صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

DISC. faith gives them confidence towards God,


and teaches them, without hypocrify, to
pray for the second Advent of Christ. For
although in that day "he cometh with
"clouds," yet God's promife is, that when-
ever he brings his cloud" over the earth,
his bow fhall be in the cloud," the fure
token of the "everlasting covenant of mer-
"cy between him and all flesh." And ac-
cordingly, when Ezekiel and St. John faw
Christ upon
his terrible throne, he appeared
encompaffed with a RAINBOW, to teach us
that even the throne of judgment is encir-
cled by mercy, which rejoices against judg-
ment. All the cries of defpairing nations,
the thunders of heaven, and the horrible
noises of the perishing earth, shall not keep
thofe, who have been indeed the difciples
of Jefus, from hearing a voice faying unto
them, "Come up hither." Yea, and they
who in faith and patience have waited for
the Lord, as the prophet Ifaiah speaks,
"fhall then renew their ftrength, they
"shall mount up as eagles." They shall
afcend to meet their Redeemer in the air,



and the eye of faith shall sted fastly behold DISC. the glories of the Sun of Righteousness. Marvel no longer then that the church fo paffionately defires the manifeftation of Chrift. Marvel not that fhe fhould fay, COME! when the Advent of him to whom she speaks is to be the day of her efpoufals, and the day of the gladnefs of her heart; the end of her Saviour's fufferings, and her faith; a day of triumph, and everlasting felicity. Let the men of the world lament, for their joy is ended, and their forrows beginning; but let the redeemed be glad, for their forrows are at an end, and their joys beginning. Let the "tribes of the "earth mourn," but "let Ifrael rejoice in "him that made him, and let the children "of Sion be joyful in their king." For the trumpet which proclaims the deftruction of the ungodly, declares at the same time the falvation of the righteous. When that trumpet founds throughout the land, the eternal jubilee is begun. There is liberty for the captives, and the opening of the prifon doors, even the gates of the grave,


DIS C. for thofe to come out, who lie there in


darkness, and in the fhadow of death; and every child of God is free to return to his poffeffion and inheritance, and to the family of his heavenly Father. When they who have loved the world, instead of him whom the world crucified, and trufted in the false glory and riches of earthly Babylon, shall stand weeping and wailing, to "fee the smoke of her burning, saying,


Alas, alas, that great city, that was "clothed in purple, and fine linen, and

fcarlet, and decked with gold, and pre"cious ftones; how in one hour is fo

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great riches come to nought?—What faith the Spirit to the church? « Rejoice "over her, thou heaven, and ye holy Apof"tles and Prophets, for God hath avenged

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you on her." And what faith the church herfelf?" The kingdoms of this world "are become the kingdoms of our Lord "and his Chrift, and he fhall reign for "ever and ever. Hallelujah, for the Lord "God omnipotent reigneth. Let us be glad, and rejoice, and give honour to


« him for the marriage of the Lamb is DISC. "come, and his wife hath made herfelf "ready."


And now, my brethren, whofe heart does not burn within him, when he hears the melody of the celeftial choir chanting forth the praises of their victorious Redeemer, round his glorious throne? Is there a fingle perfon here, whofe foul has not a defire and longing to enter into the courts of the Lord, and to bear his part in. the never-ending chorus? But know, O man, whofoever thou art, that haft this defire and longing, know thou must be penitent upon earth, before thou canst be a faint in heaven. Thou must be holy in time, if thou wouldeft be glorious in eternity. Acquaint now therefore thyfelf with God, and be at peace with him, thyself, and all mankind; thereby, and thereby only, fhall good come unto thee at thy latter end. Stop not thine ears, and harden not thine heart against instruction, when it is the day of trial and probation

DISC. in the wildernefs.


Receive now, I pray

thee, the law of the Moft High; retire, and meditate upon it, and lay up his words in thy heart; nor fuffer the world to rob thee of that wisdom which is more precious than rubies, and to which all the things thou canst defire are not to be compared. Fear not, neither be dismayed, because of the multitude of thy paft tranfgreffions, which present themselves to thy troubled confcience, and fet themselves in array against thee. God can forgive, if thou canst repent. Nay, he will "give thee repentance "unto life," if thou wilt request it of him. If thou return to the Almighty, thou fhalt yet be built up, and, impoffible as it may appear, thou shalt put away iniquity far from thy tabernacle: thou fhalt cease to do evil, and learn to do good: thou shalt cast off the works of darkness, and put on the armour of light, now in the time of this mortal life: thou shalt have thy delight in the Almighty, and lift up thy face unto God: thou fhalt make thy prayer unto him, and he fhall hear thee; he shall not


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