صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

" far from seeming low, that it would give "most discourses that force and beauty "which they generally want; fince the "hearers can never be instructed or per" fuaded in the mysteries of religion, if you " do not trace things back to their fource.

" For example-How can you make " them understand what the church says, "after St. Paul, that Jesus Christ is our

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PASSOVER, if you do not explain to "them the Jewish Passover, which was "appointed to be a perpetual memorial of " their deliverance from Egypt, and to ty"pify a more important redemption, that " was referved for Meffiah ?

" Almost every thing in religion is hif"torical. The best way of proving it's "truth, is to represent it justly; for then "it carries it's own evidence along with "it. A coherent view of the chief facts " relative to any person, or transaction, " should

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" should be given in a concise, lively, close, " pathetic manner, accompanied with fuch " moral reflections as arise from the several "circumstances, and may best instruct the "hearers.

"A preacher ought to affect people by " strong images; but it is from the Scrip" ture that he should learn to make power" ful impreffions. There he may clearly " discover the way to render fermons plain " and popular, without lofing the force " and dignity they ought always to poffefs.

"If the clergy applied themselves to " this mode of teaching, we should then " have two different forts of preachers. " They who are not endowed with a great " share of vivacity, would explain the " Scripture clearly, without imitating it's

" lively and animated manner; and if they

" expounded the word of God judicioufly,

" and supported their doctrine by an ex

“ emplary "emplary life, they would be very good " preachers. They would employ what "St. Ambrose requires, a chaste, fimple, " clear style, full of weight and gravity, " without affecting elegance, or despising "the smoothness and graces of language. "The other fort, being of a poetical turn " of mind, would explain the holy book " in it's own style and figures; and by that " means become accomplished preachers. "The former would instruct their hearers " with folidity and perfpicuity; the latter " would add to this instruction the fublimity, the vehemence, and divine enthusiasm " of the Scripture, which would be (if I may so say) entire and living in them, as "much as it can be in men, who are not " miraculoufly inspired from above."

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This, Reader, is the model which I have chofen, and after which I have humbly endeavoured to work. I count not myself to have attained-Far, very far indeed from

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from it; as you will too foon discover. I have not yet been able by any means to fatisfy myself; nor can I hope to fatisfy you. I have done as well as I could; and know not that it will be in my power to do betNobler and more extensive ideas rise before me; but planning and executing are very different things. Time hastens forward; and life, attended with it's cares, perhaps it's forrows, will quickly have run it's course. Accept such as I can give, and pardon errors and imperfections. I stand at the door of the temple, with my torch. If you would view it's glories, enter in, and there dwell for ever.

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