PRINTED FOR W. WINTEREOTHAM, AND SOLD BY J. RIDGWAY, YORK STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, ADVERTISEMENT. THIS Edition of Dr. Gill's Body of Divinity was undertaken at the desire of several evangelical Ministers, in the establishment, and amongst the Dissenters, who were desirous of again bringing before the Public a Work-which enters into-fully explains—and ably defends the whole system of evangelical truth--a Work in which the opinions of the Ancient Fathers and Churches on all the principles, doctrines, and duties of Christianity are critically examined and candidly stated, as are likewise the opinions of the most celebrated Philosophers, who have been the opponents of Divine Revelation. The high estimation in which this work has been, and still is, held by the friends of vital Religion, may be inferred from the numerous Subscribers to the Quarto Edition, (among whom are the most learned and judicious advocates for Christianity) and from the avidity with which Copies of that Edition have been sought after, notwithstanding the high price they have borne. This Edition is, therefore, recommended to the Friend as well as to the Opponent of Evangelical Truth; it containing every argument that can be brought forward in support of, or in opposition to, the doctrine that holds forth to Man, Salvation through the mediation and atonement of Jesus Christ. →→ That it may be a means in the hands of Providence of promoting the cause of truth and holiness, and of establishing the professing Christian in the doctrines and duties of the Gospel of Jesus, is the sincere wish of STATE SIDE OF NEWGATE, Nov. 5th, 1795. THE EDITOR. |