صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

cal body, vitally united to Christ the head, animated by one spirit, even as they are call'd and embark'd in one hope of the heavenly glory, the great scope and end of their calling: Having one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in them all: and as to lesser differences, forbearing one another in love, and endeavouring to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace.

XXXIII. I believe that baptifm, and the Lord's fupper, are the only facraments of Christ's appointment under the gospel; to continue in force to the end of time, the initiating and confirming seal of the new covenant, in which covenant all that are competently instructed, and credibly profess their faith and repentance, and so their willing confent thereto, are, by the washing of water in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, to be admitted as visible members of Chrift's church; and also in the same manner, their infant offspring, as the promise is to them, and to their children, which is to be done but once. But baptized, adult believers are often to partake of the facramental bread and wine, the communion of the body and blood of Christ, for their spiritual nourishment and growth in grace; and doing this in remembrance of their Lord, Shew forth his death till he come.

XXXIV. I believe the immortality of the soul, and a future state of rewards and punishments, as to both eternal: That it is appointed unto men once to die, and the business of their lives to prepare for it. That at death, the fouls of penitent, persevering believers, being made perfect in holiness, do immediately enter into the joy of their Lord; whilst the fouls of the wicked, that have no part in Christ, are cast into hell, the place of torment, referved with apoftate spirits, to the same judgment.

XXXV. I believe that God hath appointed a day wherein he will judge the world in righteousness, by our Lord Jesus Chrift, the man whom he bath ordained, whereof he hath given affurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.

XXXVI. In order to which, I believe that in that day there shall be a refurrection of the bodies of all, both just and unjust, agreeable to the fcriptures and the power of God; and all nations and perfons shall be gather'd before the tribunal of Chrift, as final judge of quick and dead. And tho' the righteous and wicked here live mix'd, he will then divide the one from the other, placing the righteous on his right hand, and the wicked on the left, as a shepherd divideth bis sheep from the goats. After which, as King, from his glorious throne, he will bespeak his friends on his right hand in the most endearing manner, faying, Come ye bleffed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you, from the foundation of the world. And with a voice like thunder pronounce this dreadful doom on those on the left, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the Devil and his angels: Upon which execution shall be swift, and these shall go away into everlasting punishment, wrath beyond expreffion great, and never to end: But the righteous into life eternal, and so shall be

ever with the Lord.


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These things, as fetch'd from the bible, I again refer to it as our standing rule, the form of found words by which all others are to be tried, and as far as found in that word of truth, and agreeable to it, being the word of God who cannot lye, with an unfeigned affent, I fay I believe.


And in teftimony that I do so, I moreover by a deliberate free consent and choice, take this God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, to be my God: The Author of my being, to be my reconciled Father; and Jesus Chrift for my Lord and allfufficient Saviour; the Holy Ghost for my fanctifier, teacher, guide and comforter; and the holy fcriptures for the rule of my faith, defires, and walk: And repenting of all fin, of nature and life, I likewise devote and give up myself to God, in a perpetual covenant never to be forgotten, to be his own, his subject, his fervant, to love him above all, and live to him, and for him; refolving in his ftrength to watch and fight against all the temptations of the Devil, the world, and flesh, and follow the Captain of my falvation in faith and holiness even to the death: relying on his facrifice and interceffion, power, and grace, to bring me to everlasting life and glory.

Thus as a chriftian I defire to lay hold of the gospel for my own foul; and as a minister would not be ashamed to publish it to others, it being the power of God to falvation to every one that believeth. In order to this, as Chrift hath purchased his church with his own blood, and will gather and build it by his word and fpirit in the mouths of his servants whom whom he will call and send; to him for the fervice of his church, I dedicate my strength, my life, my all, to be employ'd where, and how, and as long as he fees good.

And the Lord grant! I may find mercy to be faithful in the ministry I am here in the appointed way to receive from him, in a serise of the account to be given to him; that after I have preached to others, I'myself may not be a caft-away: But taking beed to myself, and to my doctrine, may be able to give up my account with joy, in the presence of our Lord Jfus Chrift, at his coming.

In his name I humbly go forth to the awful work, on him I depend for afssistance, acceptance, and all my fuccefs: O my God, Redeemer and Sanctifier ! Let my own and hearers eternal falvation eternally redound to the praise of the glory of thy grace. Amen, and Amen.


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I. OF the Existence of God.


Divine Revelation the Reafon of Faith.

III. Of the Trinity.

IV. Of the Creation of the World.


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