system on a liberal
and popular basis, 136; applicability of the
institution to modern ends and needs. See

Catholics on the Malabar coast, 289; their re-
ligion a degenerate graft on the trunk of
Paganism, ib.

Cavendish's principles of Whist, 30, 38.
Census (Roman) preceding the birth of Christ,

Chabot's professional investigation of the hand-
writing of Junius, 177; elaborate reports on
the handwriting of Sir Philip Francis, Lady
Temple, and Lord George Sackville, 179.
Chancellors of Ireland, Lives of the, 86; archi-
episcopal chancellors, 88.

Chénier's life and songs, 114.

Cherizy, German barbarity in burning the vil
lage of, 83.

Christie's (W. D.), life of the first Earl of Shaftes
bury, 155; merits as a biographer, 155, 156;
editions of Dryden's works, 173.

Church and Nonconformity, 231; impulses to-
wards change from without and within, ib. ;
broad distinction between the two forms of re-
ligious organization, 232; Nonconformist sup-
port of Liberal ideas, 233; the victory of dis-
sent not that of religious freedom, right, and
improvement, 234; the two fundamental alle-
gations of Nonconformists against the Church,
236; the idea realised for ages of a Church
historic and inherited, 237; preference of the
genius of the Church for uncontroversial re-
ligion and a not too definite theology, 238;
the two great Puritan doctrines, 240; com-
parison of Anglican and Nonconformist theo-
logical literature, 241; superiority for a re-
ligious position of a public Church above pri-
vate religious association, 242; a long-tried
and settled system contrasted with a com-
petitive and aggressive proselytism, 244; ob-
jections to a dogmatic Church examined, 245;
the division in the Church does not, as a mat-
ter of fact, destroy unity, 245, 246.

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