CONTENTS LEADING ARTICLES A Program of Reform. By Barclay W. Bradley.. Byways of Roman Verse. By B. W. Mitchell.. The Present Status of Latin Text Criticism. By B. L. Ullman. The Greek in English. By E. L. Miller... Juvenal as a Humorist. By F. S. Dunn.. The Classical Element in Gray's Poetry. By Grace H. Macurdy. The Oral Method of Teaching Latin. By G. Lodge Some Reflections on the Teaching of the Classics. By C. Knapp.. What and Why in Greek and Latin Composition. By A. L. Hodges. The Lucretian Theory of Sense Perception. By R. B. English......... Religion and Morality in High School Latin. By F. B. Meyer.. Graecia Capta. By Herbert Weir Smyth....... Robert Herrick, the English Horace. By Elizabeth H. Haight... A Chapter from an Unpublished Latin Syntax, with Prefatory Discussion. Why Study Greek? By C. H. Weller.... Latin and Greek for Students of French. By Caroline Sheldon.. American Scholarship. By Paul Shorey... PAGE. 106-109 122-127 130-132 138-141 146-148 154-158 178-181, 186-189 By Walter Hul- 194-196, 203-205 211-214 226-230 SHORTER ARTICLES Some Reflections on the Pronunciation of Latin (abstract only). By F. F. Abbott. Important Excavations at Pergamum, Sardis and Didyma. By D. M. Robinson. The Classics and Citizenship. By C. S. Warren The Classics and Science. By LaRue Van Hook A Mycenaean Lion Hunt Illustrated by Nandi Warriors. A Lesson from Gray's Elegy. By K. C. M. Sills Caesar and the Central Plateau of France. By M. S. W. Jefferson.. Sir Oliver Lodge's Commencement Address on the Value of Greek, 1-2; Professor Manatt's Plea B. 162-163 79 5-6, 79 6-7 47 45-46 62 Bennett, J. I.: see Reviews, Pearson.. Bradley, B. W.: Caesar B. G. 2.11 again..... 79 Chapter from an Unpublished Latin Syn- 109-111, 143, 167, 183 of the Middle West... 201-203 of New England..... 185-186 of Pittsburgh.....103, 190-191 of Washington..... Dr. Osler on the Thinking of the Greeks 89 115-116 Dr. Super on Learning Foreign Languages 105 |