209 But our Evangelist saw more. He was DISC. one of those who attended their Master on VII. the mount of transfiguration, and to whom was vouchsafed a glimpse of that excellent glory, which the WORD "had with the "Father before the world was," and with which the humanity, by him affumed, is now for ever invested. The Divinity, enshrined within, communicated it's radiance outwardly to the body, and even to the garments, till mortality seemed to be swallowed up of life; "His face did shine as "the fun, and his raiment was white as "the light." The "Lord our God be" came exceeding glorious, he was clothed " with majesty and honour, he decked him"self with light as it were with a gar "ment." And if we reflect upon the manner in which it pleased the Father to exalt and ennoble the most abafing circumstances of his life and death, by the choir of angels that defcended to celebrate his birth; the new star which appeared in the skies, guiding VOL. I. DISC, ing the eastern sages to Bethlehem; the VII. voice which answered him from heaven, in the audience of the Jews; the preternatural eclipse of the fun at his crucifixion; recollecting, at the same time, the triumph of his refurrection, and the manner of his afcenfion in the prefence of his disciples; all these particulars confpire to declare the glory not of a servant, as Mofes, but of a Son, of " the only begotten;" a glory not of magnificence only, or one beset with terrors, like that at Sinai, but bearing towards man, in every instance, a benign and moft friendly aspect; as the fame bright luminary, which rises in glorious majesty upon the earth, gives life, health, and gladness to all it's inhabitants. "We beheld "his glory, the glory as of the only be"gotten of the Father, full of grace and " truth." find " In a fubfequent verse of this chapter, we grace and truth" set in oppofition to the Mosaic law. "The law was given " by Mofes, but grace and truth came by "Jefus " Jesus Chrift." The law was the dispen- DISC. sation of justice, auftere, rigorous, inflexi-VII. ble. "He that doeth these things, shall " live in them;" and, " Cursed is he that " continueth not in all things that are "written in the book of the law, to do "them." The Gofpel is the difpenfation of mercy, mild, gracious, forgiving, saying to the unhappy tranfgreffor of the law, " Believe in the Lord Jesus, and thou shalt " be saved." The law could only make fin known, and, by consequence, aggravate it's guilt; the Gofpel can pardon fin, and abolish it's guilt. Such is the contraft between the moral law and " grace." The ceremonial stands opposed to " truth," not as being falfe, but figurative. "The " law had a fhadow of good things to "come; but the body," the substance, the reality, the truth, pointed at, and delineated by such a shadowy representation, "is of Christ." The blood of bulls and goats, for instance, was offered, but it could not take away fin; it was never intended so to do; it was " a figure for the " time 02 DISC. VII. " time then present," designed to direct the faith of the offerer to it's correspondent truth, namely, the blood of Meffiah, to be afterwards shed for that purpose. In itself, the law was ineffectual, and, of course, if refted in, proved fallacious and destructive. 66 But the words, as they stand in the text, may be taken in a more extended sense, comprehending the whole world, which, at the time of Christ's advent, was in a state of error and condemnation. The two blessings, therefore, of which it stood most eminently in need, were, grace and "truth;" grace to deliver it from condemnation, and truth to correct it's errors. Both these God by Christ did vouchsafe to bestow upon it. “He hath made us accept"ed in the Beloved," remitting our fins, and receiving us to favour. He hath also shewn us the true and the right way, enabling as well as directing us to walk therein. Grace, without truth, can only mock us; truth, without grace, can only affright us. 213 VII. us. But when grace hath brought us to DISC. him, truth will keep us with him: and through grace we shall accomplish what truth requireth at our hands. " Surely his "salvation is nigh them that fear him, " that glory may dwell in our land. Mercy " and truth are met together, righteousness " and peace have kissed each other '." With wonder, gratitude, and joy, therefore, let us reflect upon the honour done us by the WORD being MADE FLESH. Our nature is exalted to the throne of God; there is a MAN in heaven! The disciples beheld Christ's glory in the days of his humiliation; but eye hath not feen, nor ear heard, neither hath entered into the heart of man to conceive the glory with which God hath now invested " that " body which it hath pleased him to make "his own; that body wherewith he hath " saved the world; that body which hath "been and is the root of eternal life, the " instrument wherewith Deity worketh, |