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النشر الإلكتروني

to receive, and so as, with the highest vouchsafements, to leave them under a conviction of the truth of what he declares in his word, viz. That this is not their rest, Mic. ii. 10.

Earth, at best, will not be heaven; nor are the joys of paradise to be expected in a wilderness. There is, and ought to be a difference between the way and the end; between travellers and paffengers, and such as are at home in their own country, in their father's house. This is not your reft, nor can it be, because it is polluted. Sin has set this world at so great a distance from God, and rendered it so disagreeable to him, that all whom he designs to make happy in himself, he will have out of it, into a fitter state.

In a fense indeed, such is God's love to his people, he is pleased to come down to them now, having a way wherein to manifest himself unto them, so as not unto the world, John xiv. 22, 23. This is a great privilege, which they have reason to entertain with thankfulness. But their chief happiness will begin with their being taken up to him, feparated from fin and finners, and plac'd about the throne; and for this they are to wait. 'Tis a truth, tho' a most astonishing one, and hence propos'd by way of interrogation, with an air of adoring wonder, will God in very deed dwell with men on the earth? 2 Chron. vi. 18. On a spot so vile, in a place become so like to hell? The answer is, he will: he condescends to this thro' the mediation of his fon, who hath received gifts for men, Pfal. Ixviii. 18. to prepare hearts even among the rebellious, in which the most high and holy God might not refuse to take up his C 4


residence. But his dwelling with any here, whom grace hath turned into living temples, is in order to their dwelling with him in glory. All tends upward in his design, with which the children of the kingdom are to fall in.

Christ gave himself for our fins, that be might deliver us not only from, but * OUT of this prefent evil world, according to the will of God even our father, Gal. i. 4. Hence all that have known the power of bis refurrection, and the fellowship of bis fufferings, being made conformable to kis death, Phil. iii. 10. so as to become his disciples indeed, are faid, not to be of the world, even as he was not of the world, John xvii. They are strangers and pilgrims on the earth, in faith, and hope, and holy diligence, feeking a better country, that is a heavenly; and under this character it is that the bleffed God comes and joins them, to bear them company, and direct them thither,

They have his presence in the influence, and graces, and sometimes the comforts of his spirit; and thus he walks and talks with them, to relieve and sweeten the way: But at the end he will take them home to his house, to the manfions there prepared for them, where he will open to them his glory, and let out his love, in a manner they were never before able to bear, so as that they shall feel themselves happy, and have their fouls drawn forth, in the highest raptures of love and thankfulness, joy and praise, saying, Lord, 'tis good to be here, this is heaven,


* So the original admits, and perhaps directs us to read, ὕπως ἐξελήται ἡμᾶς ἐκ τὸ ἐνεσῶτον ἀνῶναι πονηρά.

This is what the believer has not yet reach'd,

but is in purfuit of, making after. He often lifts his eyes to heaven, and as often says, as denoting the posture of his foul with reference to it, bleffed are they that dwell in the house of God, Pf. lxxxiv. that glorious one prepared above; they will be still praising him, and this at another rate than any here can do. With these he defires and longs to join, and the stronger those defires are, the more grievous will be his present distance. Whoever can be unconcerned at this, a child of God has no greater burden, than that he knows God no better, loves him no more, is yet so unlike to him, so unprepared for the heavenly world and life, as to what he is there to be, and do, and see, and enjoy. Comparing his state here, with theirs within the vail, he can't forbear venting an undissembled groan, at the long remove he sees himself off, in a sense of the imperfection he finds himself under.

Well, tho' not in poffession of the blessedness referved in heaven, nor perfect as to our meetness for it, we have abundant encouragement to trust our dear Redeemer for both, for both to give up ourselves to him. For this cause he is the mediator of the New Testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the tranfgreffions that were under the first, they which are called might receive the promise of the eternal inheritance, Heb. ix. 15. This as he purchased by his blood, is promised for his fake: the promife is confirmed by an oath ; that by two immutable things in which it is impoffible for God to lye, we might have strong confoconfolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold on the hope fet before us, Heb. vi. 17, 18.

This Jefus, after the expiation and purchase he has made, for opening the kingdom of heaven to all that believe, is in quality of forerunner for us enter'd into it, that our bope may enter after him, into that which is within the vail, and prove an anchor to the foul both fure and stedfast.

'Tis his dying request, with the greatest vehemence offer'd to the Father, that the head and members might be together, and none dear to him left at a distance from him. Father, I will that they also whom thou bast given me be with me where I am, that they may behold my glory, John xvii. 24.

He plainly declares it his design in going to heaven, to make all the provision necessary in order to their coming; and that it should not be an ineffectual journey, or loft labour; that he would take care, that every one of his followers should fee and reap the advantage of it; so as to have no reason to complain that he called them to their loss, or that they trusted him to their disappointment. In my father's house are many mansions; if it were not fo, I would have told you : I go to prepare a place for you: and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself, that where I am, ye may be also, John xiv.

The glory referv'd in heaven, I Pet. i. 5. is ready to be reveal'd, and he has the grace and power in his hand to carry on and compleat our mectness for it, and preserve us to it. He is the author and finisher of our faith, and of every other grace,

grace, and the Lord of glory, Heb. xii. 2. so that in this we may be confident, that he who hath begun a good work in us, will go through with it, with an eye unto the day of Jesus Chrift, Phil. i. 6. when it shall be produc'd perfect, and shewn to his praife.

He has the dominion of the unfeen eternal world, and the command of the passage that lets into it. At what time, or from what place foever a foul expires that belongs to him, among the vast numbers that through death as a wide and open gate are crowding out of this into an endless state, he knows his own, and is ready to receive it, and shew himself a merciful and faithful high prieft, in all that then and there we shall need him in, and are to truft him for. If now we were to go to God, it stands full to our use, he now appears in the presence of God for us, Heb. ix. 24. Thơ 'twill be of no advantage to others, it ought to be a comfortable thought to believers; as bound for eternity, put off when they will, they may be fatisfied their Redeemer is never out of the way.

Holy fouls, upon their being abfent from the body, shall be with Chrift, which is far better; and the body likewife comes within his charge, as he declares, This is the father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me, I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day, John vi. 39. The perfected spirit shall have its own body suited to it, and thus he will shew every one of his people the path of life, that which leads to the prefence of God, where there is fulness

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